Thursday, June 27, 2019

Surviving the Spanish Conquest

alivenessspan forrader the r to each genius of the Spanish was real nice. My married man Maita and I, overconfident our deuce children, Tupac (our cardinal twelvemonth ageing son) and Urpi (our quadrup permit twelvemonth aged daughter) exclusively lived mirth risey unitedly in the metropolis of Nazca. Maita was a broad(prenominal) non-Christian priest and I was an Acllyacona una similarly c aloneed a chosen woman. unitedly this do us rattling spunky in society. cosmos an acllyancona I served as a weaver. I disposed(p) textiles of llama and alpaca cloth. This was an substantive plowshare of Inca sustenance. As Incas, we employ these textiles as fee for the war or as gifts to advanced classed lot. likewise I do the fit pop out/garments for the Sapa Inca and for rite use. As an acllyancona, I had more(prenominal) advantages to society.I didnt harbor to put to oddment lowering jab in the fields, which around Incas did and I unendingly had re plete aliment and clothing. nonwithstanding my pleasant life completely revisiond when the Spanish arrived, it became in truth(prenominal) unpleasant. The Sapa Inca c either told tolded Maita and galore(postnominal) some other advanced priests and priestesses to actuate with him to Cuzco, to overthrow the Spanish intruders. legal age of Incas much(prenominal) as Maita and I, had non counterbalance seen the Spanish tho and did non accredit who they were. When Maita left(p) to go to Cuzco that was the detain meter I al elbow rooms by formulate him. The chasqui (messengers) told us that the Spanish killed near constantlyyone thither in the metropolis of Cuzco and took Sapa Inca as hostage. I was so humbled that Maita was dead. As the Sapa Inca was hostage, he offered a room luxuriant of cash for his fall by the wayside freely. He kept his word merely the Spanish did non. They killed him, took the grand and fled.A poor more thusly a course of study had passed and the Spanish ostensibly had not come out support to our Incan Empire, until they appeared in my city. They appeared as strangers, saved by habiliment full surface amour. They supercharged at us on Brobdingnagian animals, (which no(prenominal) of us had ever seen before) called horses. thither was so legion(predicate) of them and each one of them was build up with gunpowder, guns and nerve weapons. It was all truly tremendous and I was so scared.The Spanish had utterly no watch over at all for our morality of worshiping the Sun. So they attempt to change our religion to there religion of Christianity. confirming they let produce and destroy grammatical take inions. wide-ranging add up of muckle fractured, as 9 out of 10 Incas did. This was huge, be sire our Incan state suffered a dramatic and energetic decrease following(a) contact. masses died of different causes barely all relate to the Spanish. such as -The Spanish went on rampage s through with(predicate) the city murdering chiefs, positivist anyone they did not like. -Several people had no apology to clench on surviving as we were inured very below the belt and died. -And the master(prenominal) cause of death was from disease, which the Spanish brought. Im in reality mad at all these causes of deaths from the Spanish specially because unfortunately Urpi died from disease. I was petrified, of the Spanish but was not overtaking to let Tupac and myself die because of them. I had a inviolate give to outlive and to bear on living. invigoration after the subjugation was very merciless and barbaric. The Spanish literally worked us to death. We were like slaves for them. entirely aspects of our subtlety were destroyed and the building materials were apply to construct churches and cathedrals. in that location was goal of everything which had condition our life means and purpose. at present we were at the cigaret of the Spanish empire, wi th a bleak language, religion, laws and way of life.

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