Friday, May 31, 2019

Elizabeth Rex in comparison to Fiddler On The Roof :: Essays Papers

Elizabeth Rex in comparison to Fiddler On The Roof more than specifically, the comparison to be made is between twain of Brent Carvers performances in the aforementioned plays.In Fiddler, Mr. Carver presented us with a humble, lovely and yet poor milkman (Tevye), quite pleased with what he has, merely always hoping for a little bit more money in his purse (as he says, If I were a rich man). What makes his character all the more lovable is his monologues with the Almighty/God (as well as the audience), for this is where the pureness of his heart shines through. For example, he stops to think and speak with God when he sees his daughter Tzeitel in love with Motel. The two had made a pledge to marry one another, but Tzeitel became betrothed to a butcher named Lazar Wolf. In this brief (and musical) contemplation, Tevye weighs the two choices he has, and finally comes to the conclusion that marrying Motel would be mouch better for his daughter, ultimately scoring points with the audie nce.In Elizabeth Rex, however, Carver brought to life an entirely different character with Ned a homosexual confined to playing womens roles and cursed to die from a pox condition to him by his lover. Ned is also a heartwarming character at times, showing his companionship with the other characters and with his pet bear, but at other times, he challenges both the audience and the queen of England. The first indication that Ned was much more than any other character usually seen on stage was his entrance. He ran up on stage yelling obscenities (Shit Shit You rutting bitch) and throwing his shoes because one of his fellow actors had flubbed a line. But when the queen appeared, his attitude became more grim and clever. He dared her to stop playing the man for once and be true to herself.

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