Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Michale Jackson Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Michale Jackson - Research Paper Example But the most reputed African-American singer of all time is the man who was alive until less than six months ago – the legendary singer and songwriter, Michael Jackson. Michael Joseph Jackson was born in Gary {Indiana, United States} on 29 August 1958 to middle class African-American couple Joseph and Katherine Jackson. Michael was the couple’s eighth child {they had 10 children in all} (Campbell 9). Music was a regular feature in the Jackson home. Joseph was an accomplished guitarist who played in a band named The Falcons during the early stages of the couple’s marriage (Campbell 10). However, as his family grew in size, Joseph was forced to give less attention to his musical ambitions and take up a job as a crane operator (The Biography Channel). His wife Katherine too took up a part-time job at Sears to boost the family finances. The couple however made it a habit to indulge in sing-a-longs, especially on country and western songs, with their children at home (Campbell 10). This gave the Jackson children a solid platform from which they launched their famous musical careers, first embarking on their maiden venture – the Jackson Five. Formed in 1964, the Jackson Five comprised the three oldest children – Jackie, Tito and Jermaine – along with Marlon {aged 6} and Michael {aged 5}. Joseph, living out his dream of achieving fame through his children, made them rehearse for several hours daily while still finishing their school homework and maintaining reasonably good grades, but giving no time for play or other leisure activities (Campbell 10 ). The Jackson Five started joining local talent competitions where they enacted songs by artists like Gladys Knight and James Brown. They also recorded their maiden single entitled Big Boy/You’ve Changed, but it did not evoke much interest (The Biography

Monday, October 28, 2019

AA Meeting Review Essay Example for Free

AA Meeting Review Essay Walking into the AA meeting made me feel very awkward and out of place, but as the meeting began and everyone started sharing their stories I began to feel comfortable about being there. When I first went in the room the chairs were set up in a circle with some on the outside of it. I decided to take a seat on the outside so I wouldn’t be of focus during the meeting. They started the meeting off with reading some inspirational words and then reading the 12 steps. Their focus tonight was on a higher power and how believing in that higher power helps you stay sober. After brief introductions and stating their names, they began discussion and whoever wanted to speak had the opportunity to do so. Listening to all of their stories was really interesting. Almost all of the members have been sober for at least 30 days and more and about four people were just recently sober, with one being sober only three days now. One of the member’s stories really stood out to me. He said that he has been an alcoholic for years now, but always believed he can cure himself and control how many drinks he has. See more:Â  The Story of an Hour Literary Analysis Essay He mentioned that he went out last week with his buddies and wasn’t able to stop himself from going overboard with the drinking. He said he was in a blackout for four days and lost his job. That’s why he ended up at the treatment center; he said he realized that it isn’t possible to be a social drinker when you are an alcoholic. During his story he explained how he had the shakes and the classic withdrawal symptoms and I began to think about what I had learned in class and related it. Another member’s story was about social drinking. She said that her friend was coming home that she knew from college and wanted to get together. She thought about the friendship and realized that she wasn’t a friend and that she was just an old party buddy. She explained that she has a whole new group of sober friends that she hangs out with and that she can’t hang out with her old friends of whom she always went out and drank with. She started saying how she realized she doesn’t even like the sport of football and that she always went out to bars to watch it with friends because it was a time for social drinking. It brought to light that anything can become an excuse for people to partake in social drinking and too much social drinking can turn into alcoholism for some people. Another patient mentioned that she had her first drink at four years old and was in treatment by ten. I was really perplexed by that comment, thinking how could somebody even know what alcohol is at the age of four. She didn’t elaborate on what or how it happened, so I was just left in shock by that. There were many other stories told and I felt good after hearing all of them. It’s so nice to see everybody get close with each other and be there for one another when they’re having a bad day or week. They celebrate the landmarks of each other’s length of sobriety and that’s really heartwarming to see. They ended the meeting with the 12 promises and a prayer. Overall, after getting over the initial feeling of awkwardness, it was a successful experience and got to hear about the personal effects of alcohol on their lives.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

John Dewey and His Impact on Society :: Pragmatism Essays

John Dewey was an American philosopher and teacher who, with Charles Peirce and William James, were the originators of the philosophy known as "pragmatism." Dewey had a long and distinguished career as a teacher, labor activist, and "public intellectual" who was not afraid to deal in his philosophical writings with real social issues. Dewey changed philosophy and its view forever and has made a large impact on the way modern philosophers look at things today. Dewey started off as a Hegelian idealist, but changed from idealism to experimentalism, which studied the human mind and real life issues, and which emphasized the ways in which human intelligence may be applied to the solution of real problems in real life. Dewey published over 100 books during his lifetime, dealing with topics such as education, ethics, logic, metaphysics, aesthetics, religious experience, war, politics, and economics. He was often scorned by other philosophers who thought his philosophy was too concerned with practice and not concerned enough with theory or with traditional philosophical issues like epistemology (or "how can we know"), ontology ("what is real"), or traditional logic ("what is truth"). Dewey was quite blunt in his claim that "Philosophy recovers itself when it ceases to be a device for dealing with the problems of philosophers and becomes a method, cultivated by philosophers, for dealing with the problems of men." (The Need for a Recovery in Philosophy, 1917) This set Dewy apart from the rest, and made his view on philosophy (Pragmatism) very unique and moving. His theories on human intelligence have helped numerous Universities, schools, and doctors help people learn. Dewey was one of the greatest minds to ever walk the face of America. Timeline and achievements of John Dewey  · Born Burlington, VT October 20, 1859  · 1875, attended University of Vermont major of philosophy  · 1879, taught high school in Oil City PA  · 1882, attended Johns Hopkins University- studied philosophy and psychology  · 1884, first job at University of Michigan  · 1886, married Alice Chipman  · 1888, worked at University of Minnesota as head of philosophy dept.  · 1889, worked back at U. Michigan as head of philosophy dept  · 1894, worked as head of philosophy and psychology departments at University of Chicago (1894 - 1904)  · 1894-6, founded University Elementary School, now the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools  · 1905, worked as professor of philosophy at Columbia University

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Stakeholder Analysis on Bp

Assignment # 1 Stakeholder analysis on the British Petroleum oil spill disaster Stakeholder: UK and USA Government The British Petroleum (BP) oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico flowed unabated for three months in 2010. It is the largest accidental marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry. This event affected individuals and groups, know as stakeholders, in different ways according to the impact that the catastrophe meant to their situation.The stakeholders treated in this case are the U. S. and UK government, which first we would like to define their position on the disaster then to find the links with ethical traditions and finally to mention the positive aspects and limits of these two with three theoretical propositions (Stakeholder Theory, CSR & Ethics of discussion). The positions of the governments were on their own particular way to deal and manage the situation of the BP oil spill. The U. S. overnment took an offensive position against BP and made it responsible of the incurred damages as a result of the oil spill, likewise, indirectly blamed the UK government as the main regulator of the companies from their country. In response, the UK government took a defensive position about the responsibility of the damages and for the hostile side that U. S. took against. However UK government wanted to manage the situation by the side of the cocerns of their people interesr and BP involment to develop the best and fastest solution for the situation.The reason why the U. S. government took an aggressive position came from its role as representative of a nation that should give solutions to the problems and complaints of the individuals and groups (business, organizations, etc) concern of US nation. But seeing it on the other side, the same particular reason came with the UK government. Now, the question relies on: why they went on different sides? or more precisely, what made them to take a position different from each other? if their objectives wer e basically the same.The interest of both governments were mostly on the same page, but there were some differences. The U. S. government seek to be the victim of the incident with the reason of solidarity with those affected but also be the one to go forward in search of a solution and satisfaction of all involved as it? s leader role. As well, the U. S. government was responsible for establish appropriate regulations to prevent such damage. This put it on the exterior â€Å"inocent† role but indirect accomplice for the mistake done.Furthermore, the UK government seek not be involved in the incident, likewise even pretended to find a speedy solution to be the lowest impact to its stakeholders and its oil industry that implies BP mainly in the economial and relationships between nations. Its role was primarily mediator in the dispute of the guilt of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico with the intention of the most healthy solution of all. References: Urbina, I. (2010, May 24 ). Inspector general’s inquiry faults regulators.The New York Times. Retrieved from http://www. nytimes. com/2010/05/25/us/25mms. html? pagewanted=all&_r=0 Thompson, P. (2010, June 7). Stop blaming uk for bp oil spill disaster: Cable hits out at america read more. Mail online. Retrieved from http://www. dailymail. co. uk/news/article-1284125/Stop-blaming-UK-BP-oil-spill-disaster-Cable-hits-America. html White House. (2010, August 14). Deepwater bp oil spill. Retrieved from http://www. whitehouse. gov/deepwater-bp-oil-spill Alfano, S. (2010, June 5).Bp oil spill not our fault, british government official says, calls criticism extreme and unhelpful'. Daily News. Retrieved from http://articles. nydailynews. com/2010-06-05/news/27066339_1_oil-spill-bp-rig Wray, R. (2010, July 27). Bp oil spill: Uk taxpayers face gulf clean-up loss. The Guardian. Retrieved from http://www. guardian. co. uk/business/2010/jul/27/bp-oil-spill-taxpayers-clean-up-costs Plante, B. (2010, May 23). Oil sp ill sparks call for aggressive gov't role. CBS News. Retrieved from http://www. cbsnews. com/8301-18563_162-6510144. html

