Monday, August 19, 2019

Pips Growth in Great Expectations :: Great Expectations Essays

Through the novel Great Expectations, it is seen that Pip’s personalities change. He seemed to be immature at the start but in the end he turned out much different and yet also the same. It seems to me that he changed because of those surrounding him and the influence they had on him. The most influential characters were Estella and the Magwitch. Pip at first was very uneducated and had not a clue of his social class or that there even was a social class, so he was content with what he had. As his life went on he met new people from both higher and lower social classes. From here his satisfaction turned to greed and shame, as he longed to be better educated. Pip does learn later on that having money and power and being in the high social class is not as important as having true friends, even if they are lower class. One of the first influential people around him was Estella. She always insulted Pip, yet he fell in love with her. Of course, over time he started to feel ashamed of himself, and of his roots, and he then longed to be a gentleman. Estella overall was a very poor influence on Pip because she was never supportive of him. Pip should have been around people that lifted him up and encouraged him to tell him what he needed to hear. The second is when Pip came across a convict that forced him to steal food from his sister. It is uncovered later that the convict is Magwitch, who for years he had been secretly saving money for him. When Pip is given this money he is finally able to live a gentleman’s lifestyle. This is a great influence given from the Magwitch. However, this only has a physical influence on Pip. Even though Magwitch caused Pip to feel guilty for stealing food, he came back and proved himself a noble character. When Pip sees that his helper was a convict, he realizes that the money he got was a man of a lower social class than himself. This made him feel inferior. But as time went on Pip got to know Magwitch better, he began to see that even people of the lower class can be gentlemen and friendly. Pip's Growth in Great Expectations :: Great Expectations Essays Through the novel Great Expectations, it is seen that Pip’s personalities change. He seemed to be immature at the start but in the end he turned out much different and yet also the same. It seems to me that he changed because of those surrounding him and the influence they had on him. The most influential characters were Estella and the Magwitch. Pip at first was very uneducated and had not a clue of his social class or that there even was a social class, so he was content with what he had. As his life went on he met new people from both higher and lower social classes. From here his satisfaction turned to greed and shame, as he longed to be better educated. Pip does learn later on that having money and power and being in the high social class is not as important as having true friends, even if they are lower class. One of the first influential people around him was Estella. She always insulted Pip, yet he fell in love with her. Of course, over time he started to feel ashamed of himself, and of his roots, and he then longed to be a gentleman. Estella overall was a very poor influence on Pip because she was never supportive of him. Pip should have been around people that lifted him up and encouraged him to tell him what he needed to hear. The second is when Pip came across a convict that forced him to steal food from his sister. It is uncovered later that the convict is Magwitch, who for years he had been secretly saving money for him. When Pip is given this money he is finally able to live a gentleman’s lifestyle. This is a great influence given from the Magwitch. However, this only has a physical influence on Pip. Even though Magwitch caused Pip to feel guilty for stealing food, he came back and proved himself a noble character. When Pip sees that his helper was a convict, he realizes that the money he got was a man of a lower social class than himself. This made him feel inferior. But as time went on Pip got to know Magwitch better, he began to see that even people of the lower class can be gentlemen and friendly.

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