Monday, September 30, 2019

Writing and Proper Supporting Points

I have always used writing as method to express myself. I wrote for self-pleasure instead of Just to complete an assignment. I knew that writing and being able to express myself would help me to further my education. Before my first day of Composition one, I imagined having a lot of papers to writing in such little time. However, it turned out to be a great experience. Composition one taught me how to improve my writing, expose me to different types of essays and how to overcome difficult tasks. Composition one allowed me to recognize the strengths and weakness in my writing skills.Three of my strongest essays assigned this semester are what you will be viewing in my portfolio. These weren't easy, but having the proper guidance is what made the difference. The workload did get hectic at times, because I found myself trying to transition from one genre to another. For me, the idea of outlining a proper thesis really helped me to write well. I would experiment to see if the quality of my essay would be better if I Just wrote about the topic. I realized that if I properly outlined my thesis, it would give me a path on which I could build my essay.I would use the number of supporting points that I had, to be the amount of paragraphs I would have. By doing this, the structure of my essay would be better. If it wasn't for my Professor focusing on getting the thesis correct. The task of writing and essay would be an extremely difficult one. At times, I felt as if I should Just write without paying attention to the thesis but Just as most things, I got used to outlining it. The first essay we were assigned was a literacy narrative. This was a personal essay for me to complete.The literacy narrative allowed me to recollect situations rom my past and put them on paper. IVe always done this, but I didn't know that things such as a thesis and proper supporting points would make for a better essay. I learned that the key to a great literacy narrative is to show instead of t o tell. The use of details is important in a literacy narrative as it gives the reader the feeling of actually being in the situation. My second essay was an evaluation. It required me to be very critical of a certain webpage. Usually when I visit webpages I Just go there to use what suites me.My mind wasn't open to the site layout, how it differs from other ebsite or what could make it better. By doing this essay, I am now more in tuned to the smallest details in forms of writing that I would happen to come across. I am a soccer fan; I enjoy watching, playing or even talking about the game. IVe always wanted to pass on the passion for the game to others. My third essay was a proposal. This essay allowed me to put my dreams into perspective . 1 was able to help a group of coaches learn more about the sport. With that knowledge, they would be able to pass it down to the children.The passion I have for soccer made the proposal the asiest essay IVe done since the semester began. This e ssay didn't have as much restrictions and rules to it, so it allowed me to interact with my work. I used life situations to bring forth my point. I enjoyed intertwining life with a thing so simple as writing. Of course, by writing over and over, one will get better at it. That wasn't the only way I gained strength and confidence in my writing abilities. Having great feedback from you're pairs is very important. We are all humans and the opinions of others affect us in either a good or bad way.I received feedback from my peers, the utors trom the writing center and my protessor. Those different perspectives on my work brought to my attention the things I need to work on. Composition one was definitely not the tedious class that I thought it would be. I didn't think I was going to be groomed to be a better writer. The different exercises that we were exposed to made the class very interesting. It was as if by writing a new essay, a new part of the brain was being activated. I enjoyed exploring certain thing than the other but the different skills that were being tuned made it worth it.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Biometrics Term Paper

Biometrics Meredith Thomas Strayer University 1 Biometrics, according to Foster, â€Å"is the science of using technology to automatically identify an individual based on physical, biological, and behavioral characteristics. † There are two classification systems in biometrics and they are: physiological and behavioral. Physiological characteristics pertain to fingerprints, facial recognition, DNA, hand geometry, the shape of your body, iris recognition, etc. Behavioral characteristics pertain to voice recognition, handwriting, the way that you walk, etc.There are also two categories for the use of this biometric information and they are: access control, and remote identification. Access control pertains to the prevention of others from gaining access to information. Remote identification helps to identify a person through fingerprints or hand geometry. According to globalsecurity. org (2000-2010) they have given biometric technologies the following characteristics: Universali ty: Every person should have the characteristic. People who are mute or without fingerprints will need to be accommodated in some way.Uniqueness: Generally, no two people have identical characteristics. However, identical twins are hard to distinguish. Permanence: The characteristics should not vary with time. A person’s face, for example, may change with age. Collectability: The characteristics must be easily collectible and measurable. Performance: The method must deliver accurate results under varied environmental circumstances. Acceptability: The general public must accept the sample collection routines. Nonintrusive methods are more acceptable. Circumvention: The technology should be difficult to deceive. Now let’s get more into biometrics! Fingerprinting is one of the most popular physiological characteristics in biometrics. No two people on this earth have the exact same fingerprint, which helps in distinguishing where a person has been, and what they have touch ed. Once a criminals fingerprints have been recorded in IAFIS (the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System), then they are permanently recorded and easily traced. Another physiological characteristic is facial recognition, which is newer to the scene than fingerprints.While it may be one of the easiest to use, the environment in which it is used definitely controls it. A mug-shot is the ideal way to capture facial recognition, because it is a controlled environment. One of my favorite physiological characteristics is the use of the iris for identification. According to globalsecurity. org (2000-2010), â€Å"The technology is based upon the fact that no two iris patterns are alike (the probability is higher than that of fingerprints). The iris is a protected organ which makes the identification possibilities lifelong. Criminals may be able to duplicate fingerprints, but not irises. Some behavioral characteristics associated with biometrics are, handwriting and voice r ecognition. Every person has their own unique handwriting, it is measured by the rhythm, pressure, and flow that one applies to the paper while writing. Voice verification is tough to analyze, because a person’s voice changes if they have a cold, or if they are over-excited, anxious, nervous, afraid. Background noise is also a factor. All of the above mentioned characteristics can be used in access control and remote identification.Iris identification is used more and more often for security purposes in passports, hospitals, high profile building access, etc. 3 There are new and emerging technologies in the biometrics field such as: vein scan, facial thermography, DNA matching, blood pulse, skin elements, nailbed identification, gait recognition, and ear shape. Vein scan is a non intrusive scan of the veins on the back of one’s hands hand, they are very unique patterns that are formed before birth, and only change in size throughout one’s lifetime.Facial thermog raphy is very similar to facial recognition, except an infrared camera is used. Skin elements are an interesting biometric technology because just like fingerprints or irises everyone’s skin makeup is different. Gait recognition is one technology that I would have never thought of, but it makes a lot of sense. According to globalsecurity. org, â€Å"A person’s musculature essentially limits the variation of motion, and measuring requires no contact with the person. One disadvantage to gait recognition could be loose fitting clothing, the body is hidden and you don’t have much to compare. Everyday new and different technologies are emerging in the biometrics field. I can’t wait to see what happens in the next ten years, and what I will have to look forward to working with in the future. 4 Foster, Raymond E. (2005). Police Technology. Pearson Prentice Hall. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. http://www. globalsecurity. org/security/systems/biometrics. htm Sit e monitored by John Pike.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Exploring online consumer Behaviors Research Paper

