Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Crohns Disease: Treatment, Causes and Symptoms

Crohns Disease: Treatment, Causes and Symptoms Introduction    As part of this communications portfolio is to discuss, explore and compile a report on a topic of our choice. This report will be about Crohns Disease. Terms of Reference In this report research was carried out on Crohns Disease. This report will explore and explain what the: Definition of Crohns Disease is. Types of Crohns Disease. Causes of Crohns Disease are. Signs and Symptoms of Crohns Disease. Diagnosis of Crohns Disease. Diet for Crohns Disease. Treatments used for Crohns Disease. Methology This report will be complied by using secondary research methods, such as the internet, books, newspapers and class notes. Findings Definition of Crohns Disease Crohns Disease is chronic inflammatory bowel disease also known as IBD. It causes inflammation of the lining of your digestive tract, which can lead to abdominal pain, severe diarrhoea, fatigue, weight loss and malnutrition. www.mayoclinic.org Crohns disease was named after an American Gastroenterologist Dr. Burrill Crohn, who first described the disease in 1932. Crohns Disease can affect any part of the digestive tract but is most commonly found in the small intestine and the colon. Someone is usually diagnosed with Crohns Disease before they are 30years of age but anyone can be diagnosed at any age. Causes of Crohns Disease The cause for Crohns Disease was unknown until recent. A Professor in London has recently linked the bacteria MAP (Mycobacterium avium patrauberculosis) which is found in the stomachs of cattle, pigs and sheep to Crohns Disease and thinks mostly the cause of some peoples Crohns Disease. Before this it was thought to be diet and stress related but these factors only aggravate the disease but are not the cause. It is possible that a virus or bacteria may trigger the disease. And in some cases it can be heredity. In mild forms it causes small shallow crater-like areas called aphtous ulcers and they develop in the inner surface of the bowel. In some more serious cases of Crohns Disease they are deeper and larger ulcers and they cause scarring and stiffness sometimes resulting in narrowing of the bowel. Some risk factors for the disease can be your age, most people with the disease before they are 30years of age. Non-steroidal anti-flammatory medication such as ibuprofen, naproxen and diclofenac sodium they do not cause Crohns disease but they can lead to inflammation of the bowel and make the disease worse. Where you live can be a risk factor, people who live in an urban area or in an industriesed country are more likely to develop the disease. A diet high in fats or refined foods plays a role in Crohns Disease. Signs Symptoms of Crohns Disease Crohns Disease signs and symptoms usually develop gradually and often get worse over a period of time. It is very rare for the symptoms to develop suddenly and dramatically but it is possible in some people, and other people may have no signs or symptoms.  Ã‚   When the disease is active some of the signs and symptoms can include: Diarrhoea Fever Abdominal pain cramps Fatigue Blood in your stool Weight loss Loss of appetite Mouth sores Perianal disease Feeling that your bowel is full even after bowel movement Feeling a frequent need to have a bowel movement Some people often mistake these symptoms for food poisoning or an upset stomach. All these symptoms become more severe as the disease progresses. Crohns Disease may lead to more complications in someones health such as, bowel obstruction, ulcers, fistulas, anal fissure, malnutrition, colon cancer and many more. More server signs and symptoms people may experience would be: Inflammation of skin, eyes and joints Inflammation of the liver or bile ducts Delayed growth or sexual development in children Diagnosing Crohns Disease Your GP will ask you questions about the pattern of the signs and symptoms relating to Crohns Disease and see if there are any contributing causes such as, diet, recent travel, any medication you may be on and family history.   A number of tests may be carried out by your doctor before making a diagnosis of Crohns Disease. The tests and procedures would include: A blood test Stool sample Colonoscopy examine Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan Computerised Tomography (CT) scan Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Capsule Endoscopy Small bowel enema Diet Recommended for Crohns Disease Changing your diet can help reduce the recurrence of the symptoms and lessen the severity but for someone who suffers with Crohns Disease it is recommended to: Adjust their fibre intake but this is not always the case, some people a high fibre diet can aggravate their GI tract and if this happens they will need to swap to a low-residue diet. Limit their fat intake because Crohns disease can affect their bodys ability to breakdown and absorb fat and the excess fat will pass from their small intestine to their colon resulting in diarrhoea. Limit their dairy intake because