Friday, July 19, 2019

key concepts to successful business Essay -- essays research papers

It was a challenging task to write about only three concepts that I learned in this informative class. The concepts that stood out to me were Learning Style Inventory, preparation and delivery. I believe these concepts are critical aspects to a person’s success in the business world. One of the concepts that I found to be very interesting was â€Å"The Learning Style Inventory.† â€Å"The Learning Style Inventory (LSI) describes the ways you learn and how you deal with ideas in day-to-day situations.† (Hay/McBer Training Resource Group, 1999, p. 2). The LSI is based on a test. The test contains twelve questions dealing with problem solving, working with others, dealing with adversity, career decisions, and the effect of relationships on individuals. Each question has four optional answers. The answers range from one to four. Answering a question with a one is least like your style. Answer with a four is most like your decision making style. When I began the test, I read all the questions in order, before answering any of them. I then went back to the questions that jumped out at me. I did not answer them from â€Å"least like† to â€Å"most like.† I answered them from â€Å"most like† to â€Å"least like.† I tried to answer the questions with how I do things in my everyday life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I did not only reflect upon how I am at work, but also how I am at home with my family. Upon calculating my score and completing my diagram, I began to see how one sided my learning style is. There are four different learning modes. The first is Concrete Experience (learning from experience). The second is Reflective Observation (thinking before doing). The third is Abstract Conceptualization (analyzing information and forming a plan based on that information). The fourth is Active Experimentation (learning by doing). My score lead me to draw my diagram indicating that my learning style inventory is heavily dependant on concrete experience and active experimentation. I found the theory behind the test to be accurate. I believe that concepts and theories are not learned from books but from experience. A theory is only that; a theory until you have tested the theory and proven it to true or false. One of the ideas that we practice in my line of work, is to have every customer take a test drive. In theory, if you have an eighty percent demonstration ratio, than your closing percenta... sit there silently. We had a rule â€Å"he who talked first lost.† The idea was to allow the customer to react to what you just said, and directly act on their reaction. If the customer was surprised, I acted surprised. If they were mad, I remained calm. If they immediately said no, I acted confused. If they agreed I smiled and congratulated them. I practiced my delivery at home and with my co-workers, until it was perfect. By practicing my delivery over and over again I sounded sincere. When I presented numbers, my deliveries and reactions were flawless, every time. In conclusion, you must agree that preparation and delivery are key concepts to successful business practices. I believe the LSI is the most important concept. Everyone can apply this learning concept to their lives. And if they are honest with themselves they can improve. References Detz, J. (1992). How to write & give a speech. New York: St. Martin’s Press. Hay/McBer Training Resource Group. (1999). Learning style inventory. Boston: Author. Krizan, A.C., Merrier, P., & Jones, C. (2002). Business communication. (5th ed.). Ohio: South-Western College Publishing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

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