Exploring online consumer Behaviors - Research Paper Example The primary reason for choosing public school teachers as sample participation is the diversity in income levels, demographics, family size, marital status, gender and online consumer behaviors present in this occupation. Research Procedure To test the hypothesis and address the key areas of investigation i.e. exploring the factors driving online purchases, a quantitative research methodology will be used. In deciding on the target online shopping destinations, experimental manipulation would be required in order to formulate relationship between consumer behavior and motivational characteristics. Factors such as price variability or product quality have to be controlled in order to gauge the correlation between previous online experience and consumer behavior. A sample survey prepared for assessing online consumer behavioral patterns will be distributed among the sample population through a website. The survey would seek general information as age, gender, income levels, marital sta tus and specific questions such as frequency of online shopping, nature of online shopping – specific or everyday use, satisfaction from online shopping experience, basic motivators of shopping online – price differential, ease of transaction, perceived quality, satisfaction of purchase etc and negative experiences in online shopping.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Establish & Adjust the markerting mix Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Establish & Adjust the markerting mix - Essay Example Other regions with high market potential are Middle East since the spending power of the consumers is on the higher side. Pakistan would be a good option since there is presence of very few fresh juice brands. The best market for fresh juices would be regions having Tropical Temperatures and Equatorial conditions. In this regard, Pakistan, India, Srilanka and Middle East would be the best international markets to market fresh juices as the healthiest beverage for summer hydration requirements. Both young single and young married to keep up their balanced diet requirements in their busy schedule, Married with children (young& old) to provide the necessary vitamins to their children, and old people to meet their diet requirements in old age. Aware, Informed and desirous to buy. Juices are not a new product consumers are aware and purchase juices habitually and are well informed in their decision due to immense electronic advertising as well as on package information. The consumers tend to be indifferent between the various juice brands they consume. Also, they tend to substitute juices with other beverages form a different category like the Cola drinks since juices and cola drinks satisfy the same basic need i.e. hydration. Geographical Segments Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka: these are

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Antz Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Antz - Movie Review Example In addition, there is a hierarchy of different offices in the movie as well as in the general society. Moreover, the movie ANTZ depicts the rights of individuals in the community as well as the role of democracy in the commonwealth. On the other hand, the works of Plato also elaborates on the ability of individuals to make their choices regarding their leadership. For instance, Plato puts it that the community is primarily formed to for mutual benefits to satisfy especially certain common needs. Plato goes ahead to explain what makes up the community. For instance, he describes the community to be an economic structure maintained by the working class and the merchants. Moreover, he explains that the military and leadership continue the guardians guarantee security needs. However, this entire are indicated the movie ANTZ in that; the film gives a clear indication of direction and author as well as a hierarchy of offices. The tension is viewed in the society in that, it majority who makes up the community in that; the rule of democracy governs them. On the other hand, Aristotle has the same view when it comes to his opinion about the community. That is, Aristotle has the same political point of view just in Movie ANTZ and Plato’s point of view. In Aristotle works, he agrees that the community is created with an objective towards some kind. That is, the leadership of the people needs to bear the needs of the population and make them be their responsibility. However, a tension exists in an individual as well the community in both works of Plato and Aristotle in that; they both have a clear definition on how justice should be implemented. In addition, they all explain the merits of having the rule of democracy in place. That is, the state of the majority should be followed. However, there are various characters in the play as well as in the works of Plato and