having dairy can cause an upset stomach, cramps and diarrhoea for most people with the disease. Drink plenty of water to help their body stay hydrated because of the diarrhoea the body may be losing water their body needs. They need to consider alternative sources of vitamins and minerals because Crohns Disease can affect their ability to absorb nutrients from their food properly and they would need to find multivitamins that would suit them. Their doctor would also refer them to a dietician or nutritionist to help create a well-balanced diet to suit them. Treatment and Drugs for Crohns Disease For Crohns Disease there is no cure available at the minute but in 5years time there will be a cure available to people for Crohns disease because a Professor called John Hermon-Taylor in St. Georges Hospital London has developed a vaccine, and it has been tested successfully on animals and is in the second stage trials now. In the next 3years they will be ready to test it on humans. But treatments and drugs available now to help ease and control Crohns Disease are: Anti-inflammatory drugs Immune system suppressors Antibiotics Over the counter medications Some doctors may recommend a special diet to be given through a tube or nutrients given into the vein. And if diet and lifestyle changes and medication dont help he may recommend surgery on the damaged part of the intestine and reconnect the healthy sections, although this does not cure the disease it can just stops it temporarily. Conclusion In my conclusion I learned that Crohns Disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease and it is also known as IBD. I now know that Crohns disease is named after Dr. Burrill Crohn. I learned that a Professor in London called John Hermon-Taylor linked MAP which is found in the stomach of cattle, sheep and pigs to Crohns Disease and there will be a cure ready to be given in 5years. I learned that some people often mistake the signs and symptoms for food poisoning or an upset stomach. I learned what the test and procedures involved to diagnose someone with Crohns Disease, and what diet is recommended for someone with the disease but this does not always help in some cases. Recommendations I would recommend that everyone who has been having signs and symptoms like the ones listed above should go and get checked by a doctor and would also recommend that they be tested for MAP. Bibliography http://www.healthline.com/health/crohns-disease 24/08/16 17:17 http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=2866 24/08/16 18:05 http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/crohns-disease/basics/definition/con-20032061   24/08/16 18:45 http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/crohns-disease/basics/symptoms/con-20032061  Ã‚   24/08/16 18:57 http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/crohns-disease/basics/risk-factors/con-20032061  Ã‚  Ã‚   24/08/16 19:16 http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/crohns-disease/basics/complications/con-20032061  Ã‚   25/08/16 16:35 http://crohnsmapvaccine.com/vaccine/   25/08/16 18:47 Images got from google image Impact of Federalism on Free Speech | Proposal Impact of Federalism on Free Speech | Proposal Thesis statement: Throughout the years, the legislatures assurance of the right to speak freely has been giving Americans voices and the privilege to be heard without dread of discipline, be that as it may, the right to speak freely simply like anything can be mishandled and used to damage individuals, not simply in federalism but rather through common freedoms and social equality too. Introduction Freedom of Speech is not as free The Bill of Rights was established in 1789. Answer the questions: How does Federalism affect really affect freedom of speech? Are Americans really free to speak what they think? Discuss the positive impacts of federalism, civil rights, and civil liberties whether it is positive or negative on freedom of speech. Main Point 1: Positive and Negative impacts of federalism on Freedom of speech. Looking at freedom of speech in a positive light it is a gift to all Americans. To be able to have the ability to speak freely without the burden of consequences and punishment is something not even the rest of the world has the ability to do. One positive impact of federalism regarding freedom of speech is Democracy. Freedom of Speech is seen as a basic right that many consider fundamental to the continued health and well-being of a democracy. (Editor, 2015). Freedom of speech is an important foundation for democracy. A negative aspect of federalism regarding freedom of speech is the fact that there have been restrictions placed on freedom of speech by the government that bring the question of whether or not it is a violation of our basic constitutional rights and whether or not there is actually true freedom of speech. people who send threats to elected officials in the government can be tried and punished for their protected rights to say what they think (Editor, 2015) In some situations, speech can even constitute a crime, such