Monday, June 3, 2019

Parenting Styles in early childhood

Parenting Styles in early on childhoodParenting Style as a Mediator amid Childrens Negative Emotionality and Problematic Behavior in Early ChildhoodAbstractParenting style is of particular interest in the prejudicial randy growing leading to difficult behavior in children. This paper evaluates explore pore on the impact parenting has on childrens controvert behavior. The objective was to determine the affects of authoritative and tyrannic parenting as it relates to electro ban behavior in children. Comparisons will be made to several studies showing similar results. The objective, procedures and results will be evaluated to determine the strength of the look into conducted and the validity of the take in. Even with bounds, the enquiry does in fact support that authoritative parenting which is firm but loving is much effective at helping children not act unwrap than is authoritarian parenting, which emphasizes compliance and conformity.IntroductionAnyone who has ever s pent time with preschool children knows that the lives of such boyish people are marked both by negative emotions and by performing out (often expound as temper tantrums). two are typical and age appropriate. However, in addition age appropriate to the preschool age group is the need to begin to learn how to regulate their behavior. While young children have some energy to be self-regulating (as opposed to infants), they lack the cognitive and emotional skills to be able to do so on their knowledge in every consistent matter. Thus one of the t conducts of parenting preschool-aged children is to help them learn to separate negative emotions from negative actions.Key to this march is teaching children that negative emotions are perfectly acceptable. The parenting style that is best geared to teaching both aspects of this that negative emotions are immanent but that negative acting out is not acceptable is the authoritative parenting style. In contrast, an authoritarian par enting style can be fundamentally harmful to the process of teaching young children to honor but contain their negative emotions such as anger, fear, and dislike.Authoritarian parenting is marked by the parents having very gritty expectations of compliance to the rules that they adorn into place and a high level of conformity to the parents beliefs. Authoritarian parents tend to give commands rather than explanations. Authoritative parents also practise standards and hold expectations for their children but also allow an appropriate amount of independence on the part of the child and allows for questioning and discussion.Statement of the problemThe problem explored in by the research focused on here is how may parents help young children learn how to separate their negative emotions (especially anger and frustration, both very common and entirely acceptable emotions at this stage of life). Parents may often find themselves both angry and frustrated at the child who turns around and bites a friend on the playground or who collapses onto the grocery store floor when denied an especially sugary treat and respond in much the same way as their children yelling back and losing their own tempers. This is hardly an effective response.The most effective response, according to the research examined here, is for parents to help their children understand their emotions, put words to those emotions, and to find appropriate ways to act out their emotions perhaps by tearing paper into small pieces, building up towers of blocks and knocking them over, etc. Parents who help their children separate negative emotions from negative actions are authoritative, allowing children to ask questions and receive honest answers. Parents who insist on compliance and conformity tend to exacerbate their childrens negative behavior.The hypothesis that this paper examines is the following An authoritative parenting style helps abase negative behaviors in preschool children that are ass ociated with negative emotions.Literature ReviewThe research summarized here to the full supports the idea that parents using an authoritative style are to a greater extent successful at helping their children reduce their negative behaviors than are parents using an authoritarian style. Paulessen-Hoogeboom et al (2008) put together that while young children will act out in negative ways at times regardless of parenting style (this is only to be expected at this developmental stage), authoritative parenting helped reduced this behavior. In other words, that the relations between child negative emotionality and internalizing and externalizing behaviors were partially mediated by mothers authoritative parenting style (p. 209). Moreover, when the authors used confirmatory factor digest to decontaminate possible overlap in item content between measures assessing temperament and toughened behavior, the association between negative emotionality and internalizing behavior was fully med iated by authoritative parenting. (p.209)The researchers used the following definition for authoritative parenting Authoritative parenting is characterized by a combination of high warmth, firm but clear control, and the use of explanations and reasoning (p. 