Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Social Networking Dos and Donts Essay -- Facebook, Social Network

Social Networking sites and application are an increasingly entwined part of our everyday lives. We use them to communicate with friends and family all over the globe, to chat with friends down the star sign to decide where to eat, to network for jobs, and to connect with others with similar interests. However, much like any other part of the internet, neighborly networks can be frought with serious security risks, two for your person, and your data. Many social networks will tell you that the more you put into them (your information), the more you get out of them (connections, recommendations, etc.). However, despite the aura of privacy they try to engender, one mustiness keep in mind that social network takes place in essentially public space, with only the barest of mechanisms providing any semblance of privacy. Even seemingly innoxious data shared with the world can be dangerous in the wrong hands. The best attitude to take in order to enjoy the benefits of social networkin g, while minimizing the inherent risks, is to remain SKEPTICAL and CAUTIOUS. SKEPTICAL of any requests for...

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