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Trends in Cad Industry

INTRODUCTION ABOUT THE INDUSTRY CAD SOFTWARE HISTORY CAD software, also referred to as Computer Aided Design software and in the past as computer aided drafting software, refers to software programs that assist engineers and designers in a wide variety of industries to design and manufacture physical products ranging from buildings, bridges, roads, aircraft and automobiles, large aerospace and automotive companies, ships and cars to digital CAD CAM software (‘CAM' is the acronym for Computer Aided Machining). Sketchpad was the world's first CAD software but the first commercial CAM software system, a Dr. Patrick J. Hanratty. For that reason it is Dr. Hanratty who is most often referred to as â€Å"the father First-generation CAD software systems were typically 2D drafting applications developed by a manufacturer's internal IT group (often collaborating with university researchers) and prim arily intended to automate repetitive drafting chores. The first CAD/CAM software tools emerged in the late 1950s and early 60s for use by automobile and airplane manufacturers with highly detailed McDonnell-Douglas (CADD released in 1966), Ford (PDGS released in 1967), Lockheed (CADAM AN INTRODUCTION TO THE CAD SOFTWARE INDUSTRY CAD software, or computer-aided design software, is used to expedite the process of 2-D and 3-D design and drafting. CAD software can be used on projects as small as a single room in a house, such as a kitchen or bathroom, or as large as a municipal master plan. CAD software also lets engineers and manufacturers design components such as car parts or circuit boards; this process is referred to as CAM, or computer-aided manufacturing. Computer-aided design (CAD) is the use of computer technology for the design of objects, real or virtual. CAD often involves more than just shapes. As in the manual drafting of technical and engineering drawings, the output of CAD often must convey also symbolic information such as materials, processes, dimensions, and tolerances, according to application-specific conventions. and technical manuals. The modern ubiquity and power of computers means that even perfume bottles and shampoo dispensers are designed using techniques unheard of by engineers of the 1960s. Because of its enormous economic importance, CAD has been a major driving force for research in computational geometry, computer graphics (both hardware and software), and discrete differential CAD enables designers to lay out and develop work on screen, print it out and save it for future modeling, in which case it may be marketed as CADD — computer-aided design and drafting Current Computer-Aided Design software packages range from 2D vector-based drafting systems to The CAD software industry can be used solely for creating 2-D and 3-D designs, other products can be linked to construction cost databases, thus giving users the option to click on a window and see data such as a model number and its cost. Finally, today's CAD systems also provide functionality for Web-based collaboration, for turning 3-D models into animations or videos for prospective clients, and for publishing designs onto surveying applications such as Google Earth. Computer-Aided Design is one part of the whole Digital Product Development (DPD) activity within the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) process, and as such is used together with other tools, which are either integrated modules or stand-alone products, such as: Computer-aided engineering (CAE) and Finite element analysis (FEA) Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) including instructions to Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines Photo realistic rendering Document management and revision control using Product Data Management (PDM). CAD standards Comparison of CAD editors for AEC (architecture, engineering and construction) Comparison of CAD editors for CAM (computer-aided manufacturing) Comparison of CAD editors for CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) Comparison of Free EDA software (Electronic Design Automation) 3D computer graphics software Comparison of 3D computer graphics software Digital architecture Electronic design automation ISO 128 List of CAD companies Molecular design software INTRODUCTION ABOUT THE COMPANY EGS Computers India Private Limited, since inception in 1993, has been providing solutions in the areas of product design, Validation and Engineering Simulation for customers in India. EGS India is an authorized reseller of SolidWorks CAD/CAE/PDM Software Since 1999. EGS is a World-Wide consulting company in Product Design, Finite Element Analysis, Simulation and Development for Machinery, Automobile OEM's and their suppliers, Agriculture, Automotive, Process, Machine Tool, Material Handling Applications and Special Purpose Machines (SPM) SolidWorks Technical support team at EGS India has been delivering Engineering Design Solutions to demanding customers requirements in applications ranging from automotive, material handling, machinery development to power, process and allied industries world-wide for Services, Software and Training Requirements. EGS India has invested in latest engineering tools in the areas of CAD and FEA to augment the Design Capabilities and Complement Engineering Experience built over years of delivering successful customer-driven solutions. Activities at EGS India Array of Product Design activities ranging from concept design to engineering drawing release while focussing on Fit, Form and Function using SolidWorks for Customers in Chennai, Coimbatore, Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai and Rest of India Simulation and Validation using Finite Element Analysis techniques from Linear to Highly Non-Linear Domains Reseller SolidWorks CAD, SolidWorks Simulation ( Cosmos FEA ), PDMWorks Software Solutions, Chennai, Coimbatore, Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India in the areas of Computer Aided Engineering Customization using SolidWorks for Automation of Design functions including Modelling, Drawing Generation and Knowledge Based Engineering Functions ACADEMIX Training on Advanced Engineering functions to augment Design expertise and refine design procedures for accelerated product development using SolidWorks, Cosmos FEA, Nastran, Patran, LMS, Abaqus software. GD & T Training is conducted by EGS India for customers in Chennai, Coimbatore, Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai, New Delhi and other parts of India to help Indian Manufacturers deliver on High Quality Products ACADEMIX, technical training Division of EGS India has contributed to devolution of knowledge in the areas of Design, Validation, Drawing Development using GD&T concepts for numerous companies in India. Software Sales and Support EGS India has been associated with SolidWorks Corporation – USA, as a Value Added Reseller since 1999, delivering Design Solutions to customers in India. Commitment and Passion to help customers in their Design Functions has helped EGS India earn the trust of Companies, Large and Small, India-wide.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Tyler LeBlanc LeBlanc 1. Essays (1120 words) - Free Essays

Tyler LeBlanc LeBlanc 1. Essays (1120 words) - Free Essays Tyler LeBlanc LeBlanc 1. Prof. Horowitz Enl 110 10/2/2017 Practice #2 Narrative Who Am I ? Story Losing It All I look around the crowded hallways, posters and decorated banners cover the never ending line of lockers. Mature teens stand near the metal walling repping institutions that they would attend shortly after our graduation. I stand out amongst the crowd wearing my same bland clothing, as up to that point no college representative made any effort in reaching out to me let alone throwing their schools apparel at me. I keep my mind optimistic, as I uploaded my football film up to the internet last night so I expect someone to reach out to me soon. Opportunity has finally knocked on my door, as I received a email from two schools last week pertaining their hopes of me attending their institutions on academic and athletic purpose. I scheduled an appointment to meet with the coach from Bryant University within the next couple of minutes and kept in contact with Iowa Western via email. I walk down the hallway after getting the announcement over the loud en t ercomm to go down to the front office to meet with my visitor and my senior advisor. As my clammy hand swings the aged door, a plump giant stranger lunges at me for embrace. The large man introduces himself as Bryant university's offensive coordinator. The over excellous man and I take a seat. Before the older gentleman discussed anything he mentioned I must cut fifty pounds to gain a roster spot. Me being a large LeBlanc 2. E goe d teenage r I informed the coach that I realistically did not see that happening. As soon as the words uttered from my mouth the man without response spontaneously changed his demeanor and swiftly and abruptly walked out of the advisor's office. I sit in the wooden chair in disbelief, trying to comprehend the event that just took place. My approval to Iowa western grasped tight in my hand, I kick the tightly packed suit cases into the barre brick room. From what I seen on the car rid e from the airport to campus through the dull scratched windows of the musty taxi Iowa turns out to be exactly what I knew it would be, nothing but corn . As I roll on to campus grounds, Hours roll by and still no one arrives. Typically one would be content with absensce of their roommate, however lay on the cold plastic fabric bed shuddering from the cold air shooting from the air conditioner placed right above my head. I grow more and more upset at myself, as if I swallowed my pride I could be in a D1 program in a warm catered dorm room. I swore to myself from this moment on I will make best of every moment of my life so I would never hit bottom like this once more. My mind schemed on exactly what must improve and how will I implement those ideals into my everyday life. I will not let my short comings define m e. I kept optimism and "saw my new circumstances as an opportunity to change, to move in a new direction. My breaths grew shorter as my legs churned faster and harder down the heavily cracked cement. Repetitive acrid comments jutt at my mind like tiny daggers cutting shallow yet swift. Sweat, yes sweat is more over the most uncomfortable factor of all this unnecessary bullshit, as my drenched grey T- Shirt alludes onlookers in believing I might have been running LeBlanc 3. home distraught as I just came in second place in a wet T - shirt competition. My routine image of my final destination is slowly blurring into my congested mind as I continuously fight the urge of halting. Once again I ruffle into three layers of scratchy long sleeve thermal shirts, and jump into my oversized Black- Grey champion sweat pants. I now turn my attention to my abbist of a shoe container. My stubby fingers buckle under t he plastic lid as I lift to jar free the refreshing smell of a large arrangement of over worked sneakers. I pull out the