212). They sight 98 male and 98 female children from two and a half to four years in Dutch day care centers. They assessed the parents style of interaction with their children and determined how effective authoritarian and authoritative parents were in terms of helping their children disconnect negative emotions from negative externalization. They found that there was a statistically positive correlation between authoritative parenting and childrens ability to disconnect negative feelings from negative actions.The study attempts to provide insight by measuring maternal perception of their children as it relates to their problematic behaviors both internal and external. In an effort to fill in gaps that exist in previous resea rch studies, the focus was on 3 year old toddlers. In collaboration with child health centers in Holland, 196 preschool children and their mother were randomly selected through a letter distributed to 750 families from the health center. The researchers bewilder out to find direct associations on negative emotions and higher levels of negative emotionality based on authoritarian parenting compared to authoritative parenting. The study intended to indirectly relate problematic behavior to the type of parenting style. Lastly, they wanted to show the association between decreased levels of SES in relation to the level of authoritative parenting and the internalizing and externalizing behaviors. (Figure 1, 2008)FindingsPaulessen-Hoogeboom et al (2008) hold us with a number of key findings that have such pervasive implications for parenting. All toddlers engage in behaviors such as biting, hitting, screaming, or otherwise acting out. Such behaviors arise as a result of negative emotion s. Parents often find these behaviors hard to deal with along with other children and other caregivers. The response by others in the childrens world may be highly negative itself and may thus provoke special negative feelings, which in turn provoke additional negative behaviors. This is a cycle that is bad for all concerned.Paulessen-Hoogeboom et al (2008) further validated the finding of others that an authoritarian parenting style is aimed at getting children to stop these negative behaviors by commanding them to follow parental orders. However, they also found, such a parenting style ignores the underlying emotions and so is ineffective in preventing the negative behaviors involved. Authoritative parents spill the beans with their children about these emotions, help them understand that such emotions are natural and appropriate, and that there are wear ways to express these feelings that will not be seen as negative by others. It is this key part acknowledging emotions whil e helping children disconnect emotions from actions that makes authoritative parenting effective in reducing negative actions.In other words, parents and young children can work together (with the far greater amount of work being done by the parents, of course) to create a positive feedback system in which children learn to value their emotions while moderating their behavior.The next important finding by Paulessen-Hoogeboom et al (2008) was that whatever elements of personality or temperament are innate, any inborn tendency to act out negatively is far less important than parenting style in terms of the behavior of children. IN other words, Paulessen-Hoogeboom et al (2008) found that authoritative parenting can overcome innate tendencies in children to act out. This is a very important finding for parents and other caregivers.In this longitudinal study, research showed that while young children will act out in negative ways at times regardless of parenting style authoritative pare nting helped reduced this behavior. (Paulessen-Hoogeboom, et al, 2008) employ correlation and covariance showed in preliminary analysis there was no significant differences in the mean scores based on gender or birth-order variables. utilise a variety of statistical analysis tools including chi-square, AGFI to measure the amount of variance and covariance the results indicated a good fit. The adjusted model, which omitted certain paths, resulted in removing the authoritarian parenting from the model. This revealed a negative association between emotionality and maternal authoritative parenting. (Figure 2, 2008)DiscussionThe study sets out to determine possible cause and link to childrens negativity emotionality and problematic behavior through a sample drawn from the general population. There was evidence that a childs negative emotions and problematic behavior is related to parenting and is mediated by authoritative parenting from the maternal parent. This research is echoed by o thers and in fact substantiates the body of research in this area. Similar findings were reported by Kochanska, Murray, Coy (1997) found that mothers who scored high on sensitivity measures and responded quickly to requests made by their toddlers (that is, mothers who used an authoritative parenting style) were effective in limiting negative behavior on the part of their children. Both sensitivity and speed in responding to requests were made in response to childrens expressing negative emotions in words The maternal response emphasized and supported