Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Implantation Genetic Diagnosis ( Pgd ) Using Vitro...

Pre- implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) using In Vitro fertilization is one of the many solutions for families to conceive children who cannot do so naturally. The term â€Å"In Vitro† is Latin, meaning â€Å"out of the body† (In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Definition). The process begins with a woman taking fertility drugs in order to increase her egg count. The woman plays a physically and emotionally demanding role. She must take powerful hormones for ten days to produce multiple eggs. Every day during in vitro s early phases, she must give blood to be tested, and then undergoes ultrasound testing so physicians can monitor embryonic development both chemically and visually (International Political Science Review 8.2 (1987)). Afterward, the female’s egg, and the male’s sperm is removed in multiples with the use of a small surgery by the name of follicular aspiration, and placed in a laboratory dish where it is then fertilized for about five to six days. At this point in the process, the newly fertilized embryo is examined to determine whether or not the embryo(s) show(s) any sign of genetic disease or any other flaw that could be potentially passed down from one or both parents. From there, a successfully tested embryo will be placed into the uterus of the female three to five days after, in order to develop naturally. What classifies as a successful embryo would be one that either shows no sign of carrier genes from either parent, or one that shows signs of a recessive carrierShow MoreRelatedArgumentative +/- Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis1001 Words   |  5 Pagesbecause of a genetic abnormality you never even knew you had. Your mind races and your heart sinks. How is this possible? You never thought you would have to deal with not being able to have a baby one day. There are several options you have to try and conceive without passing on the genetic abnormalityÂ… the doctor continues to explain, but the one I would reco mmend first is Pre Implantation Genetic Diagnosis. You and your wife finally decide on PGD, a type of in-vitro fertilization. But thereRead MorePGD Essay1127 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is PGD? The demand for Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) involves people that have genetic or chromosomal disorder, either personally or in their genetic makeup, who desire a healthy baby that doesn’t acquire the genetic or chromosomal disorder for example; Cystic Fibrosis and Huntington’s Disease. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis with assistants from IVF meets this demand. PGD is a reproductive option for those who do not want to pass on specific genetic disorders or chromosome imbalanceRead MoreVitro Fertilisation ( Ivf ) Essay1402 Words   |  6 PagesIn vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a form of assisted reproduction where the eggs from the woman are extracted under anaesthetic and placed in a culture dish with thousands of sperm, allowing the process of fertilisation to take place outside the body. The resulting embryos are grown in the laboratory over 2 – 5 days before being transferred back into the woman’s uterus increasing the chance that a pregnancy will occur. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a screening test used to determineRead MoreIVF and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis: Essay1048 Words   |  5 Pagesinfertility (ASRM). In vitro fertilization (IVF) is one of the many assisted reproductive technologies used to help infertile couples achieve pregnancy. Since IVF is costly (the average cost is $12, 400. for one cycle), time consuming and a very emotional situation, many couples have a limited amount of opportunities to commit to the procedure and every step should be taken to maximize the chances of a successful healthy pregnancy. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis, or PGD, is a valuable tool forRead MoreThe Benefits of Human Genetic Engineering Essay1654 Words   |  7 PagesPre-implantation genetic diagnosis is a revolutionary procedure that utilizes in vitro fertilization to implant a healthy egg cell into the mother’s uterus after it is screened for mutations or other abnormalities. That way, only healthy eggs can develop to term and become beautiful, bouncing boys or girls. Designer babies have a bright future in the face of science because they are genetically engineered to be: disease free; viable donors for a sibling or parent; and with optional eliminationRead MoreCase Study Of Two Current Embryo Selection Methods1423 Words   |  6 Pages 2 Current Embryo Selection Methods 2.1 Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis PGD or pre-implantation genetic diagnosis is possible for in vitro fertilization. Researchers use a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to test the sensitivity and can help diagnose any genetic disorders before the egg is implanted. PGD is a screening method of the current embryos before they are implanted back into the women’s uterus. This method was first utilized in 1990 and enabled couples to create and screen several embryosRead MoreUsing Ivf ( Vitro Fertilisation )1503 Words   |  7 Pagesx PDG stands for Pre Implementation Genetic diagnosis it is a technique used to help examine and recognise a specific genetic defect within embryos created using IVF (In-Vitro Fertilisation). This technology is performed to prevent disorders or diseases being passed on to the child. The ultimate aim for couples attempting to use PGD is to produce an offspring free of chromosomal genetic defects. In New Zealand this technology is very limited and every application must be sought through an d gain approvalRead MoreAn Immoral Injustice: Designer Babies702 Words   |  3 Pagesgene-enriched (Preface to Genetic Enhancement of Human Abilities n.p.). The gene-enriched refers to people with designer genes chosen by parents who have had the same done to them. This technology will first prevent birth defects and later diabetes and heart disease. As artificial genes develop to be common, the technology may be used to prevent drug and alcohol addictions, mental diseases, and eventually to create humans with synthetic characteristics (Preface to Genetic Enhancement of Human AbilitiesRead MoreAssisted Reproduction - 12056 Words   |  9 PagesHD is a genetic disorder that begins showing signs at anywhere from 35-45 years of age. Its symptoms begin with slow loss of muscle control and end in loss of speech, large muscle spasms, disorientation and emotional outbursts. After 15-20 years of symptoms HD ends in death. HD is a dominant disorder which means that her child will have a 5 0% chance of contracting the disorder. Feeling that risking their babys health would be irresponsible, the couple decides to use in vitro fertilization to fertilizeRead MorePreimplantation Genetic Diagnosis is Unethical and Immoral Essay816 Words   |  4 Pagessome of the genes of a baby to make a â€Å"perfect† child. A procedure called pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, or PGD, has been used for years by doctors who wanted to reduce the chance of women carrying babies infected with life-threatening diseases. PGD was first used to improve the likelihood of a successful pregnancy for couples suffering with recurring miscarriages and parents who had the chance of passing on genetic diseases to their offspring. Dr. Jeffrey Steinberg, a reproductive endocrinologist