Monday, October 21, 2019

Talking Writing, Music and Editing with Tom Flood

Talking Writing, Music and Editing with Tom Flood Talking Writing, Music and Editing with Tom Flood Tom Flood helped us refine Reedsy from our earliest days. Now we want to share his amazing story. From songwriting to novels and finally manuscript editing, Tom has honed his knowledge of the writing craft over the years, and contributes today to our (aspirationally) literary blog.In one of our most in-depth interviews so far, what started as a conversation about Tom’s agency Flood Manuscripts moved on to cover his work as an editor, a writer, and an independent musician.Tom analyses the oft-invoked parallel between book and music publishing and what the future holds for both these industries. He also shares his own experience as a writer - he made this great observation about identifying oneself as a writer:â€Å"When people ask, ‘What do you do?’ and I answer, ‘Writer, editor, musician,’ the next question is invariably ‘Oh, what do you play?’ Writing is both less and more mysterious. Nearly everyone writes, so it engenders the second q uestion ‘What do you write?’ way less often. The more revealing ‘How do you write like that?’ comes rarely. People think skill in musicianship comes with practice and dexterity, but skill in creative writing? Like art, they believe it’s a gift. The reality is they’re the same.†His tripartite career gives Tom a unique lens through which to see what’s happening right now in the new world of publishing. His advice to writers is both practical / motivating - persevere, keep going - and informed by years of experience editing self-published authors.Hi Tom, you have an impressive portfolio and experience in writing, editing and proofreading. Which one came first in your career? In other words, what made you become an editor?Thanks, Ricardo. I came to editing via writing. I have always been a songwriter but in the 80s, buoyed by a boom of new Australian fiction engendered by the infrastructure built by the short-lived, ground-breaking Le ft government of the 70s, I began to try my pen at short stories, got one published in a short-lived journal, and finding that slow going, switched to the big picture of the novel. The success of that move (three national awards) led to connections in the world of publishing and I began occasional award judging, assessment through our major residential writers’ centre, and some editing for publishers throughout the 90s, also being commissioned to write a theatre piece and a feature film. That all petered out as I moved back towards music performance and had a stab at academia.In 2003, with a string of part-time jobs, and looking to find new income streams, I began working through the net for a few large assessment/appraisal services in other states, a relatively new industry, reading and advising across a wide range of prose writing. A year later my artist partner suggested I start my own to fund living through a PhD, and a writing client created the first Flood Manuscripts w ebsite. Within a year it was full-time assessment and clients began to ask if I would mentor them, act as agent, ghostwriter and all manner of services I had no intention of taking up. Dumping the doctorate to ride the growing self-pub wave with Flood Manuscripts, the next step was mentoring, structural editing and copy editing, and finally proofreading, as Aussie writers began to become impatient with the trade publishers and adept at dealing with the digital, their needs evolving. I keep the service personal, despite many suggestions to expand into an agency, because I like to be at the coalface.You have also both won and been a judge to major writing awards in Australia, how did that start, and what do these awards represent for you as an author? (Is that just a nice acknowledgement of your craft or something you’re genuinely proud of?)Awards! Without them Flood Manuscripts wouldn’t exist. Despite both parents writing pretty successfully (my mother, Dorothy Hewett, was a well-known poet and playwright), neither had published with a mainstream press. I made my name in fiction by winning our premier manuscript award, the prize including publication by Allen Unwin, and that novel then took out more awards, including our oldest and best known fiction prize, the Miles Franklin Award. Everything else I have been lucky enough to be involved with has stemmed from those awards. Flood Manuscripts’ clients have since taken out even more awards, mostly international, and yes, I’m very proud to be a small part of that.We are in London, and most of our audience is in the US. But you live in Australia, so can you tell us how the publishing landscape looks like over there? How â€Å"big† are ebooks and self-publishing?I think we’re trailing a decade behind USA in some aspects, particularly genre, as we are a small market and still retain a certain English literariness in our publishing landscape, largely fed by our tertiary educat ion system. That said, we were and still are ahead in acceptance of manuscript assessment /appraisal as an essential part of that landscape. Once convinced, Australians do have a fast technology take-up and self-pub is really developing into a snowball.Has the â€Å"digital revolution† truly changed your career, or do you feel you continue working with authors more or less like you did before?Flood Manuscripts is a child of the digital ‘revolution’. 98% of my work is sourced, contracted, paid and completed via the net. That has grown from about 70% over a decade. I’m receiving around one paper manuscript a year. I prefer to read and edit digitally for work, although I still like to read paper for pleasure. I like the ancient craft of bookbinding. It will be a shame if we lose that art form to the economics of the trade.Songwriting, though, has not changed for me. The pen is still mighty, the pencil mightier, and scraps of waste paper litter the study on ev ery surface. With the novel, I began handwriting it in ‘85, moved to a borrowed typewriter, then a borrowed word processor, and finally finished the last drafts on a redundant computer with bootlegged software (WordStar) from my partner’s work place. I was over 30, on the dole, and on the rebound from an art pop band in Sydney. I don’t think I actually got on the net until 2003.This is a traditional question in our interviews: does working directly with an author (indie or hybrid) make it easier or harder for you? Does the absence of a traditional publishing structure change the way you communicate with the author?Except in the early days before Flood Manuscripts, I’ve almost always worked directly with authors. I don’t court the trade publishers because there are so few here and they don’t outsource much anyway. How it continues to change is in the speed, volume and creativity of new digital ventures and what they offer to litworkers. As an assessor, keeping up with even a small part of that change is a challenge.You are also a musician, singer and songwriter in the acoustic trio Blues Angels. The music industry and the publishing one are often compared, many people proclaiming that what happened in music will happen to books. What’s your opinion on that?Conventional wisdom has had the popular music evolution in four phases: 1) sign with a big label; 2) music publishers make big money from big musicians and use some of those profits to develop new talent; 3) big musicians realise they’re leaving money on the table and set up their own labels (self-publishing), resulting in music publishers dwindling and new musicians having no corporate sponsorship; 4) digi-platforms like iTunes do the same as Amazon/KDP/Kindle and new musicians go direct to consumers (less 30%), but there is new pressure to discount or give away material for free; and we can now add phase 5) big musicians realise how much money they are leaving on the distributors’ table and abandon digital platforms (Taylor Swift/Spotify, Radiohead /iTunes). New musicians have no sponsor, make no money from Spotify and can’t sell on iTunes without a massive marketing spend.The book trade significantly differs to music in that it doesn’t have a regular large performance aspect, although writers are often performers at festivals, schools, readings, etc., and libraries aren’t really a power in the same way in the music trade, although ideas like Self-E and the digital library may significantly endanger lending rights payments in the pursuit of ‘going viral’. It’s not a matter of ‘will happen’; it already has, at least to level 4. Writing, like music, has gone digital and that digital product is being given away in the millions to create traction towards a fame of sorts and is being streamed, not quite like Spotify et al, through Kindle Owners Lending Library, but podcasting and YouTube are pushing text more into performance re audiobooks, book trailers, and even as the music industry has been digitally driven back towards the single as its principal product, so Kindle Shorts, blogging, social media publishing and other developments continue to drive fiction back towards the heyday of shorter forms. Will this be a boon to poetry? It should be, but I haven’t seen a Shorts- or YouTube-based boom in verse, though it’s early days yet. I do see bundling going on in either form by both indies and trade, both live and product-based, and I expect we’ll see even more specific-subject social media appearing, like mootis, a Twitter for legals, and new models for crowdfunding, like Patreon.This is the big picture, but as with BluesAngels, who don’t operate in the world of popular music, we do our gigs and small festivals, make our recordings and sell our music at those live gigs, then rinse and repeat. Sure, we’ve put it up digit ally on iTunes and Spotify, but we don’t expect to compete with the pop forms; we don’t have that kind of money. So far we’ve made eight cents from streaming. Indie authors can and do still exist at this same level. I have a long term client with Flood Manuscripts who self-pubbed a hardback verse novel, offset printed, and took it on the road to sell – door to door! He’s sold 15,000 over a number of years, making him a best seller in Australian poetry, and funded an audio CD, but he doesn’t register on Bookscan, nor have the poetry awards or Amazon ever heard of him.A hard question now: do you prefer being an author, and editor or a musician? Where do you feel you have more creative freedom?The last one was hard. Creative freedom might just be a curse to some. Many artists prefer a given structure within which to work, although I’m not one of them. Some like to push the boundaries of form, others to innovate within those boundaries, a nd others prefer to capitalise on proven market structures. Creative freedom is not a term I think about or relate to, perhaps because I have it? Perhaps not: like writers’ block, I don’t think you can pin down what it is. As to author, editor, musician, all three can be personally satisfying.Some say that certain media are better than others to express a particular message. Do you think music allows you to express some things that you cannot in writing, and vice-versa?As an aural form based on sound, not words, and not limited by language, only taste, music is probably capable of appealing more indefinably to the emotions, but I’m a songster, so for me it’s a vehicle to carry fewer words more urgently to the audience, kinda like poetry, but it can and does operate differently. Unlike writing, there are also visible tools, and people do appreciate visible, live craft. When people ask, ‘What do you do?’ and I answer, ‘Writer, editor, mus ician,’ the next question is invariably ‘Oh, what do you play?’ Writing is both less and more mysterious. Nearly everyone writes, so it engenders the second question ‘What do you write?’ way less often. The more revealing ‘How do you write like that?’ comes rarely. People think skill in musicianship comes with practice and dexterity, but skill in creative writing? Like art, they believe it’s a gift. The reality is they’re the same.Finally, if you had one word of advice for authors (mainstream, indie, hybrid) in 2015, what would it be?I’m a novelist! Even tweets give us more than one word, but when it comes to publishing, I shuffle between ‘Persevere’ and ‘Quit’, but ‘Time Management’ may be two words worth contemplating. Things are both worse and better for authors than at any time in the history of printing, but the history of authors is millennia older. What we’re seein g today is the very rapid furthering of the democratisation of publishing. Making money is a relatively new notion in that history. What is an author? A writer: or a writer who is published? With the rise of self-pub, ‘is published’ is changing to ‘has published’, from passive to active, but an author is simply an originator. So my advice to authors, as always, is mundane; if you enjoy writing, keep learning by reading and doing, and you will be constantly challenged to go further. It is principally a vocation. If you want to become a publisher, you’re back to square one – an ingà ©nue - set out to learn your new set of jobs thoroughly, and keep learning and doing.Thanks a lot for your time, Tom, and for sharing these fantastic insights with us.Thanks, Ricardo, for this opportunity, and thanks to the Reedsy crew for authoring this quality new service.Follow Flood Manuscripts and Reedsy on Facebook!What do you think about Tom’s story? A re we right in drawing parallels between the book and music industries? What fundamental differences do you see, and what’s the future going to look like? Leave us your thoughts, along with any question for Tom, in the comments below.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