Emirates Airways Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Emirates Airways - Essay Example The company also has advantages gained from operating from Dubai since the employees pay is not taxed. The company invests heavily in the training of its workers and it was the first airline to launch a flight simulation course for its cabin crew. The training the employees receive also assists in building the customers experience on board the planes and also the employee’s future job marketability. Due to the cosmopolitan nature of the 48,000 employees as well as the global aspect of its operations, the company has consistently insisted on a non-unionization policy though this is still under further deliberation (Emirates, 2012). Planet Emirates airlines have led from the front where environmental responsiveness is concerned. Recognizing that the airline industry is responsible for over 2% of the global carbon emissions, the airline launched it ‘Environment’ program in August 2008 to streamline the green operations of its worldwide services. This program has been successful so far with new planes being sourced from eco-efficient companies and the first of these was an Airbus A380 (GreenAir, 2011). The staff has been trained in eco-efficiency with vibrant awareness campaigns and ambitious internal targets which have helped cut internal energy wastage and consumption by 37% in the past three years. The employees have been trained on measures aimed at increased waste recycling. The company boasts of starting is environmental responsiveness and sustainability measures well before it became a norm when in 1997, they sponsored the Dubai Desert Conservation reserve (Emirates, 2010). Apart from internal measure s, the company also sponsors many events and initiatives worldwide that are aimed at environmental conservation such as the Wolgan resort in Australia. Inside an Emirates plane, one will encounter one of the most eco-friendly kitchens with paper recycled being over 110 tons (GreenAir, 2011). The planes adopt navigational techniques that help minimize emissions and fuel usage as well as prevent time wastage. The Profit According to the company’s financial report (2013), the company has been consistently delivering a profit for 25years and its operations have been growing year in year out. In the 2012/2013 year the company reported an operating profit growth of 56.6%. The owner attributed profit grew by 52% to peak at AED 2,283 Million. This was against a backdrop of increased fuel costs as well as persistent pressures on the revenues. The crises in the Middle East, the volatile major currency exchange rates, as well as a weakened environment economically were other factors tha t threatened the company’s profitability. The company managed to grow the funds of its shareholders by 3.2% to stand at 10.4%. The stakeholders Emirates airline is the world’s largest air cargo carrier in terms of weight (Hagey, 2009). The

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

String and tube instruments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

String and tube instruments - Essay Example On account of some wind instruments, sound is generated by blowing through a reed; others presuppose buzzing into a metal mouthpiece. Sound from string instruments’ is created by the transformation of vibrating strings. Large strings are either culled or bowed to make sound. In both cases the string does not experience the basic situation of music depicted previously. Culling a string at the core does not make a superbly molded sinusoidal wave; rather you begin with a triangle shape on the string. It is clear that Fourier's work of rehashing shape could be structured from an arrangement of sine waves. Culling a string at the middle stresses the principal such that different music types will be incorporated. Culling the string at an area 1/4 of the path along the string makes the second consonant which creates a touch louder and at the same time availing different music. The consequence of culling at diverse areas is that the range produced is not uniform. In any case, culling the string verifies which sounds are underscored. In the culled case the triangle shape promptly changes over into a consolidation of sines and cosines, some of which decrease rapidly. Assuming that the string is bowed, the triangle wave is looked in such a way that the bow presses on to draw the string to one side at the purpose of contact. The triangle wave formed ventures out to the extension, reflects, and comes back to the bow’s contact area. The point when the purpose of the triangle shape comes back to the bow it makes the string break detaching from the bow. The wave proceeds and reflects off the fuss end, coming back to the bow once more, now making the string adhere to the bow. This slip-stick component upholds a triangle molded wave and proceeds to the string, reflecting from every close. At the end of the day, changing the area of the bow contact figures out will accentuate the music. Because Fourier's work to form from a series of sine waves. Now that the harmoni cs are included in the sound, they will remain through plucking in different locations. Again, there is no uniformity in the spectrum meaning that different harmonics will be emphasized as you pluck. When the string is plucked, it immediately converse to the combination sin and cosines. Now that some combinations die away quickly then the other, the sound generated by a string in different positions will be different. String instruments have harmonic resonances associated with a surface which has extra hints, some of which are not consonant. Most stringed instruments will have an empty figure with an opening so there is air resonances connected with the form hole. These resonances make it less demanding to achieve a given note and the note being played sounds louder. For most stringed instruments the extension transmits vibrations from the string to the group of the instrument. Numerous guitar and violin extensions are cut with fascinating shapes. This makes them more adaptable so t hey are closer to the thunder frequencies of the string and figure. The implication therefore is that they can go about many channels since they don't transmit frequent and effective frequencies. A few scaffolds will be somewhat adjusted with the goal of marginally changing the length of the string as it vibrates. This will definitely influence the frequencies emitted by the instrument. The picture on the left shows the extension of a