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How Does Nutrition And Exercise Affect Immunity - 1362 Words

How Does Nutrition and Exercise Affect Immunity? Page 1 Rebecca Massone Health 101-014 Nutrition is defined as the process of providing or obtaining the food essential for wellbeing and development. Immunity is the ability of a person to resist a specific infection or toxin by the action of particular antibodies or sensitized white blood cells. Both nutrition and exercise are key factors to a successful immune system. Additionally, the same type of relationship exists between the right amount of regular exercise and nutrition with a strong immune system. Although it is clear that nutrition and exercise positively impact one’s immune system, many do not know how and to what extremes. Each individual’s lifestyle should consist of†¦show more content†¦Minerals help cells work normally. Lastly, water transports nutrients to cells (Hernandez, 2010). The suggested amount of fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fats support efforts of the immune system to prevent or limit How Does Nutrition and Exercise Affect Immunity? Page 2 infectious processes and manage immune disorders and diseases (Baham Rush, 2008). In a nutritional diet, the average amount of vegetables per day is 2.5 cups, 3 cups of fruit, and 5.5 ounces of meat or beans. A high amount of protein deficiency can actually delete immune cells and not allow the body to create antibodies, which decreases cell mediated immunity. This particular type of immunity does not involve antibodies, but involves antigen-specific T-lymphocytes and other white blood cells. Baham Rush wrote, â€Å"Vitamins, minerals, and trace elements provide coenzymes for metabolic reactions important to the immune system and promote optimal levels of immune system cells such as natural killer cells, which target and eliminate bacteria† (2008). An increase of understanding what a nutritional diet consists of and following these guidelines can help an individual’s immune system. Not having the right nutrition such as obesity and fasting immensely negatively aff ect immunity. Bacterium in an individual who is obese is over 50% more than in a non-obese, or healthy person. 38% of these obese individuals showed an impairment of cell-mediated immune

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Healthcare Marketing Strategies Organizations Driving Free Sample

Question: Explain how your health care services marketing plan would help to promote positive social change. Answer: The healthcare programs and services provided by the organization can lead to position social changes through a number of events and camps, in which the healthcare practitioners serve the individuals who need help in the surroundings. These programs ensure that all the healthcare practitioners put their effort into making the world a better place, which in turn initiates a positive social change. For example, the Walden university in the US uses the program, Global days of service to make a positive impact on the community through various acts including the healthcare programs. These healthcare programs also inspire other institutions and organizations, which in turn leads to significantly positive social change (Jimenez, 2014). The marketing plan of the healthcare organization focuses on the promotion of the services provided by the organization along with the activities to initiate positive social changes. So the marketing plan for the organization involves spreading the news of the initiatives taken by the organization to bring about positive social changes. For example, the annual Scholars of change video contest in the Walden university allows the healthcare students to create inspirational videos to explain how the activities of the institution has led to the greater good along with the promotion of positive social change. The inclusion of these videos in the marketing strategies of the organization, in turn inspires others in the industry for positive social change. This results in the promotion of the positive social change through the marketing plan of the organization (Lefebvre, 2013). References Lefebvre, R. C., Bornkessel, A. S. (2013). Digital social networks and health. Circulation, 127(17), 1829-1836. Jimenez, J., Pasztor, E. M., Chambers, R. M., Fujii, C. P. (2014). Social policy and social change: Toward the creation of social and economic justice. Sage Publications.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Starbucks Marketing free essay sample