7 Poor Parking Signs

7 Poor Parking Signs 7 Poor Parking Signs 7 Poor Parking Signs By Mark Nichol I’m inured to ineptly expressed messages on parking signs, but the signage reproduced here prompts a ticketing spree by the spelling police. What, exactly, is a low-emmiting, fuel-efficent vehicle can it park there if it’s magn-efficent? and how do you know whether you have one? This sign should read â€Å"Low-Emitting, Fuel-Efficient Vehicle Parking Only.† Sign makers in the United Kingdom are so polite! They ever so regretful that they must inconvenience you by informing you that this parking area is unsuitable for HGV’s. (In other words – to translate for Americans don’t park your semi here, bub.) That’s a charming sign, but an apostrophe and an s signals possession; an s alone indicates a plural, and that’s what â€Å"HGVs† is. Therefore, the message invites the question, â€Å"Unsuitable for HGV’s what? And who is HGV?† That’s comforting to know that none customers I guess that means â€Å"no customers† will be towed away. (Sometimes, after I dine at a Mexican restaurant, I feel like I need to be towed away or, better yet, hoisted onto a flatbed truck.) Oh, I get it now: noncustomers. What really clinches this failure of a sign is the gratuitous period after away, and the resulting fragment that follows. What’s a privae, and how does one park it (or them, as the Latin plural appendage -ae seems to indicate)? How kind of the sign maker, by the way, to refrain from taking up all that space on the weekends with a fleet of privas. Here, two possessive nouns are rendered erroneously in different ways: They should read Golfers’ and Rafters’ (unless, of course, the sign is targeting a single rafter). Customer’s only what? We expect better of a progressive international grocery store chain. (And â€Å"1 hour parking†? I know that commercial advertising is inimical to hyphenation that is perhaps the most ubiquitous signage error but, really, does Whole Foods Market have to be as careless as every other merchant?) You had to see this one coming: otherwise known as privates parking. (Entrance on Whitley, printing by Witless.) These images are from the websites Apostrophe Abuse, Funny Typos, and The Great Typo Hunt. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Coordinating vs. Subordinating ConjunctionsDifference between "Pressing" and "Ironing"Confusion of Subjective and Objective Pronouns

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Complete standardisation of offerings and marketing interactions in Essay

Complete standardisation of offerings and marketing interactions in International Marketing strategy is always the main goal - Essay Example The standardization of the marketing interaction sets a bench mark upon the company by the company itself as it will market in a standardized and planned manner irrespective of the economic conditions prevailing in different markets. The offers that the company make to the customers should be globally available to all of the customers around the world. This will set standard for the company as to operate with more efficiency as the target market that they are covering does not restricts to a single economic conditions but the company will be operating internationally and thus will have to perform accordingly. Companies when operating internationally are competing internationally at the same time. Companies faces much intense and severe competition when operating internationally as the quantity of competitors increase and so do the level of competition. Standardizing the offerings and marketing interactions strengthens the brand around the world and thus enforces a self-level of stand ardization so as to maintain the company image and brand worth. World is now a global village. The businesses operates around the globe. Multinational way of operation is encouraged and almost every business is aiming to go global. When the business is multinational it faces many things. The diversified market, customers, products, laws and regulations, work force and many more (Hamilton & Wood, 2009). Due to this globalization, one of the major factor is the diversified labor that is available to the businesses. Socializing The world is going global with intervention and advancement of technology. Technology has removed many of the barriers and economic boundaries thus enabling companies to operate internationally. Consumers and potential customers are easy to reach. Access to different parts of the world is possible with much ease. In this modern era the scope of the business is limitless as there are a range of opportunities for the businesses to avail and in order to fully utili ze the resources the businesses need to be socially active so as to determine the possibilities and opportunities on timely basis and get advantage out of them. There are many platforms where a business can publicize and advertise on the social networks provided by the technology. Social interactions is essential so as to remove the barriers and make the new possibilities utilizable in a sense that benefits the most. The social networking of a business is crucial for its growth as it creates the brand worth and highlights and make people aware of its products hence providing an effective source of marketing (Holden, 2004). Social media is transforming the way business is carried out. A recent study by the Internet Advertising Bureau UK found that nearly 80% of consumers would be more inclined to buy more often in the future because of a brand's presence on social media. Social media is one of the major source to market every kind of product. Companies make websites and share their l inks on social networking websites so as to make their advertising more effective and beneficial. The social websites has millions of users and hence millions of potential customers for the businesses which advertise their products on those websites. It is the advancement of the technology that made social networking

E-Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

E-Portfolio - Essay Example The course will concentrate on creating a thorough syllabus that will help the students generate and interpret ideas (O'Malley & Pierce). The social studies theme chosen for this curriculum is known as "The American Dream". It will focus on creating an individual who is educated and enlightened in all spheres of life. The theme will cover a variety of diverse subjects including history, geography and social etiquette. It will contain hidden undertones that emphasize the greatness of America and the roots taken for her to achieve success. The title of the book will remind the children of the motto held by the great state in ensuring its citizens provide and achieve the best from it. Thus, if later in life the student ever stumbles in their path to make a difference, this social studies book will be a perfect reminder of the Declaration of Independence which asks all Americans to strive in the pursuit of happiness because the state can indeed provide it. The units created in this essay will be Mystery History, YOU and Now your turn. All three topics will vary in the education they provide to the students. Starting with Mystery History, it will focus on the time before the Declaration of Independence was signed. It will cover a wide range of material from the time of colonialism to the Boston Tea Party, the Colonial Wars and success leading to the Declaration of Independence. Without going into the intricate details of these events, the topic will cover the bare essentials, mostly focusing on the reasons and consequences behind certain events. An idea like this cannot be taught without dates but it shall be ensured that only the most basic of dates are given such as the signing of the Declaration of Independence. This topic will touch the history of America and will instill the idea of the sacrifices made to achieve the status it has today. Thus ensuring that at a very young age the student knows the cost at which their freedom was a chieved and the necessity to maintain it. The second topic will be known merely as "YOU". This topic will refer to the rights each American citizen has in his country. Because this topic is too extensive and complicated for a young student, many might defer from using it. However, if taught it will form a basis of what the student should expect from life in the future and will be the breeding ground for true American freedom. This topic will be in quick succession after the history of American Independence because it will create a connection with what has been achieved by the students' ancestors. It will focus on the basics of the Declaration of Independence, ensuring that the student realizes that this is practiced even today: All men are created equal. They have unalienable rights amongst them are those of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The third topic will be titled "Now your turn". Its connection with the second title will come because it shows the student their responsibility to return to America what the country has given it. This topic will cover a wide range of ethics that a student must learn from something trivial to throwing garbage in the trash can to helping an elderly woman cross the road.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 8

Marketing - Essay Example The corporate strategy plays a significant role at building a bridge between the company’s inner policies and the undertakings it has with the various stakeholders, who could be from the external marketing settings. (Korzeniowski, 2001) In the world of today, external marketing environment has gained a lot of essence due to the fact that it brings into picture the real role of the channel members, middle line managers and wholesalers as well as other personnel who do their bit towards completing different activities and tasks, coming directly under the auspices of the organization’s hold. (Applbaum, 2004) What is therefore necessary in such a situation is to be open to all forms of criticisms which could be raised by the various stakeholders and parties hailing from the external marketing environment and the related regimes. This will present the said organization with a host of options when it devises a plan to counter the problems which it is facing at the hands of the external marketing environment and the different players present within the very same environmental settings. Problems stumbled upon by the business at one region or at a local franchise would mean that the company should be ready to bear losses of an unimaginable cost. More than that, the company will lose its self-won respect and dignity around which shareholders and owners, etc are revolving around. The big companies that are internationally marketed cannot compete with everyone. They have to set their own competitors in the particular field and then go about competing with each other. Negative diplomacy and marketing should in no way create upheaval and turbulence for the people to raise fingers upon. Rather the company should find out and select certain businesses, which will help it in its smooth running (of business). (Wells, 1998) There can be a number of factors, which can bring about

Organizational Structure Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

Organizational Structure Paper - Essay Example Despite the fact that they vary from one structure to another depending on the organizational objectives, organizational structures determine the particular modes involving the operation and performance of an organization. Considering the significant role played by organizational structures in determining the achievement of organizational objectives, this paper discusses IBM’s organizational structure and the various aspects attributed to it. Organizational structure has two major roles in an organization, in which it provides the foundational structure for establishing the standard operating procedures and routines and how particular individuals get to participate in the decision-making process in an extent of their view to shape the organization in a particular manner (Cordes, 2003). In such, organizational structure allows for the expressed allocation of duties and responsibilities for further actions based on functions and processes to different entities within the organization such as departments, groups, or even to individuals. A particular organizational structure used by an organization determines the organization’s success or failure. Different organizational structures exist for an organization to adopt and implement, depending on the objectives of a particular organization. IBM Inc. on its part works with a matrix organizational structure, which has both a functional and divisional aspects all incorporated into the organization’s operations. As such the functional aspects involves the grouping of individuals depending on their expertise, resources, and experiences to perform specialized tasks, whereas the divisional aspect involves divisions of operation such as product lines and markets, all channeled towards meeting IBM’s goals and objectives (Massa, 1993). Previously, IBM had a flat organizational structure, with little distinction between the executives and the lower-level employees. The matrix organizational