as in the case of criminal threats. A criminal threat, sometimes known as the terrorist threat, malicious harassment, or by other terms, occurs when someone threatens to kill or physically harm someone else. (Theoharis, 2016). Depending on what you say it can be punishable by law. This is not total freedom of speech. These quotes are important facts because it weighs the impacts of federalism on society. Main Point 2: Positive and Negative impacts of civil rights on freedom of speech. Freedom of speech played an important positive role in the civil rights movement of the 1950s The First Amendment played a crucial role in the epic struggles of the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 60s, when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and countless others engaged in sit-ins, protests, marches and other demonstrations to force social change. (Hudson, 2002) Freedom of speech allowed protesters of this time to speak up on injustices and civil rights violation. Civil rights have a negative effect on freedom of speech through the extremists who over express their distaste on matters they believe is in direct violation of their civil rights. The number of hate groups operating in the United States soared in 2015, according to a recently released report from the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors extremist activity. (Kaplan, 2016) The rise in extremist activity due to the confederate flag issue and police brutality have had a direct impact on how people use their freedom of speech to fight the belief that civil rights are being violated. Main Point 3: Positive and Negative impacts of Civil liberties on freedom of speech Freedom of expression is a crucial civil liberty given to Americans that positively impact their social environment. The Freedom of Speech allows you the protected right to let others know what you think. From minor to major points, the Freedom of Speech will mean that even if people do not like what you say, you can still say it without risking fines and even jail time. People have the right to express themselves when it comes to all kinds of avenues. One negative impact of civil liberties on freedom of speech is the fact that although freedom of expression is beneficial to the social environment it is limited by the government as well. In 1912, feminist Margaret Sanger was arrested for giving a lecture on birth control. (American Civil Liberties Union, 2016) Although people may take certain standpoints based on their beliefs, their right to express those beliefs have not always been allowed. Conclusion Freedom of speech is not totally free, as seen in federalism, civil liberties, and civil rights, there is always a stipulation or limit to what we can say and when we can say it. References   American Civil Liberties Union. (2016). Freedom of Expression. Retrieved May 30, 2016, from ACLU: https://www.aclu.org/freedom-expression-0 Editor, C. (2015, June 28). 5 Essential Pros and Cons of Freedom of Speech. Retrieved May 23, 2016, from NLCATP: http://nlcatp.org/5-essential-pros-and-cons-of-freedom-of-speech/ Hudson, D. L. (2002, September 16). Civil rights First Amendment. Retrieved May 30, 2016, from Assembly Reaseach, Freedom of Assembly: http://www.firstamendmentcenter.org/civil-rights-first-amendment Kaplan, M. (2016, February 2). US Hate Groups Rise In 2015: Immigration, Black Lives Matter, Confederate Flag Debates Fuel Extremism, Report Finds. Retrieved May 30, 2016, from International Business Times: http://www.ibtimes.com/us-hate-groups-rise-2015-immigration-black-lives-matter-confederate-flag-debates-fuel-2310645 Theoharis, M. (2016). Criminal Threats. Retrieved May 23, 2016, from Nolo: http://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/crime-penalties/federal/criminal-threats.htm What are the Impacts of the UK Recession? What are the Impacts of the UK Recession? The UK economy is in recession. What does this mean for everyone? As the economic forecast for the UK grows increasingly gloomy, it seems the recession that was once described as â€Å"looming† or â€Å"forthcoming† is now being qualified as â€Å"current† and â€Å"present†. Commonly associated with increased unemployment, lower inflation and slumped housing markets, a recession does not only represent a thorn in the flesh of the Government and large corporations, but is a term capable of sending shivers down the spine of an entire nation. But what exactly constitutes a recession and why are we so fearful of them? Economists are at odds with each other when it comes to settling on a single definition. While some analysts use population growth as a yardstick and others take unemployment rates into account, everyone is in agreement that an economy is deemed to be in recession when it experiences a period of sustained decline. In other words, when the total measure of goods and services produced by a country, or GDP, is se en to contract for two successive quarters, it is said to be in recession. The extent of the recession depends on the duration of this contraction. If GDP rebounds after two quarters