Friday, May 31, 2019

Elizabeth Rex in comparison to Fiddler On The Roof :: Essays Papers

Elizabeth Rex in comparison to Fiddler On The Roof more than specifically, the comparison to be made is between twain of Brent Carvers performances in the aforementioned plays.In Fiddler, Mr. Carver presented us with a humble, lovely and yet poor milkman (Tevye), quite pleased with what he has, merely always hoping for a little bit more money in his purse (as he says, If I were a rich man). What makes his character all the more lovable is his monologues with the Almighty/God (as well as the audience), for this is where the pureness of his heart shines through. For example, he stops to think and speak with God when he sees his daughter Tzeitel in love with Motel. The two had made a pledge to marry one another, but Tzeitel became betrothed to a butcher named Lazar Wolf. In this brief (and musical) contemplation, Tevye weighs the two choices he has, and finally comes to the conclusion that marrying Motel would be mouch better for his daughter, ultimately scoring points with the audie nce.In Elizabeth Rex, however, Carver brought to life an entirely different character with Ned a homosexual confined to playing womens roles and cursed to die from a pox condition to him by his lover. Ned is also a heartwarming character at times, showing his companionship with the other characters and with his pet bear, but at other times, he challenges both the audience and the queen of England. The first indication that Ned was much more than any other character usually seen on stage was his entrance. He ran up on stage yelling obscenities (Shit Shit You rutting bitch) and throwing his shoes because one of his fellow actors had flubbed a line. But when the queen appeared, his attitude became more grim and clever. He dared her to stop playing the man for once and be true to herself.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Frankenstein Essay -- English Literature Essays

FrankensteinThe novel begins in a frame narrative Robert Walton, the tribal chief of a ship, recounts his adventures through a series of letters to his sister back in England. Walton encounters superior Frankenstein in the seas near the North Pole and is told his story, and the major array of the novel consists of Frankensteins narration of his strange adventures. Victor tells Walton of his early life in Geneva and his close relationships with his cousin, Elizabeth Lavenza, who had come to live with his family when her mother died, and his friend Henry Clerval. Victor eventually goes to the university at Ingolstadt and begins to study natural philosophy and chemistry. During this time, he becomes consumed by the desire to discover the secret of life and finally succeeds. He fashions a putz out of old body parts and animates it one night. However, the creature appears so horrible that he runs away, allowing the creature to escape. Shortly afterwards, Victor is preparing to return to Geneva when he receives a letter from his father telling him that his youngest brother, William, has been murdered. Victor hurries family and, on the way, sees the monster in the woods and becomes convinced that the creature murdered William. He arrives home to find that Justine Moritz, a girl who had lived for some time in the Frankenstein household, has been accused of the murder. She is tried, condemned, and executed, despite her assertions of innocence, and Victor becomes despondent a...

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Descartes Meditation One Essay -- essays research papers

Descartes Meditation OneBeing a foundationalist, Descartes needs to destroy the foundations ofhis beliefs so that in his Meditations he will be able to build upon newfoundations of undeniable and self evident truths. In order to do this Descartesmust first find a valid argument that will allow him to doubt his foundationbeliefs and in turn doubt what is considered to be reality. He begins by firstnoting that one gouge not trust their own senses, because we piece of tail be deceived byour sciences. An example of such would be if one looks at an optical illusion,they are seeing something that is not really there, and therefore are beingdeceived by their sense of sight. But this is not enough to justify doubting allthings, so Descartes offers a contrastive approach, the Dream Argument.The Dream Argument is essential in because it allows one to logicallyquestion not only the senses but their surroundings and actions as well.Although one can doubt that what they see or hear is not rea lly as is perceiveda person can not deny that they are for instance, standing, thought about howtheir senses are deceiving them, with their feet planted on the ground, in theirbedroom, feeling a little tired and so on. Only if one was, as Descartes writes,..insane, whose brains are stricken by such an unrelenting vapor of blackbile.. that they believe they are something other than what they are, would onedoubt reality, without an...