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Security Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Security Report - Essay Example However, there are many cases where malware is found in genuine software like company software; and the malware can be used maliciously in gathering marketing data. Software like firewalls, antivirus and antimalware are installed in computers to prevent malware attacks. The school administrators and teachers, on detecting malware attacks on school computers, should take steps to adopt the damage and adopt ways of minimizing the malware attacks in future. Assessing the damage involves three steps; preparation, investigation and assessment. In preparation stage; the administrators should avoid using the browser of affected computers; this is because malware usually spreads through browser vulnerabilities and opening infected web page can damage the computer further. The investigation stage involves identification of the malware type; this can easily be done through the study of malware categories in the server configuration and SQL injection (Cashell & Webel, 2004). In assessment stage the administrators should consider the damage done, for example; data theft of computer files corruption. The school administrators should inform members of the public on the malware attacks cases; through the appropriate communication or media channels. The public should also be informed of the type and magnitude of malware attack. Malware attack on school computers can be motivated by financial reasons, data theft or the innovative nature of students. The public must be told of the appropriate measures put in place to investigate the malware damage; and their trust can be achieved through explaining the measure adapted to prevent further attacks in future. There are software programs which have been made for the main purpose of combating malware; the school administrators should ensure that this antimalware software is installed in all official computers. Other preventing measures involve; backup measures and recovery measures. Antimalware

Negotiation Principles - Lesson 22 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Negotiation Principles - Lesson 22 - Essay Example Lastly, advocate approach takes many factors into consideration and occurs when an individual tries to accumulate as much benefits for their party as possible. It is a dangerous tactic as it can result in more lose than win situations. Negotiating government contracts consist of many forms. Nibbling is one of the most prominent forms for negotiation. The actually strategy is to pursue strong efforts of negotiation until the deal is done. It’s effective when the other party has invested much time and energy into a particular contract. The second type of government contracting is refusal. Refusal is a method that indicates that a party is not interested in the offer and thinks there is room for improvement. This tactic does produce many positive results. Another method is called conditioning in which parties start with initial talks prior to engagement. It sets out a scope for engagement and discussion and very fast way to get the deal done. Another methodology is known as distributive negotiation. This type of negotiation deals with the proper allocation of proportions that are being distributed. It’s a government contract quality assurance program that ensures that frauds are being eliminated and that the parties possess FAA certificates. CAO has stands for Contract Administrative Officer. The main role of CAO is to collaborate with the PCO and the ACO in order to ensure that bodies are certified for contracting through these agencies. The PCO ensures that private contracts are established while the CAO is in charge of diminishing fraud. The CAS works closely with DoD that requires performance of contract administration. Lastly, the PCO is the organization that the contractor needs to be filed with for procuring purposes. The Procuring Contracting Officer (PCO) initiates into the contract and possesses the original signed contract for the official contract file. The CAO has most responsibilities at it over heads the contractor

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Security Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Security Report - Essay Example However, there are many cases where malware is found in genuine software like company software; and the malware can be used maliciously in gathering marketing data. Software like firewalls, antivirus and antimalware are installed in computers to prevent malware attacks. The school administrators and teachers, on detecting malware attacks on school computers, should take steps to adopt the damage and adopt ways of minimizing the malware attacks in future. Assessing the damage involves three steps; preparation, investigation and assessment. In preparation stage; the administrators should avoid using the browser of affected computers; this is because malware usually spreads through browser vulnerabilities and opening infected web page can damage the computer further. The investigation stage involves identification of the malware type; this can easily be done through the study of malware categories in the server configuration and SQL injection (Cashell & Webel, 2004). In assessment stage the administrators should consider the damage done, for example; data theft of computer files corruption. The school administrators should inform members of the public on the malware attacks cases; through the appropriate communication or media channels. The public should also be informed of the type and magnitude of malware attack. Malware attack on school computers can be motivated by financial reasons, data theft or the innovative nature of students. The public must be told of the appropriate measures put in place to investigate the malware damage; and their trust can be achieved through explaining the measure adapted to prevent further attacks in future. There are software programs which have been made for the main purpose of combating malware; the school administrators should ensure that this antimalware software is installed in all official computers. Other preventing measures involve; backup measures and recovery measures. Antimalware

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Private equity & Venture capital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Private equity & Venture capital - Essay Example The sale price for the company that would make sense for the venture capital fund to convert its convertible preferred stock will be ($3/1.75) = $1.714 per share. d) Explain how a participating convertible preferred stock (PCPT) differs from a standard convertible preferred stock, and what benefits it has for the investor purchasing the PCPT. Why would existing investors agree to use a PCPT security in a new financing round? PCPT is a convertible stock that basically provides a specific dividend that in the event of liquidation can be paid or converted before any other stock while a standard convertible preferred stock takes precedence after other categories of stocks such as PCPT. PCPT enables an investor to get precedence claim over other categories of stocks hence ensuring that their investment is assured with some gain. An existing investors would agree to use a PCPT security in a new financing round because it offers a first claim in the case of liquidation. Further, it is easier to convert existing stocks into PCPT. Private equity firms have well informed and highly sophisticated investors. This ensures that the process of establishing and crafting operational strategies and priorities is basically built on deep transparency between the stakeholders. Further, they align themselves around an explicit and focused drive, objectives and interests hence resulting to comparative advantage. Private equity requires that an engaged and effective board be built to manage the funds. Further, they aim at buying a company using debts and then considerably reducing or cutting costs so that they can realize short term profits to settle the debts and further increase in the growth prospects. Proprietary deals gives a specific investor an opportunity a first chance to bur or purchase a company or a business , before the said company or business is actually presented to other investors by the investment banker or

Monday, October 14, 2019

Creative writing about George and Lennie Essay Example for Free

Creative writing about George and Lennie Essay Stumbling through the wet grass the two came frantically running, looking behind them at every few strides, breathing hard, disturbing the green grass and disrupting the harmony of the birds sitting in trees chirping and whistling the final songs of the day, while dogs barked and people shouted far behind them. A voice could be heard shouting above the crowd Theyre headed for the fields, comon! George grumbled, breathing frantically Damnit! comon you crazy bastard, they near got us! Im trying George, I swear but Is tired Lennie wheezed. The two were passing fields, when they came to an irrigation ditch, George thought about it and he pulled lennie into the ditch with him. Get your head down! George shouted but lennie didnt do a thing, George annoyed, shoved him under the murky water, they could hear the shouts getting closer and the dogs growling. A man said Where the hell did they get to? another close to him said The dogs ave lost the scent they musta went thru that ditch and off into the woods, no way we could get them now Damn ok everyone back to the town for a head count then we can all go home, its getting late With these words saw George give a sigh of relief as he gently surfaced bringing lennie with him, George taking his hat began to wring out the water, lennie copying his movements did the same, George set his crease and made his way quietly up the bank of the ditch, peering over the edge he watched torch light and man slowly disappear toward weed under the setting sun, he turned back to lennie, Now why the hell did you touch that gals dress? Comon you better have a good excuse or Ill clobber ya! Lennie was whimpering like a fearful puppy Honest George I dint mean no wrong, I jus wanted to feel her dress George yelled why? Lennie? Hmm? What so good about that dress? lennie cowered in his jacket his shoulders covering his cheeks It was so purty George, it was red colored and soft as a rabbit, you know how I likes rabbits George Seeing the glow in his face when he said it made George calm down, he remember who lennie was, he settled down do a smile Ya big lummox, one day your gonna get us some real trouble, but youre my responsibility so we gotta stick close lennie returned a half hearted grin still slightly frigtenened Ok George George got up to look around once more, he spotted an old barn not far from the ditch they were in. Right comon now we get us some shut-eye then try and get us some work, some place Lennies face lit up remembering what this all lead up to An I get to tend the rabbits George! Huh? Huh? Yeah, yeah but we gotta get us a stake first George replied George and lennie had settled down in the old barn, its walls were white with paint peeling, the roof was held up by 3 beams across the top and toward the ground, the winds outside made the barn creak eerily and lennie was having trouble sleeping, the ground was scattered with straw and the only thing in the barn was some sacks, tools and a work bench, it was less a barn than a shed. George? George you asleep What? George cant you do somethin about the wind? No, now go to sleep, have to wake up early tomorra' George said still half asleep Sorry George lennie said, eventually the morning came. lennie! Lennie! Wake up! Comon we gonna miss the damn bus! ok George, ok lennie said as he packed his bindle and sorted himself, and hurried off with George They had gotten to the stop just in time, they paid their fare, and were on their way to get some work at.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Japan Recession Essay examples -- essays papers