Also being able to customize your own drink was a big success in getting people to purchase the product. A high quality coffee was one key component to Starbucks value proposition. Another was service and getting to know your customer. Finally, the last key component was atmosphere. They wanted to create an ambience in their stores. When Starbucks started out, their key target market was female clients between the ages of 25 and 44. These female customers were well-educated, white collar patrons. They brought on patterns of purchasing specialty coffees and other drinks. Anything from cappuccino type drinks to frozen coffee drinks. Starbucks needed to provide a broad but unique type of product. During this period Starbucks didnt really have a brand image. They didnt really differentiate themselves from the smaller scale competition. In the customers eye Starbucks wasnt really any different from these other coffee shops except that it was a big brand name. We will write a custom essay sample on Starbucks Marketing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The competition they faced included small scale coffee shops such as Caribou Coffee. They also faced competition on a big coffee distributors such as Maxwell Coffee. So What is the Problem? Even though Starbucks is the biggest coffee distributor out there they still face problems of declining customer satisfaction. They face the problem of brand image in society. A lot of people think Starbucks is just another big corporate bigwig trying to make more money to pay their executives more. Another problem they are facing is customers not being satisfied with the service. They have lost sight of the customer and has worried about other things too much. A lot of customers say the service time is too slow and making it more difficult to stop there and get to work on time. They would like faster service. Starbucks views customer service as an uplifting experience every time you walk through our door. They want you to feel like its another part of your everyday life. They do this by providing the customer with very happy employees. There outlook is a happy employee means a happy customer. They provide their employees with good benefits and high advancement opportunities. Also they strive to create customer satisfaction by remembering what a certain customer drinks and their name. Starbucks measures its customer satisfaction using a Customer Snapshot where a representative being a mystery shopper to measure certain criteria. However these dont always measure properly because they only visit three times a quarter and bad things could be going on different days. Customer Satisfaction is one of the most important aspects to Starbucks because they are what drives their company. They strive off of mouth to mouth advertising so they need their customers to be highly satisfied so they tell their friends to go there. A highly satisfied customer is the difference between telling a friend to go there and just being happy. How Could this Happen? Starbucks, one of the most successful consumer brands of the past decade lost its focus on customer satisfaction because it did not have a proper marketing department. They did not have anyone to do proper research and analysts to know that customers were not as satisfied as they thought they were. Their marketing teams only did things for the company and did not properly keep up with customer satisfaction. One of the things that has changed over the past decade is the type of customers. Starbucks did not realize they had expanded to other ethnic target markets or that younger people with less money was another big revenue intake. Starbucks had achieved its extraordinary growth by taking over the market by building a lot of sights which had a drawback of businesses cannibalizing each other. They also didnt spend much money on advertising or marketing which had the drawback of no product differentiation. Finally, they created a good experience for customers with complex customized drinks which had the rawback of slower service time. I believe that it is possible for a mega-brand to deliver customer intimacy. What does Starbucks Customer Base look like Today? The customer base is different than when Starbucks started up. The newer customers are younger, less well-educated lower income people. Also the target market has got more ethnic with more types of females. The customer service shoul d still be the same because the newer customers behaved in the same way. They acquire customers by expanding their product market and creating new products. Customer satisfaction usually is the deterministic factor if someone is to come back to the store or not. Also the quality of the product usually determines that also. The profitability of a customer is based on the amount of times they return to the store in a month. They should put a lot of emphasis on its regular customers for they provide 67% of the sales. However they need to make sure they make all of their customers happy because that is still 38% of the sales and can definitely help in the long run for profit margins. So How to Fix the Problem? Starbucks does have the capability of delivering the best of both worlds. They can do this by two different ways. First they do need to address the customer service problem. Polled Starbucks customers have said they would like a speedier service. This can be done with more labor hours and maybe some more extensive training of its employees. Also keep its employees happy like they are because it definitely helps to have happy employees. Another way to provide this is to create a better marketing department. They need to be able to collect data and analyze it to make a better customer experience. I believe that Starbucks needs to invest the $40 million, however not all of it in labor investments. I think they need to take some of that money and invest it in the marketing department. They should hire new people that are more qualified to analyze data collected. They should invest the rest into labor such as more workers during busier times and better training. Starbucks has a potential to be bigger than it is now but they need to make some changes and invest some money internally in order for it to be more effective externally.