Thursday, August 22, 2019

Carl Robbins Case Study Essay Example for Free

Carl Robbins Case Study Essay Carl Robins is a new campus recruiter who is on the fast track to success. However, as a new employee, he is not fully informed on processes of the company. From my analysis, I conclude that Carl Robbins is not organized and did not assemble training plan for the new recruits. New employees can acquire a situation too deep and too fast. It takes at least six months to a year for someone in a new position to understand his or her role within a company. Carl Robins is doing too much too fast. A plan needs to be in place and reviewed before any new trainees were hired. Background  Carl Robins, a new recruiter with ABC, Inc., has a dilemma. Because a training plan was not put in place and the proper research was not done, Carl runs the risk of an unsuccessful orientation. Carl’s position has the role of coordinating tasks and gathering information for new people coming to the company. If the process is unsuccessful, it will leave a bad impression with not only Monica Carrolls, Operations Supervisor, but the new trainees as well. As the coordinator, Carl has not put in the research required to obtain the information needed for the trainees. Key Problems  Several problems exist for Carl Robins. The first issue is that he is six months into his position and is not aware of certain policies and procedures within ABC, Inc. The next issue is that a training plan does not exist for Carl to follow to make sure trainees meet the requirements. Last, being new to his position Carl did not do the research or ask questions on what needed to be done. He just assumed. An action plan or schedule should be active before the new trainees were hired. Carl did not prepare for the orientation; he runs the risk of not possessing the space or materials to conduct the orientation. Alternatives  Preparing a group of people in a new environment to do a job takes time and planning. In my analysis I have found several alternatives to solve Carl’s problem. First Carl needs to confront his supervisor and explain that he is not prepared and what went wrong. At that time, Monica and he can work together to get the manuals and booklets prepares, drug tests and physicals scheduled, and talk to technology services to work out an agreement for access to the training room. Carl will have to work diligently to contact the trainees and update them on the new information. If all goes well, the orientation will be successful. The second route would be to create a list of tasks that need to be completed for the training in order of importance and due dates. The next step would be to meet with the operations supervisor to get her input, and ask any questions he may not know the answers to. Asking questions and staying organized leaves little room for error. Once Carl has met with his supervisor, he should keep track of what tasks are complete and when completed. Carl should also keep the trainees informed of any issues and forecast any problems that arise. Reccomendations  Carl Robins is a new employee eager to prove himself. Carl has a great deal of confidence but he let it get in the way of his responsibilities. I would recommend my second alternative, which requires Carl Robins to make a list of all tasks that need to be completed and keep his supervisor involved throughout the process. This way Carl can get insight to policies and procedures of the company. The supervisor may also be able to forecast any problems that may arise with his training plan from her experiences. I would also recommend that Carl practice time management and communication skills to help him learn how to approach situations such as the current one. In any organization there are individuals who like Carl, are just starting out and believe they can conquer the world. Some people let their confidence level get in the way of success. Carl Robbins has a responsibility to the new trainees to prepare them to do a job. Because this is his first recruitment effort, Carl is already not meeting expectations. Anyone in a recruiter position should be knowledgeable and have an action plan. If my recommendations are put into action, Carl Robins will lead a successful orientation.

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