Social Networking Dos and Donts Essay -- Facebook, Social Network

Social Networking sites and application are an increasingly entwined part of our everyday lives. We use them to communicate with friends and family all over the globe, to chat with friends down the star sign to decide where to eat, to network for jobs, and to connect with others with similar interests. However, much like any other part of the internet, neighborly networks can be frought with serious security risks, two for your person, and your data. Many social networks will tell you that the more you put into them (your information), the more you get out of them (connections, recommendations, etc.). However, despite the aura of privacy they try to engender, one mustiness keep in mind that social network takes place in essentially public space, with only the barest of mechanisms providing any semblance of privacy. Even seemingly innoxious data shared with the world can be dangerous in the wrong hands. The best attitude to take in order to enjoy the benefits of social networkin g, while minimizing the inherent risks, is to remain SKEPTICAL and CAUTIOUS. SKEPTICAL of any requests for...

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Review of Research Paper on Parkinsons Disease Treatment

AbstractAttempts to cure or slow down the progression of Parkinsons disease have largely failed researchers in this paper maintain this is obviously a direct result of the lack of insight into the pathogenesis of the disease. Parkinsons disease is the product of the deaths of a number of dopaminergic (dopamine-secreting) neurons in the substantia nigga pars compacta region (SNc) of the brain. But what causes these deaths? In the paper Rejuvenation protects neurons in mouse models of Parkinsons disease, Chen and researchers find that older neurons in the SNc are unusually dependent on calcium channels and that after blocking these channels, the cells are rejuvenated and begin acting like their juvenile counterparts as a result, these cells become protected from Parkinsons disease. Their research, thus, points not only to a possible cause of neuronal death in PD but also to a possible means of set the disease. Causes / Risk Factors Genetics15-25% of people who have the disease h ave a parent with the disease. Having a parent with the disease increases a persons risk by 3 fold.There has not been enough research done on the genetic causes of Parkinsons Disease to say for a fact that they are directly correlated. When much research is done there may be more strong evidence, but it could go the complete other way as well. The Human Genome throw should open many doors with the research of this disease once the funding is sufficient. Environmental factorsAccording to the Parkinsons Disease Foundation, Epidemiological research has identified several factors that may be linked to PD, including rural living, well water, herbicide use and exposure to pesticides. They also state that a narc... Clinic Staff, Parkinsons Disease. Nervous System. 12 004 2007. Mayo Clinic. 1 Nov 2007 .Melanie, Brandabur. Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Parkinson Disease. National Parkinson Foundation. 1 Nov 2007 .Parkinsons Disease. MayoClinic. com. 12 April 2007. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. 15 Nov. 2007. .Parkinsons Disease. Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia. 9 Nov. 2007. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 15 Nov. 2007. .What Causes Parkinsons Disease. 2007. Parkinsons Disease Foundation. 1 Nov 2007 .

Review of Research Paper on Parkinsons Disease Treatment

AbstractAttempts to cure or slow down the progression of Parkinsons disease remove largely failed researchers in this paper maintain this is obviously a direct result of the lack of insight into the pathogenesis of the disease. Parkinsons disease is the product of the deaths of a matter of dopaminergic (dopamine-secreting) neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta region (SNc) of the brain. But what causes these deaths? In the paper Rejuvenation protects neurons in mouse models of Parkinsons disease, Chen and researchers find that older neurons in the SNc argon unusually reliant on calcium channels and that after blocking these channels, the cells are rejuvenated and begin acting like their juvenile counterparts as a result, these cells function protected from Parkinsons disease. Their research, thus, points not only to a possible cause of neuronal death in PD but also to a possible means of curing the disease. Causes / Risk Factors Genetics15-25% of people who have the d isease have a parent with the disease. Having a parent with the disease increases a persons encounter by 3 fold.There has not been enough research done on the genetic causes of Parkinsons Disease to say for a fact that they are directly correlated. When more research is done there may be more strong evidence, but it could go the complete other way as well. The Human Genome project should open many doors with the research of this disease once the funding is sufficient. Environmental factorsAccording to the Parkinsons Disease Foundation, Epidemiological research has set several factors that may be linked to PD, including rural living, well water, herbicide use and exposure to pesticides. They also state that a narc... Clinic Staff, Parkinsons Disease. Nervous System. 12 004 2007. Mayo Clinic. 1 Nov 2007 .Melanie, Brandabur. Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Parkinson Disease. National Parkinson Foundation. 1 Nov 2007 .Parkinsons Disease. Mayo 12 April 2007. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. 15 Nov. 2007. .Parkinsons Disease. Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia. 9 Nov. 2007. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 15 Nov. 2007. .What Causes Parkinsons Disease. 2007. Parkinsons Disease Foundation. 1 Nov 2007 .