Monday, September 23, 2019

Plant experiment only methodology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Plant experiment only methodology - Essay Example f fertilizers on plant growth by measuring parameters such as shoot height, stem diameter and root length in two groups of the same plant grown over two months: one grown with fertilizers, and the other without. In one plot, sixteen equidistant holes were dug to a depth of around 20cm. The spacing between the holes was 0.5m. Into each hole, a maize seed was placed. The hole was then covered with soil and compacted gently. In the second plot, sixteen equidistant holes were dug to a depth of 20 cm. The spacing between the holes was also 20cm. One seed was placed into each hole, along with a little fertilizer. Caution was observed to ensure the fertilizer did not come into contact with the seeds. The holes were then covered with soil and then compacted gently. The plots were adequately watered each day. After two months, the shoot heights, root length and stem diameter of the plants were measured and recorded. Using the measurements, the root/shoot ratios were determined for the two groups of plants. The results obtained should support the idea that fertilizers accelerate plant growth by providing the essential nutrients. The measurements made will indicate that the maize plants grown with fertilizers have taller shoots, larger stem diameters and longer roots compared to those grown without fertilizers. The root/shoot ratios for the two groups of plants will not be largely different because the shorter roots are compensated for by the shorter shoots, and taller shoots compensate for by the deeper roots. 1. Huifeng, N., et al. 2009. Effect of nitrogen fertilizer application on grain phytic acid and protein concentrations in japonica rice and its variations with genotypes. Journal of Cereal Science

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Literature review of supplements and erogoeinc aids used by cycling

Of supplements and erogoeinc aids used by cycling athletes - Literature review Example It was estimated that the cyclists spend approximately 82 680 KJ of energy during this event. From this total energy spend in the race 54 percents were obtained during the race with intermittent ingestion of liquids, energy and sports drinks and other sources. Based on this approximately 46 percents of the total energy was provided by the intrinsic stored energy (in a form of glycogen, fats, proteins etc.) form the cyclist. As a result of this at the end of the race cyclist loosed 1.19 kilograms of body weight. This example shows that energy demands during long lasting cycling events are extreme. It is estimated that they are 3 times greater than the highest recorded energy demand in a heavy industry worker. There are many parameters that are used in order to measure the level of physical demands in one exercise and in the same time to evaluate the physical condition of the athlete. One of them is VO2 max. It is defined as maximum oxygen consumption in one athlete or peak oxygen inta ke in a period of time during intensive exercise. It is the maximal measured capacity of the organism of the athlete to use oxygen during one physical exercise and is measured in liters of oxygen in minute or milliliters per kilogram body weight in minute. It is a measurement of the ability of the organism to use aerobic system to produce energy. In order to better understand the implication of this measurement we must note that the organism has several systems of energy production that in essence is one complex system, composited of the ATP system, anaerobic system of glycolisys and aerobic system or mitochondrial respiration. End product of all systems is ATP (adenosine three phosphate) which is the main energy source for the cell metabolism. During low level exercises human muscles almost exclusively use aerobic mitochondrial metabolism as for energy production. It is much more effective process of energy production because from one molecule of glucose it produces 30 molecules of ATP. Because of this during low levels of exercise muscles use mitochondrial respiration. But we must understand that the metabolism of glucose is conducted both by aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. In the anaerobic metabolism glucose is converted to pyruvate which is than metabolized oxalate and oxalate it then finally metabolized in the mitochondria to CO2 and water producing 30 molecules of ATP. Now in low level exercises almost all glucose is converted to pyruvate and all pyruvate is metabolized to CO2 and water using this aerobic metabolism in the mitochondria. VO2max is actually measurement of this ability of the human organism to use aerobic processes to produce energy. In order to measure VO2max the intensity of the exercise is gradually increasing until the oxygen consumption reaches maximal values (Niels et al. 2004). It is important measurement because by aerobic metabolism energy is used much more effectively and therefore athletes can produce better results in a long l asting low level exercises. However in the case of extensive exercise (for example during a sprint before finish or very steep slope on the mountain) there is a demand for more energy and more glucose is metabolized to

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Too Much Medication Essay Example for Free

Too Much Medication Essay One Source Cited: On 9 February 2007 The Boston Globe presented an obvious example of partiality in its presentation of an overdose of psychotropic drugs; leading to the death of 4-year-old Rebecca Riley. Consequently, this sparked debates about whether health officials should press urgently to establish the advantages of treating children with psychotropic drugs, and the safety measures that go along with their use. From top to bottom, the text questions: the dangers of over-medicating children who show signs of potential mental disorders; the age at which children should start the prescribed medication; assessment of children after psychotropic medication treatment; and the responsibility of doctors to evaluate the ability of parents to oversee these potentially fatal drugs (The Boston Globe). For the purposes of this essay, I am forced to agree that ‘health officials should press urgently to determine the advantages of treating children with psychotropic drugs, and the cautions that must accompany their use’. The research I found on this topic appear to support the idea that intense discussion and consideration about pharmacotherapy is vital for future directions of treating children with these medications. According to Hyman (2006) there are far more difficulties in determining the risks and benefits of psychotropic drugs in children. There is also less information known about mental disorders in children than in adults and numerous drugs have not been sufficiently tested in children, particularly because their brains are still developing. In addition, there is even less data about the safety and efficacy of antidepressants in children (Hyman 2006). In actual fact, Hyman (2006) states that these drugs are being used even in the absence of data. That is why I strongly argue in favour of the need for more clinical research involving children, to identify the potential risk-benefits of psychopharmacology. It is the responsibility of caregivers to diagnose; manage and be commited to training in this area. Therefore we need to find out whether the approaches of these drugs are beneficial and safe for children. Furthermore, we have to think about a greater goal and a more practical way to enhance the quality of life for children showing signs of possible mental disorders. What we need to do is patch-up the treatment gaps and incorporate an effective monitoring system which allows health professionals to liaison with schools, other professionals and agencies. In doing so, we may improve diagnostics, treatment and follow-up services and possibly even avoid the recurrence of over-medication? References The Boston Globe: Hyman, S.E. (2006). Improving our brains? [Electronic Version]. Biosocieties, 1, 103-111. Retrieved 16 February 2007 from:;jsessionid=36ED98BDE8893D2A30D1BEED7CE0AD3C.tomcat1