Japan Recession Thomas Paine was born on January 29, 1737 at Thetford, Norfolk in England, as a son of a Quaker. In 1774, he met Benjamin Franklin in London, who advised him to immigrate to America, giving him letters of recommendation. Paine reached Philadelphia on November 30, 1774 where he started over as a publicist. He wrote many articles that touched on various topics. On January 10, 1776 Thomas Paine grouped his ideas on American independence in his pamphlet â€Å"Common Sense.† I think Thomas Paine’s â€Å"Common Sense† had a significant influence on the separation from England. I believe Paine thought the Colonies had all the right to revolt against a government that imposed taxes on them but didn’t give them the right of representation in the Parliament at Westminster. Thomas believed there was no reason for the Colonies to stay dependent on England. I think Thomas Paine had an incredible way of persuading people to take action through his writing. In his â€Å"Common Sense,† Paine states that sooner or later independence from England must come, because America had lost touch with the mother country. In his words, all the arguments for separation of England are based on nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments and common sense. Paine viewed government as necessary evil that could only become safe when it was represented and altered by frequent elections. Paine also states that the function of government in society o ught to be only regulating and as simple as...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Application of Information Technology Systems Essay -- Essays Pap

The application of Information Technology Systems As the application of IT systems is the usage of said systems, it is hard to define how this may be either morally or ethically wrong. The Internet could be considered to be morally dangerous, as a young child could easily stumble across pornography. However, the Internet makes the sharing of information easier for society as a whole, particularly in organisations and gives the individual access to this information. Another aspect of IT systems that could be considered to be morally wrong is the theory of ‘Big Brother’, as so much information, from shopping preferences (loyalty cards) to your address (driving licence number) is held on computers – giving fast and easy access to personal data. The data protection Act is designed to protect individual privacy, so only the people that need to can access your data. But how do you decide who has access to your data? On a police database, records of criminal convictions are stored, to people have the right to know that a criminal is moving into their neighbourhood or does the individual have the right to keep that information private? A worker may feel that the application of IT systems in the workplace may have more lasting benefits. For example opening a file on a word processor and correcting a mistake in comparison with producing the same work on a typewriter and having to redo it, will likely give more of a sense of satisfaction. An individual may feel the lasting benef...

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Environmental Problems Of Guwahati Environmental Sciences Essay

Guwahati, the largest metropolis of Northeastern part of India with an country of 216, It is the 5th fastest turning metropolis of India in footings of urbanisation. Guwahati being the lone metropolis of North eastern part, the metropolis witnessed many alterations like rapid addition of population, depletion of forest screen, spread of diseases which resulted many environmental jobs akin to set down, air, H2O and society. Most of the alterations have taken topographic point due to the consequence of altering natural environment, enormous growing of population peculiarly after switching of the capital from Shillong to Dispur, hill incline destabilization due to building of roads, brooding houses, public establishments and besides for invasion in wetlands and low lying countries. As the metropolis of Guwahati is bounded on three sides by hills and the other side by the mighty river Brahmaputra, the horizontal enlargement is restricted for which many multistoried edifices have come up in recent old ages merely to suit of all time increasing population ( 1991- 2001 decadal growing rate is 38.6 % ) . On the other manus, required substructure and metr opolis comfortss necessary for metropolis inhabitants and metropolis users have non developed consequently. As a consequence many jobs arisen in the metropolis, such as traffic congestion, H2O logging, dusty atmosphere, H2O borne and airborne diseases etc. In this survey an effort has been given to foreground the environmental jobs arisen in Guwahati, their causes and effects.IntroductionThe metropolis of Guwahati is said to be the legendary Pragjyotispur, the metropolis of eastern visible radiation. Guwahati is said to be the gateway of Northeast India. The metropolis is situated between 260 10'25 † north latitude and 910 45'0 † east longitude. The southern, eastern and a portion of western sides of Guwahati are surrounded by hills and knolls. The mighty river Brahmaputra in the North is fluxing in north-east to south-west way. Other of import rivers in and around Guwahati are Bharalu, Mora-bharalu, Basistha-bahini etc. The metropolis is dotted with swamps, fens and H2O organic structures like Dipor beel, Dighali pukhuri, Silsaku measure etc. The metropolis falls under humid, semitropical part characterized by warm humid clime with heavy rainfall ( mean rainfall 1600mm ) and a comparatively cool winter with instead bare ra infall. The maximal and minimal temperature recorded in the metropolis is 38 grade and 16 grade severally with comparative humidness of more than 76.6 % . As the metropolis is the commercial nervus Centre of the Northeast has developed route ( National Highway No31, No37 and No 40 ) , rail and air connectivity with remainder of the state. Main jobs identified in the metropolis are different types of pollution caused due to adult male induced activities, addition of population, H2O logging, dirt eroding etc.PurposesThis survey aims at making such an environment in Guwahati that the metropolis could be made liveable and loveable 1. With this purpose the aim this survey has been designedAimsTo analyse the geo-ecological apparatus of Guwahati. To foreground the environmental jobs associated with be aftering procedure of the metropolis. To analyze the cause and consequence of assorted jobs, and To throw visible radiation on the remedial steps to be taken to minimise the wretchednesss of the metropolis inhabitants and metropolis users.MethodologyHere, in the survey both primary and secondary beginnings of informations have been used. Primary informations were collected by topographic point visit and direct observation of the phenomena. On the other manus secondary informations have been collected from assorted published plants such as books, diaries research articles, studies etc. Topographical maps ( No 78N/12 & A ; 16 ) and satellite imaginations ( SPOT MLA P-238, R-298 Dated 18/10/1990 and Landsat TM P-137, R -042 Dated 10/06/1988 ) have been used to analyze the nature of the metropolis growing, understand the environmental issues and to happen out solutions for minimising the wretchednesss of the metropolis inhabitants. Collected informations have been summarized, analyzed and presented in assorted signifiers like graphs, tabular arraies, maps etc. for easy apprehension of the content of the paper.Data Analysis and Findingss1. Locational distinctive feature of the metropolis invites many environmental jobs. Back in clip the metropolis was known as Pragjyotishpur, which finds reference in Mahabharata, Ramayana, Raghuvansha of Kalidas. Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang visited the metropolis in 640 AD and described in inside informations about the imposts and manners of the people of Guwahati. Located on strategic point the metropolis has ever been a bone of contention between rival political powers. A figure of bloody wars were fought between Ahom and Mughal swayers for Guwahati ‘s ownership. Deforestation Addition in surface run offHillHill incline destabilization Soil eroding Land slide/ land faux pas Rock autumnHill landSiltation in low prevarication countries and storm H2OinvasiondrainsPlainDecrease in H2OWetlandkeeping capacity Flood of new countriesinvasionShackles free flow of H2O Degeneration of H2OWetlandsorganic structures Dwindling Flora & A ; Fauna Fig. 1: Conventional Diagram demoing impact of human activities on the environmental jobs of Guwahati With the weakening of Ahom power in Assam, the metropolis passed into the custodies of British in 1826. During the British yearss political pre-eminence of Guwahati shifted to Shillong, which they chose as State Capital. In 1971 with the reorganisation of Assam State and shifting of capital to Guwahati ( Dispur ) it once more recovered its political pre-eminence in north east part [ 1 ] . Since so Guwahati has made a rapid advancement every bit far as demographic, commercial and industrial activities are concerned. All these activities are responsible for many environmental jobs in the metropolis ( Fig.1 ) . . 2. Geographic and geological apparatuss are responsible to a great extent for the jobs like water-logging, landslide etc. in the metropolis. The general form of the metropolis is merely like a bowl surrounded by hills and knolls in three sides and river side roads on the staying side. The height in the field countries of the metropolis varies from 49.5m to 55.5m. . There are a figure of little knolls in the metropolis of which Sarania ( 193m ) , Nabagraha ( 217m ) , Nilachal ( 193m ) , and Chunsali ( 293m ) are of import. The hills are composed of Granite, Quartzite, Hornblende-Biotic-Schist, Pegmatite and Quartz. On the other manus the field countries of the metropolis covered by old and new alluvial sediment. Most portion of the metropolis composed of light yellowish to ruddy dirt. When the dirts wholly H2O saturated during the monsoon months accelerate the rate of landslide jeopardies. The flinty stones on the hills bit by bit exposed due to hill dirt eroding. Quite frequently rock fall occur during the end portion of the monsoon months and take cherished human lives and harm belongings. Since August 1987 to August 2005 every bit many as 22 instances of landslide and stone autumn instances recorded in different locations of Guwahati. 3. Climatic status peculiarly rainfall concentration in monsoon months from June to September do many incommodiousness like water-logging, dusty atmosphere, spread of H2O borne and airborne double daggers. Normally June rainfall is ever dismaying but the cloudburst absorbed by dirt. At this phase landslide, stone autumn and H2O logging etc. make non originate. But from July onwards in each heavy shower cause H2O logging in the countries like Narengi, Satgaon, Saimail, Khanapara, Noonmati, Bamunimaidam, Chandmari, Silpukhuri, Guwahati Club, Uzanbazar, Panbazar, Fancy Bazar, Paltan Bazar, Athgaon, Bharalumukh, Maligaon, Adabari, Jalukbari, G.S. Road, Zoo Road Tinali, Rajgarj Road, Bhangagarh, Dispur. When hill soils become concentrated landslide and stone autumn occur. Again, instantly after H2O logging, route surface become boggy and roadside drains clogged with silt derived from the hills. Soon after, dry clay on the roads create dust-covered ambiance and increase air pollution. Furt hermore, storm H2O cause commixture of drain H2O and infected armored combat vehicle wastewaters with imbibing H2O beginnings aggravate the wellness jeopardies in the metropolis. 4. Almost all the jobs of the metropolis related to the population growing. The decadal growing of population in Guwahati Metropolitan Development Authority ( GMDA ) clearly indicates how population may make jobs in the metropolis ( Table- 1 ) The urban conurbation map since 1911 besides bespeak how metropolis has been expanded ( Fig-4 ) . This has drastically changed the land usage form in the metropolis ( Table-2 ) .More peculiarly slums and homesteaders have increased manifold in last few old ages. As a consequence many incommodiousness and jobs have arisen in the metropolis. 5. Defective planning and blank in put to deathing the development schemes aggravate the jobs in the metropolis. In this respect, unequal route infinite, deficiency of parking installation, undersized wayside drains, randomly set public-service corporation wires and pipes are deserving adverting. Almost all the of import roads, viz. GNB Road, GS Road, MG Road and most of the traffic point face ague traffic congestion. Up to 1975 the figure of motorised vehicles in the metropolis was merely 27,000 which has increased to 1,29,856 in the twelvemonth 1990. After that the rate of addition accelerated and by 2003 it records 3,13,387. As such around one hundred thousand motor vehicle added to the roads of Guwahati every twelvemonth [ 2 ] . On the other manus the metropolis country has increased by merely 46 sq kilometer in last 20 old ages. Most of the streets in the metropolis are merely 4.8m broad. There are many lanes, which have merely 3.6m or even 3.0m breadth. Thesiss should be at lea st 8.0m for visible radiation and medium vehicles and at least 9.0m for heavy vehicles [ 3 ] . The consequences of the vehicular emanation show the misdemeanor in emanation bound by 53 per centum and 81 per centum in instance of gasoline and Diesel vehicles severally [ 4 & A ; 5 ] . It clearly indicates the magnitude of pollution degree in the metropolis. 6. Lack of consciousness and inclination of go againsting the norms and regulations in building houses, disposing family wastes and staying traffic regulations cause many jobs in the metropolis. 7. Inanition in implementing Torahs besides responsible for the jobs of traffic congestion, waste disposal, hill slope destabilization, wetland invasion and assorted types of pollution in the metropolis. Table- 1: Population Growth in Guwahati ( from 1971 to 2001 ) Year Population 1971 2,93,219 1981 4,51,200 1991 6,93,660 2001 10,67,40012000001000000800000600000Population40000020000001971198119912001Fig. 3:Population Growth in Guwahati ( from 1971 to 2001 )Land Use Category19902001Residential 8904 ( 71.04 % ) 6600 Commercial 202 ( 1.62 % ) 660 Industrial 516 ( 4.14 % ) 1375 Public & A ; Semi Public 1504 ( 12.08 % ) 2475 Transport & A ; 1053 ( 8.47 % ) 3399 Communication Parks & A ; Diversion 14 ( 0.11 % ) 1450 Particular Use/Others 257 ( 2.06 % )—Table- 2: Area under Various Land Uses 1990 to 2001