of negative growth, the recession can be described as mild. However, should the decline in economic activity persist, the recession becomes full-blown. Guided by the above definition, it is impossible to say how long the current economic downturn in the UK will last or even whether the country is in recession for certain. The Office for National Statistics publishes estimate values for GDP on a quarterly basis. These figures are later confirmed and sometimes need to be revised. For example, GDP values for the last six months of 2008 will not be official until 2009. This explains the Government’s reluctance to use the term â€Å"recession† when referring to the economic slowdown. Not all commentators share the same hesitancy. Bodies such as the European Commission and the Organisation for E conomic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have predicted that the UK economy will shrink in the second half of this year. Technicalities notwithstanding, the UK economy is certainly showing signs of deceleration. It appears that recession is not only inevitable but already upon us. Before considering the implications of this negative growth for the average consumer, let us first examine how it impacts the economy as a whole. Few businesses are immune from the effects of fluctuating tax, interest and unemployment rates. Trends in these areas reflect the state of the economy at present and can also provide a good indication of what to expect in the future. Some of the predominant characteristics of the current economic situation are as follows: Falling share prices One of the first areas of to be hit in times of crisis is the stock market. It is liable to react badly purely in anticipation of an economic slowdown. Because recessions are generally synonymous with reduced profitability, this means that people are less inclined to invest in dividends, therefore lowering the value of shares. Shortage of credit Still reeling from subprime mortgage financial crisis, many banks in the UK have been forced to reduce the availability of credit. When money is lent, it is at an increased rate. This means that it is more difficult for mortgage applications to be approved. Fewer mortgages lead to a reduced number of house being sold, resulting in a depressed housing market. Equally harmful is the effect of more stringent lending conditions on consumer confidence. With less equity at their disposal, consumers are less likely to spend, further damaging the economy. Higher unemployment In a tougher economic climate, businesses are often forced to shed employees in order to survive. As inflation decreases due to a lack of demand, those who succeed in retaining their position may be forced sacrifice a pay rise. It can take longer for the effects of a recession to filter down to the jobs market. Unfortunately, high unemployment rates can linger for an extended period once economic growth has been restored. Increased Government borrowing Job losses and failing businesses will entail a loss of revenue for the Treasury in terms of income tax and corporation tax. In a bid to recover from these losses by stimulating the sluggish economy, the Government will often lower taxes and interest rates. The added strain of increased spending on unemployment benefits, not to mention the part-nationalisation of several of the countries largest banks, will also increase the need to borrow money. In order to recuperate, taxes and interest rates typically rise again and can remain high after the recession has passed. Regardless of whether you are directly affected by the factors listed above, the fact remains that the economic health of the country will influence the financial stability of the entire population. Indeed consumers are already feeling the squeeze. Pension funds and investment schemes linked to the FTSE 100 have suffered huge devaluations, car sales have plummeted, more people are competing for fewer jobs and food and fuel prices are on the up. This tougher economic environment does not only hit bank balances, but also has a psychological impact on the nation. The failure and subsequent bailout of some of the countries largest banks seriously dented consumers’ trust in the financial system and led people to question whether their money was secure. These doubts are further disseminated by the media, as audiences are bombarded with reports painting a gloomy picture of the economy, culminating in an even bigger blow to consumer confidence. As a result, many people adopt a more ca utious approach to spending, ultimately to the detriment of the financial system thus fuelling economic decline and driving the belief that fear of recession is a self-fulfilling prophecy. On a more optimistic note, some experts claim that a recession can in fact benefit the economy in that it forces companies to become more efficient and weeds out failing business. However this will come as little comfort to the average consumer, struggling to emerge from the shadow of uncertainty that recession casts over their finances.

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