Friday, September 20, 2019

Health and Safety Management in Healthcare Setting

Health and Safety Management in Healthcare Setting 1.2 Assess the responsibilities in a specific health and social care workplace for the management of health and safety, in relation to organisational structures. Chief executive officers( CEO) stakeholder Manager Deputy manager Unit manger Administer Human resource nurse Housekeeper Hospitality Domestic Senior carer Care staff receptionist Activity cleaner As a CEO for a company the vision is determine and communicate organisation strategic and direction. Without direction the organisation is simply a group of people pursuing individual goals, guided by their own values. Only the CEO can accomplish the task of balancing resources the most important ones are capital and people. The CEO makes sure they are available in the appropriate numbers and at the right time for the company to succeed. Culture is the set of shared attitudes, goals, behaviours and values that describe a group. It improves how things get done at a business level and influences the entirety of the employee experience and thus the clients experience. Making good decisions is important as a new CEO is often surprised by the magnitude of issues confronting him or her. One minute the CEO is discussing a new product, or next a human resources issue. The CEO Oversee and deliver the organization performance. Everyone agrees that the CEO is ultimately responsible for a companys performance. To be successful, he or she must take an active part in motivating change. Manager responsibility is to monitor and evaluate health and safety policy and to implement new guide line. This is carry out in looking at the workplace though inspection and auditing information thought management structure .A good manager is not measured by what he does but by what he can get others to do .He often direct people in directions that they do not want to go, by getting them to do things that they would not otherwise do. A manager must be able to set a vision for his organisation and to support his staff to see the importance of that vision. In my work place it is the responsible of my manager and deputy manager for training the staffin health and safety issue as this may take place in the course of their duties.They are train in the basic regulations such as cleanliness which is important in avoiding food poisoning. In addition, ensuing that equipments are continuously kept at their selected places and there is an active procedure of disposing of waste to increases sa fety. There are security issues that can impart on reducing of hazards. For instance, all staff should be aware of hazard to reduce accident and near misses. Also as manager they make sure that staffs are train in health and safety issues in the workplace. They also involved in purchasing safety requirements and developing safety policies in the organization while making sure staff are following and carry them out in their daily activated. Deputy manager work with the manager to make sure staff or educated and that all safety policies of the organizations are followed through constant monitoring, thought audit and recording of information about each staff member .A deputy manager work with a general manager to assist in the day to day running of the organisation when the manager is not around the deputy take over the responsibility they are there to support the staff ,while carrying out there administrate dutiesand perform humanresource tasks, such as recruiting and assessing staff performance. The deputy preforms many jobs like, implementation of business procedures that help you to save time and money in the organisation by increasing efficiency. This work best with staff having a set processes to follow which help them to get more done in lest time, this will free up more time for the deputy to get back to more serous things, more than just the day to day running of the organisation if they have more competent staff .Policy and procedures can also improve the reliability and service delivery by your staff. Also assisting General Managers, Controlling cost or expenditure, maintain quality standards. Training employees, Budgeting, Preparing reports, attending meeting and Doing presentations. As employees my responsible is to follow the security policies implemented by the organization. Also report any cases of hazards or any faulty equipments to prevention any accident from happening. Nurse are responsible for their care staff who are working with them they make sure staff are flowing the policy and procedure while carry out their duties they delegate to senior staff while supervising them to follow the health and safety training they attend and make sure paperwork or up to date accrue and clear. Hospitality team make sure they are following the health and safety guideline when handle food, and the food hygiene procedure. (Food safety act 1990) Domestic and cleaners must follow the policy and procedure regarding health and safety because of the chemical they work with can be dangerous for other. COSHH is the control of substance that is hazardous to health and therefore must be lock away and only person who have control and responsibility can access it. You can prevent or reduce workers expose to hazardous. 1.3 Analyse health and safety priorities appropriate for a specific health and social care workplace Health and safety priorities in my work environment is every ones job to make sure you are safe .health and safety looks at different types of safety issues like food hygiene ,fire safety ,first aid and RIDDOR. Employers must safeguard their staff from harm the health safety and welfare of their employees and others is paramount. All accidents should be reported to my supervisor minor or major accident or injuries If there is an accident related to your work and your employee, or self-employed person working on the premises that sustain a major injury, or a member of public suffers an injury and is taken to hospital from the site of the accident this is reportable under ( RIDDOR). Or a doctor tells you have a work-related disease or condition you need to report it. But, as a self-employed person you dont need to notify immediately if you suffer a major injury on your own premises. Dangerous occurrence you will have to notify the enforcing authority if you are off work for more than three days if it is a work related illness and for disease it should be reported as soon as the doctor tells you. (RIDDOR REGULATOR1995) Reportable dangerous occurrences like if someone Collapse, explosion, fire or electrical short circuit or lifting equipment malfunction reporting information late or not at all can become a habit and this can lead to you being prosecute