Friday, February 21, 2020

Differentiate between declaration a Vindication of the Rights of Woman Essay

Differentiate between declaration a Vindication of the Rights of Woman - Essay Example This led to the rise of feminist ideas that sought to bring out the inequalities between the two sexes, with the feminists arguing that the male gender was using the law to oppress and maintain dominance over the female sex. The feminists argued that the laws were tools of social ordering, which sought to oppress the rights of women. This essay seeks to evaluate the nature of the rights contained in the French Declaration on the rights of man in light of the feminist ideals that existed at that time. The essay will seek thus seek to answer question; were these Rights of man a vindication of the rights of women? If so, how were these rights a vindication of the rights of women? The first Right in the Declaration was to the effect that all men were born free and in equality of rights, with social distinctions only allowed for the common good. The provision for social distinction ‘for the common good’ created a loophole that was used by men to vindicate the right of women to freedom and equality. If, for example, it were decided that it was in common good for women not to vote or go to school, then the law would stand because society deemed it fit women not to exercise their right to education and participate in elections. The effect of this law was to create a perception of women as mere caregivers who could not participate in any meaningful social and political life (Wollstonecraft, 1792). The right to the effect that,† the law is a general will and every citizen has a right to participate personally, or through his elected representative.† It was in essence a mirage for women because they were not allowed to participate in elections. Wollstonecraft in her book cries foul on this right when she says, â€Å"But, if women are to be excluded, without having a voice, from a participation of the natural rights of

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