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Redbus Expansion Strategy

1. ) Assume that you have a online movie ticketing business in India wherein you enable your customer to buy movie tickets online. It is a thriving business and in Metros and A-cities your company contributes to 60-70% of all ticket sales for the cinema. You are now looking at expanding your markets to other countries. How would you go about 1. a) Sizing the market? Ans: a) Identify the major multiplex and theatre players in the targeted countries. b) Get the data from them about how their tickets are booked. This can help us to identify what percentages of people book their tickets online.Another way would be to make people fill survey forms and these forms could be distributed outside the multiplexes or it could be distributed online. This would help us to identify the people who book tickets online. 1. b) Understanding the current behavior of movie ticket buying customers in that country Ans: a) Once we have identified the percentage of people who have book their tickets online we can segment them on the basis of following to study their behavior: 1) Demographics: age, region and income 2) Medium: Smartphone or computer ) Directly from the multiplex site(like PVR) or through some other site( like book my show) 1. c) Identify the segment that you would want to work in. Ans: I would like to work in online marketing. If I had to expand the movie ticket business in other countries after sizing the market and studying the behavior the next step would be to tap the market. In order to do that we will need to create a name for ourselves in that market. I would like to work on establishing ourselves in the online movie ticketing in new countries.Some ideas as of now I have is: 1) Give the consumers attractive offers along with the tickets. For ex: On buying more than 3 tickets together giving a complementary large tub of popcorn. 2) Make the site interactive and attractive. 3) Provide consumers something, which other players don’t. for ex: consumers will have the option of paying later which is not there in most of the sites as of now in India. 2. ) What are your thoughts on the E-commerce market in India and the impact of mobile for the same?Ans: The E-commerce market is in its budding phase in India as of now. It is growing at a fast pace and it’s going to grow at even bigger pace. Mobile has to play a big role in Indian E-commerce market. The Internet connectivity has increased manifold because of prevalence of smartphones. This can be utilized in numerous ways to benefit the business. It can help in targeted marketing. Secondly, people are going to do more and more of buying through Internet because it will be on their fingertips, they can use it anywhere anytime.As of now the internet on smartphones has not realized its full potential because of low speed but as 3G gets more popular and 4G makes its way into India speed won’t be a problem and people will start doing more and more of their transactions through mobile. Also this new concept of mobile money introduced by airtel in India is going to get more popular and the day is not far when people would be paying most of their bills through mobile money. So, I see a great future for E-commerce in a vast market like India and mobile certainly has a great role to play in it.

Disease in News

This article has been penned by Dr. Abigail Zuger who is an associate professor of Clinical Medicine at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons (JournalWatch ® Specialties, 2010).She is also the Senior Attending Physician at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center (JournalWatch ® Specialties, 2010). Dr.  Abigail Zuger has exhibited expertise and special interest in the infectious diseases and specifically HIV infection as can be evidenced by her role as HIV specialist and a board certified internist in infectious disease and specifically HIV.In this particular peer-reviewed article, â€Å"Can Counseling Change Heterosexual HIV Transmission Rates,† Abigail bases her argument on a program conducted specifically on African-American heterosexual couples to assess the impact, if any, of the counseling on heterosexual transmission (Zuger, 2010).It is from the findings of this study that she came up with her conclusion that there is negligible, if any, impact of counseling on heterosexual HIV transmission within a number of communities, this therefore exonerates her from blame or accusation of bias in coming up with such an argument especially bearing the fact that counseling has been enlisted by majority of countries as a tool of reducing HIV prevalence rates within their population.Introduction For almost twenty years now most people have come to know of their HIV status through the Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT), a client-initiated AIDS testing and counseling. Because of its effectiveness in creating HIV awareness almost all governments have employed it in one way or the other in their effort at decelerating the rate of this killer disease (Buckley, 2002).One thing that this article notes that most of the us might not be familiar with is that counseling has not been able to directly reduce the HIV rates; instead it has created awareness about this disease thereby making knowledge of HIV status more prevalent and enabling peop le living with HIV to join care and treatment initiative of HIV while enabling those living without it to avoid HIV exposure and remain negative (World Health Organization, 2010).Therefore Abigail argument can be interpreted to mean that HIV rates are only indirectly influenced by counseling services but not directly as some people might think, therefore there are other factors that have to be present for counseling to be effective in reducing the rates of HIV prevalence and incidence. The reason why the program that Dr. Abigail bases her opinion on was carried out on African-American community is due to the fact that HIV incidence and prevalence has been disproportionately high within this community and especially heterosexual transmission (Zuger, 2010).The article’s content This article is all about the effectiveness of counseling has a tool of reducing the incidence and prevalence of HIV, in exploring the effectiveness of this method the author analysis a program undertake n on 535 HIV serodiscordant couples to check on whether their sexual behaviors before the counseling sessions are influenced in any way by the counseling itself (Zuger, 2010).It is disappointing to note that they seem to put into effect the sexual-risk reduction measures that they are taught for only a short period (12 months) and then revert back to business has usually which explain why HIV prevalence and incidence rates are high within this community more than any other in the United States. There is little evidence that members of this community avoid high-risk sexual behaviors after a counseling session providing them with sexual-risk reduction strategies. Article’s ClaimsEven though the author makes the humble submission that there is little that counseling can do to reduced the incident and prevalence of heterosexual HIV transmission within the African American community she which she bases from a didactic program, she is quick to note that further research, most proba bly not based on education program, should be conducted to reinforce the findings of this one that she bases her argument, this is captured in the comment section of this article where she declares her reservations when it come to data taken just after a didactic program just like this one (Zuger, 2010).Article’s claims HIV treatment The article might be silent on the probable treatment of this infection but the author offers advice on the best course of action in reducing HIV infection. This is best captured when he suggest that â€Å"similar counseling tools could be streamline into a long-term effort that would have more palpable success. (Zuger, 2010)† One thing about the finding of this article that a keen observer would note is that they might not apply in all circumstances, however the Multipronged approach that the author advocates for can and should be applied in all places because of its universality.It is evident that there are some communities where members have adopted sexual-risk reduction practices permanent after attending sexual-risk reduction counseling session. I also agree with the author that didactic programs are not always the best to draw a general conclusion on matter as sensitive as a HIV transmission. This therefore denies this article a national or even a global application. The inapplicability of the finding of this article in the national or global stage is further reinforced by the lack of the any scientific evidence to support the claims that this article makes. ConclusionThis article opens a case for further investigation, based on the findings of that programs that the authors bases her arguments it is likely that HIV incidences and prevalence are not sensitive to counseling in certain setting, it might also be possible that in other settings, like Brazil for instance where counseling has positively been credited with the reduction of incidence and prevalence of HIV (AVERTing, HIV and AIDS, 2010), the prevalence and incidence of HIV have responded to counseling and testing thereby making it an important procedure not just in enabling people to know their HIV status but also in empowering those not found living with HIV with information and techniques, like sexual-risk reduction practices, that will prevent them from contacting HIV and thereby reducing its prevalence and incidence among this population. One of the reasons which cast doubt on the finding of this program that the author bases her arguments is the fact that counseling and testing have been employed in almost all places and communities where HIV prevalence and incidence have been high thereby giving it a thumb-up (literary) when it comes to reducing HIV prevalence and incidence. That is the reason why counseling has been noted to be more helpful to people who have HIV because it has taught them on how to reduce HIV exposure and remain negative majority of whom have obeyed that call and backed it with actions. ReferencesZuger, Ab igail, Can Counseling Change Heterosexual HIV Transmission Rates, Journal watch HIV/AIDS Clinical Care 26 July 2010 World Health Organization, (2010). HIV Testing and Counseling. Retrieved 9 August 2010 from http://www. who. int/hiv/topics/vct/en/index. html JournalWatch ® Specialties, (2010). About The Journal Watch HIV/AIDS Clinical Care Editorial Board. Retrieved 9 August 2010 from http://aids-clinical-care. jwatch. org/misc/board_about. dtl#aZuger AVERTing, HIV and AIDS, (2010). HIV and AIDS in Brazil. Retrieved 9 August 2010 from http://www. avert. org/aids-brazil. htm Buckley, R. Michael, (2002). HIV Infection in Primary Care. Amsterdam: Elsevier Health Sciences