Safety consultants(SC): Are employed by the organization to train the employees or install equipment that can help you to deal with danger in the work place. They a provide information to the management on laws and regulations with regards to safety in the work environment. A first aid box should be fully stocked this box is green. Also a person is appointed to take charge in an emergency situation most work place have a first aider on all shift to assist staff. fire safety employer has policy and procedure for fire safety and what to do in case of a fire also ways to prevent fire and who you raise the alarm if you discover a fire in the building .how the emergency evacuation process is pre-arranged and designated area or assembles point. Why are they not following the policy and procedure did your staff understand the training was it clear ,did they get a change to ask question .where they supervise first time doing task did you give enough information on subject also are they aware of the law government the policy procedure in regard to complaint within the guideline. Is the training up to date with new guideline is the equipment up to date or they pat tested are they being encourage to follow the policy is there anything else the company can do. Are they aware if they are found in breach of the law that they can face prosecution is the company aware of what is going wrong and are they working on making it right if someone lost their life you are unable to get that person back and that would mean you will have to live with it but also paid for it with their life it could mean that someone maybe be behind bar .why they do not want to change and bully anyone who try to do the right thing. Sometime the staffs do not want to do extra work and find it hard to follow the policy and procedure of their organisation. 2.1 Analyse how information from risk assessments inform care planning for individuals and organisation decision making about policy and procedures. A 75 year old lady was admitted to smart care home for the elderly, she is diagnosed with dementia. She as loss of memory and sometimes she is confused, in the last few weeks she has fallen 3 times as this as to do with her mobility and the medication she is taking daily and what she is eating and drinking . Due to the mobility of miss G regarding the risk assessment that has been done she needs support to mobilise well, staff is responsible to make sure when she is walking she has her walking aids to support her at all times, and that there is someone with her .staff are reminded to follow the manual handling procedure when moving or handling clients. Miss G was seen by the her doctor and was referred to see an occupational health therapies team to assess her mobility to get the best aids and equipment she needs while making sure her best interest is at the heart of what you are doing, making sure she is involve as much as possible. Make sure the walk way is clear of any derbies to prevent trips and falls. Due to the facts that miss G is suffering from dementia and memory loss and get confused she find it increasing difficulty when speaking. It is important to keep communicating with her or use different method to support her. Like using picture chart with family member, charts that as picture of food and drink items. Because of the memory loss miss G tend to wander off some times and get confused and forget where she was going this lead to her feeling anxious and agitated, also new surrounding and people can cause her to be confuse so as staff we have to reassure her more as she become easily disorientated, and sometimes she can harm herself and this is others so support is needed but not restriction. Refer back to the risk assessment to safe guard client. Medication can cause different side effect she needs to have the right dosages also making sure that she is taking them. If you are concern about her having side effect like having upset stomach or nausea you must inform the doctor so her medication can be review. Staff must attended on-going training about medication, while following the correct procedure an how to administer and the storage of medication. Also monitor the wellbeing of miss G with the support of other professionals. Medication risk assessment form is there to make sure we are not overlooking risk when dealing with medication. Miss G find it difficult to Eat and Drink sometime because she forget what she was doing because of the dementia so you have to supervise her ,she do not have much of an appetite and if she is not having enough to eat it can lead to weight loss. Miss G will have to be place on a food plan to monitor her input and output ratio and a weekly weight plan to see how much weight she is losing, by fortified her meals it will help her to maintain her weight while the doctor is inform so she can be assessed by a dietician in case she need additional supplements. Personal hygiene for miss G can be changeling due to her age and the dementia as much as possible we try to explain what is happen to her .good personal hygiene have to be maintain because of infection that can accrue that can lead to her skin breaking down. When assisting miss G with personal care she find it hard and sometime she can be aggressive so too staff much assist and reassure her. Regular check should be done to prevent and relieve pressure area and skin integrity making sure we are using the correct hygiene product we can include a weekly body map to note any changes. Staff should be reminded when assisting client to maintain respect, dignity and choice. When transporting miss G to appointment she must be supported with the right equipment like wheel chair and ramp to get her an the transport and staff should attend with her. Make sure right transport is book and that miss G is ready in advance so you are not rushing her follow the policy and procedure when moving and handling. Risk assessment state that she should be accompany by at least one staff for her safety. The aim of this care plan is to make sure that miss G get the best possible care while taking in to account her rights ,choice and maintaining her independence. References Business Advice Directory (2011) CQC Compliant Drug Medications Management (2017) eporting_an_accident_late_better_than_never_/UKTAHSAR_EU100302/related access online 27/2/17 Harding M, et al (2014) Memory Loss and Dementia access online 27/2/17 access online 26/2/17 access online 26/2/17 access online 26/2/17 access online 2/3/17 access online 2/3/17 access online 27/2/17 access online 27/2/17 access online 27/2/17 https:h// access online 26/2/17 NHS Choices (2015) Symptoms of dementia Queensland government (2016) Woodman c (2017) the Top Three Responsibilities of a Manager access online 26/2/17