the childrens use of communicatory expression rather than physical acting out when the child felt negative emotions.In this longitudinal study, one year after the researchers initially observed the toddlers, they found that the children rated higher on cooperativeness and prosocial behavior than did children who had parents with a less antiphonal style.Kochanska, Murray, Coy (1997) found that both outgoing and shy toddlers benefited from a responsive but firm parenting style. This finding is important because it suggests that parenting style can at least in some measure trump temperament or personality, or Different socialization experiences can predict the same developmental outcomes for children with different predispositions, and a given socialization experience can predict divergent developmental for different children.Another study that that the groundwork for the work by Paulessen-Hoogeboom etal was Clark Ladd (2000). In observing kindergarten-aged children and their mothers, they assessed the level of mutual warmth, happiness, reciprocity, and engagement. (They used these terms to operationalize the concept of authoritative parenting.) They found that children and mothers who scored high on all of these measures (and who thus met the requirements for an authoritative family) scored much higher on positive behavior regardless of internal emotional state. Both teachers and peers described these children as being more empathetic, more socially accepting and acceptable, as having more friends, and as having more harmonious relationships with both other children and adults.The body of research in this area was confirmed and consolidated by Paulessen-Hoogeboom et al (2008). All three of these studies find clear, significantly statistical results between an authoritative parenting style and the ability of young children to contain negative emotions in an appropriate way. Paulessen-Hoogeboom et al (2008) summarized their findingsThe finding that an authoritative parenting style mediates the relations between negative emotionality and problematic behaviors underscores the richness of providing effective parenting support to parents who have difficulties in dealing with their young childs negative emotionality on a daily basis.When parents can be trained and advance to react to their childrens negative emotionality in an adaptive way, parent-child interactions may become more enjoyable, thereby reducing the occurrence of problematic behaviors and preventing more serious behavioural problems later in life (Campbell, 1995 Patterson, 1982). We note that even in general population samples, a substantial percentage of children (up to 10%) may develop internalizing- and externalizing-behavior problems in the clinical range. (p. 226)In any research, you must consider any limitations that may affect the results of the study. In this study, there were several limitations to be noted. The correlation design set limits on the causal interpretation, some findings may be accounted for based on genetics, there was a not a diversity in socioeconomic backgrounds and the study only focused on one parent. The findings also revealed a significant association between increased negative emotionality associated with less supportive parenting and was more prevalent in lower socioeconomic backgrounds. (Paulussen-Hoogeboom, Stams, Hermanns, Peetsma, 2007).ConclusionThe findings of Pauless en-Hoogeboom et al (2008) reveal that young children can be helped by authoritative parenting to disengage negative emotions from negative behavior. This is a lesson that has immense value for the entire lifespan. Through authoritative parenting, mothers were able to help them understand that such emotions are natural and appropriate, and that there are better ways to express these feelings that will not be seen as negative by others. These findings are consistent with other studies that have been done. The study is not without limitation but still successfully supports the hypothesis presented.ReferencesGrazyna Kochanska,Kathleen Murray,Katherine C Coy.(1997). Inhibitory control as a contributor to conscience in childhood From toddler to early school age.Child Development,68(2),263-277. Retrieved February 23, 2010, from Career and Technical Education. (Document ID12543990).Karen E Clark,Gary W Ladd.(2000). Connectedness and autonomy support in parent-child relationships Links to ch ildrens socioemotional orientation and peer relationships.Developmental Psychology,36(4),485-498. Retrieved February 23, 2010, from Research Library. (Document ID56531644).Marja C Paulussen-Hoogeboom,Geert Jan J M Stams,Jo M A Hermanns,Thea T D Peetsma.(2007). Child Negative Emotionality and Parenting From Infancy to Preschool A Meta-Analytic Review.Developmental Psychology,43(2),438. Retrieved February 23, 2010, from Research Library. (Document ID1249797641).Paulussen-Hoogeboom,M.,Stams,G.,Hermanns,J.,Peetsma,T.,van den Wittenboer,G..(2008). Parenting Style as a Mediator Between Childrens Negative Emotionality and Problematic Behavior in Early Childhood.The Journal of Genetic Psychology,169(3),209-26. Retrieved February 23, 2010, from Research Library. (Document ID1548809441).

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