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

In Donoghue v Stevenson (1932) Lord Atkin attempted to create a basic Essay

In Donoghue v Stevenson (1932) Lord Atkin attempted to create a basic principle which could be used in all cases to decide whether or not duty of care is owed t - Essay Example of Murphy v Brentwood DC3 overruled this two fold test laid out in Anns and the liability of a violater of a duty of care was assumed to go beyond merely monetary considerations. This is what finally led to the development of the duty of care owed by every person towards another as laid out in the case of Caparo v Dickman4, which is the foundation of most tort cases today, with some contractual breaches also falling under the tortious breach of duty of care. The case of Donaghue v Stevenson5 was one of the first cases to establish the fact that remedies could exist in tort on the basis that all owe â€Å"a duty of care† to â€Å"their neighbor† and Lord Tomlin stated that â€Å"†¦acts or omissions which any moral code would censure cannot in a practical world be treated so as to give a right to every person injured by them to demand relief.† On the basis of a moral principle that every person owes a duty to other people because they are neighbours, Lord Atkin refined this further by clarifying a duty of care that one owes to a neighbor as follows: â€Å"The rule that you are to love your neighbour becomes in law, you must not injure your neighbour†¦.you must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbour.†6 The case of Donaghue laid out the general principle that since every person owed others a duty of care based upon the fact that they were neighbors, therefore any breach of that duty could prove to be adequate grounds for seeking damages. However, the criteria and qualifications of this duty of care were explored in the economic context in the case of Anns v Merton Borough London Council7 wherein it was held that economic losses caused by a breach of contract that occurred through negligence would be valid and actionable under tort law. A two way test was set out in this case as follows: (a) was there a sufficient neighbour relationship or a level of proximity between the two

Monday, October 7, 2019

The Beatles Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Beatles Analysis - Essay Example The band managed to produce many films that include A Hard Day’s Night, Help, Magical Mystery Tour, Yellow Submarine,  Abbey road, and  Let It Be (Neaverson, 1997, p.1). The band had immense  influence on  rock and roll music that saw them to greater commercial success and a controversial change of US global dominance from  rock and roll to UK acts, changes in fashion, from soloists to groups, and from professional  songwriters to self-penned songs (Medhurst, 1995, p 65). In addition, Ringo Starr who was one of the Beatle members left an impact in the film industry. In addition, many tales area also associated with the band. Their unique way of narration, characterization, music, and performance made them legends in this industry. However, the band separated later on in 1970 because of the death of the Beatles' manager, disagreements on his replacement, Brian Epstein in 1967,the marriage of Lennon and Yoko Ono, the release of let it be, and participation of Lennon in the Toronto Rock 'n' Roll Revival Festival. The remaining members were called The Silver Beatles.† This essay will analyze the A Hard Day's Night and Yellow Submarine films by the Beatles. A Hard Day's Night The film came out on 10 July 1964, and comprised of seven sound tracks. The Beatles had reasons to be skeptical about appearing in pop musicals and specifically on the A Hard Day's Night. The bands lacked any formal acting experience and hence, were initially not ready to participate in the film. Due to their demeaning confidence in the cast and subsequent profitability of the film, the United Artists' budget for  A Hard Day's Night  was considerably set at a low ?200,000 where the Beatles were to receive ?20,000, and 7% of the net profits. music The soundtrack of the film contained Can't Buy Me Love’, ‘Tell Me Why’, ‘If I Fell’, ‘I Should Have Known Better’, ‘I’m Happy Just to Dance with You’, and â €˜And I Love Her’. A Hard Day's Night became the opening title and its recording took place shortly before the completion of shooting. Indeed, the song came because of the film lacking an original title. As such, the music used especially, A Hard Day's Night develops the stars and film. Actually, Lennon had one evening to write the song and one day to play it to the producer of the film. Due to dangers posed by the railway transport, the cast had to change routes to avoid risky actions of their fans. Characterization shows the character's appearance, displays the character’s actions, reveals the character’s thoughts, lets the character speaks, and, gets the reactions of the audience. The cast of the film took place at various London locations and its recording took place at Twickenham studios in a record eight weeks. The haste involved and the short time limits created a work backlog for the Beatles. The members had a number of commitments that included atten ding awards ceremonies, making appearances on British television, shooting the film, and completing the soundtrack album. Indeed, Lennon took one evening to compose the soundtrack and present it while Lester had to shoot parts of a group sequence without Lennon, who was committed somewhere else. At some point, the information on the film would have leaked as the Beatles travelled by train from locations to studios and other

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Practical Intelligence in Everyday Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Practical Intelligence in Everyday Life - Essay Example Practical intelligence appears to be the ability that individuals employ to find the best fit among themselves and the requirements of the environment. Research illustrates that general intelligence performs a vital role in several valued life products. Besides academic achievements, IQ associates to some level with job presentation, socioeconomic improvement – phase of education, occupation, etc, and also "social pathology" - poverty, adult criminality, dependence on welfare, unemployment, etc. IQ and general intelligence show a relationship highly with school presentation as well as job performance, less so with work-related prestige, reasonably with income, and to a small level with law-abiding behavior. IQ does not explicate the inheritance of economic standing and wealth. To measure practical intelligence, researchers rely on a perception called unspoken knowledge (Sternberg et al., 2000). The characteristics of this knowledge are: it is procedural rather than factual, which signifies it is knowledge with regards to how to do something rather than knowledge regarding something; it is frequently learned without the assistance of others or clear instruction; it is knowledge regarding things that are personally significant towards the learner. People who are more experienced at acquiring tacit knowledge, do better in a diversity of fields counting business management, sales, academic psychology, as well as military leadership. Verbal intelligence is the capacity to investigate information and resolve problems using language-based analysis. Verbal or linguistic intelligence is in charge for the production of language along with all the intricate possibilities that follow, including hilarity, poetry, grammar, storytelling, metaphors, similes, symbolic thinking, abstract reasoning, conceptual patterning, and obviously, the written word. Verbal or linguistic intelligence is stimulated by the spoken word; by reading someone's thoughts or poetry; and by writing one's personal ideas, thoughts or even poetry.  Ã‚  

Saturday, October 5, 2019

International Business Enviroment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International Business Enviroment - Essay Example It intends to make its investments in Kenya, with intent to providing cloud computing services. The essence of this work and report is to evaluate and to critically analyze how viable this idea is. It will do this by discussing a few factors such as the institution systems in Kenya, exchange regime that governs the country and the political risks involved, and how they may affect the success or failure of the iomart venture. The report shall then be submitted to the CEO of iomart Group of Companies, with a conclusion on whether the idea is viable or not, and furnished with a few recommendations. Table of Contents Executive Summary†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦2 Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â ‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦4 National Institutions Systems†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.5 Exchange Rate Regime†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...7 Political Risks†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.9 Conclusion and Recommendations†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦10 References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.12 International Business Environment Introduction . ... The iomart Group is keen to expand and one of its objectives is to be a globally recognized brand. The last expansion phase saw it expand to Asia and now the focus has shifted to Africa. The iomart Group is highly profitable and as a result has been able to take advantage of business opportunities around the globe through comprehensive market researches (iomart, 2013). Kenya is considered to be East Africa’s fastest growing economy, and is endowed with many resources. In the recent past, the country has witnessed many drastic changes and growth in terms of leadership, growth of industries, expansion of investments and growth in the national Gross Domestic Product (Nzwili, 2012; Nyong’o, 2007). The iomart branch, if established, is intended to be a major provider of cloud computing services to the already established and the growing businesses in Kenya (iomart, 2013). This report will serve to examine the exchange regimes that govern Kenya, determine and compare the two countries’ national institution systems and finally look at the political risks in Kenya. A conclusion shall be drawn and recommendations given. National Institution Systems It is important to know the institutions that govern businesses in a country and how different they are from what one is used to (Cullen and Parboteeah, 2009). The IT firm to be established, just like the iomart in U.K will deal with handling personal data, and hence this will be the main issue since Kenya and UK have different policies regarding how personal information is treated. The main body that regulates the operations of the IT industry in Kenya is the Communication Commission of Kenya and the National Communications Secretariat. These two regulatory bodies are