Thursday, September 19, 2019

An Analysis of the Epic Poem, Beowulf - The Character of Beowulf :: Epic Beowulf essays

The Character of Beowulf When he arrived at the Danish land, Beowulf was a young man seeking adventure and glory. Beowulf was distinguished among his people, the Geats, for his bravery. As a young man Beowulf fought in many battles and as a result showed his great character to others. Beowulf had many characteristics which helped him to succeed in battle. As a young man, Beowulf was known as the strongest man alive. His strength allowed him to dominate in battle. If it were not for his pure strength, he would not have been able to defeat Grendel, for weapons would not work. By fighting Grendel without weapons, he opened himself up to greater glorification. Beowulf's strength could not be seen as a disadvantage, while the results of his strength could. Beowulf's strength allowed him dominance in battle, but it also made him cocky. While his cockiness allowed Beowulf to be sure of himself in battle, some of his peers found it to be a character flaw. Ecglaf, in particular, saw Beowulf as cocky and vain, questioning, "Are you the Beowulf who competed with Breca...swollen with vanity..." So, while his cockiness was a flaw in the eyes of others, Beowulf saw it as self assurance and used it to his advantage. Beowulf also had a strong spirit of adventure. His spirit of adventure was part of the reason that Beowulf went to fight Grendel. Beowulf's strength and spirit of adventure had also led him to glory in many battles, including that with Grendel. Beowulf used his glory in previous battles to justify himself when coming to help Hrothgar. In addition, his self assurance, and known bravery probably guided his decision. Beowulf's spirit of adventure gained him a lot of glory, however, it could have gotten him into trouble, if he were to have taken an adventure too far. While in his young age, Beowulf used his strength for glory and recognition. As he became older his great strength was taken away from him, and Beowulf found himself without one of his greatest abilities. Beowulf then was king of the Geats, and when a dragon attacked his land, it was his responsibility to protect his people.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Interest Groups :: Political Special Interest Groups

Interest Groups Interest Group is defined as "an organized body of individuals who try to influence public policy." This system is designed so that interest groups would be an instrument of public influence on politics to create changes, but would not threaten the government much. Whether this is still the case or not is an important question that we must find out. Interest groups play many different roles in the American political system, such as representation, participation, education, and program monitoring. Representation is the function that we see most often and the function we automatically think of when we think of interest groups. Participation is another role that interest groups play in our government, which is when they facilitate and encourage the participation of their members in the political process. Interest groups also educate, by trying to inform both public officials and the public at large about matters of importance to them. Lobby groups also keep track of how programs are working in the field and try to persuade government to take action when problems become evident when they monitor programs. The traditional interest groups have been organized around some form of economic cause, be it corporate interests, associates, or unions. The number of business oriented lobbies has grown since the 1960s and continues to grow. Public-interest groups have also grown enormously since the 1960s. Liberal groups started the trend, but conservative groups are now just as common, although some groups are better represented through interest groups than others are. There are many ways that the groups can influence politics too. The increase in interest group activity has fragmented the political debate into little pockets of debates and have served to further erode the power of political parties, who try to make broad based appeals. PACs also give money to incumbents, which means that incumbents can accumulate large reelection campaign funds, that in result, discourages potential challengers. As a result, most incumbents win, not because they outspend their challengers, but because they keep good potential opponents out of the race. Conservatives are one of the big groups that influence politics and for many reasons.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Conservative thinking has not only claimed the presidency; it has spread throughout our political and intellectual life and stands poised to become the dominant strain in American public policy. While the political ascent of conservatism has taken place in full public view, the intellectual transformation has for the most part occurred behind the scenes, in a network of think tanks whose efforts have been influential to an extent that only five years after President Reagan's election, begins to be clear.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Industrial Revolution Essay -- Essays Papers

The Industrial Revolution Imagine living in a world in which rights governed society. The people participate in a free market, and property is seen as "an inviolable and sacred right" that cannot be taken away.(1) This glorious idea is called liberalism. Liberalism emerged whole-heartedly during the Nineteenth-century Industrial Revolution. Followers of liberalism believe in the rights of the individual, especially the right to property. Early in its developement, this idea caused deep clashes between the middle class, called the bourgeoisie, and the working class, called the proletariat. These clashes created opposition to the liberal movement; communism became the supporter of this opposition. Many philosophers pushed the development of liberalism. The most persuasive were Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and John Stuart Mill. Smith is often considered the founder of liberalism. Smith "looked forward to a new world, which would escape the sophistry and meanness of medieval Christian thought, but would recourse to...authoritarian political oppression."(2) Smith wanted to make profits with little risk involved. He also believed a constitutional government would prevent government intervention with markets. Free markets allowed for more and cheaper goods, and they would benefit the greatest amount of people the greatest amount of the time. This was called laissez-faire. Smith also believed the state should be responsible for the "stipends of the priests."(3) This was government intervention of an individual right, freedom of religion. Because of Smith's beliefs towards religion, he was somewhat unpopular among Nineteenth-century liberals. These liberals chose to disregard Smith as the founder and preferred to regard David Ricardo... ...irtue; The Moral and Political Foundations of The Wealth of Nations, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995), 193. - Athol Fitzgibbons, Adam Smith's System of Liberty Wealth. and Virtue, 159. - Donald Kagan, Steven Ozment and Frank M. Turner, The Western Heritage, Brief Edition, Volume II, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1996), 523. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 141. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 141. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 125. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 126-7. - Kagan, The Western Heritage, 519. - Dr. Darrow. Lecture notes. 10/2 - Dr. Darrow. Lecture notes. 10/14 - Karl Marx, "The Communist Manifesto," in Sources for the Humanities: Hisotory and Religious Studies, First ed., 48. - Kagan, The Western Heritage, 515. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 30. The Industrial Revolution Essay -- Essays Papers The Industrial Revolution Imagine living in a world in which rights governed society. The people participate in a free market, and property is seen as "an inviolable and sacred right" that cannot be taken away.(1) This glorious idea is called liberalism. Liberalism emerged whole-heartedly during the Nineteenth-century Industrial Revolution. Followers of liberalism believe in the rights of the individual, especially the right to property. Early in its developement, this idea caused deep clashes between the middle class, called the bourgeoisie, and the working class, called the proletariat. These clashes created opposition to the liberal movement; communism became the supporter of this opposition. Many philosophers pushed the development of liberalism. The most persuasive were Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and John Stuart Mill. Smith is often considered the founder of liberalism. Smith "looked forward to a new world, which would escape the sophistry and meanness of medieval Christian thought, but would recourse to...authoritarian political oppression."(2) Smith wanted to make profits with little risk involved. He also believed a constitutional government would prevent government intervention with markets. Free markets allowed for more and cheaper goods, and they would benefit the greatest amount of people the greatest amount of the time. This was called laissez-faire. Smith also believed the state should be responsible for the "stipends of the priests."(3) This was government intervention of an individual right, freedom of religion. Because of Smith's beliefs towards religion, he was somewhat unpopular among Nineteenth-century liberals. These liberals chose to disregard Smith as the founder and preferred to regard David Ricardo... ...irtue; The Moral and Political Foundations of The Wealth of Nations, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995), 193. - Athol Fitzgibbons, Adam Smith's System of Liberty Wealth. and Virtue, 159. - Donald Kagan, Steven Ozment and Frank M. Turner, The Western Heritage, Brief Edition, Volume II, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1996), 523. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 141. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 141. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 125. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 126-7. - Kagan, The Western Heritage, 519. - Dr. Darrow. Lecture notes. 10/2 - Dr. Darrow. Lecture notes. 10/14 - Karl Marx, "The Communist Manifesto," in Sources for the Humanities: Hisotory and Religious Studies, First ed., 48. - Kagan, The Western Heritage, 515. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 30.

Bang & Olufsen

Bang & Olufsen How the tiny family-owned company Bang and Olufsen survives and prospers in spite of all the multi-nationals can do. Consumer electronics is dominated by multi-nationals who believe growth and acquisitions are the keys to survival in this price-point conscious industry. So how come in a remote country town in the north west of Denmark, an organisation with a mere 3000 employees is prospering and charging premium prices? B&0 is still in the hands of the families who started it back in 1925. Young Peter Bang and Svend Olufsen were both keen experimenters from boyhood with electricity and their first radios were built in the attic of the Olufsen house. Right from the start the company followed a philosophy of innovation. The company has always striven to set higher standards of performance than its competitors and, as a consequence found itself moving inevitably towards the upper-end of the market. Along the way styling became an important element of the B&O philosophy. A number of their products are in the permanent design collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. The company uses freelance designers who are answerable to the product strategy department who are responsible for marketing planning and the technical feasibility of ideas. It took more than style, however, to give Bang & Olufsen its unique positioning in the marketplace. A long time ago it was realised that the key to survival lay in offering products which were not only different but had qualities which could not be found elsewhere. Back in 1938 they produced a radio with a preset programming function for 16 stations. In 1943 a B&O gramophone had an option for rogramming a 3 minute pause between tracks – time to allow you to bow to your new dancing partner! The first B&O TV receiver appeared in 1952. In 1951 they produced the world's first stereo cartridge. They invented the HX professional recording system which increases the headroom available for recording high frequency signals on all tape types. This system is now found in most good quality tape decks. In 1982 they int roduced the Beolink system which gives round the house sound and round the house remote-control. For all their small size Bang and Olufsen produce practically everything themselves. They even ake much of their own production equipment. Such are their capabilities that they supply injection moulding equipment to other manufacturers and have developed such diverse products as an insulin pen and extension units for telephone switching exchanges. Their entry into the telephone receiver business grew out of a contract to develop a new standard telephone for Danish Telecom. Since then they have sold over 200, 000 units of their elegant and distinctive handsets. The company regularly gets suggestions for new product categories. These are considered but unless there is scope for a distinctively B&0 concept, it will not proceed. Car audio is an example. Because the car stereo has to fit into a set size hole in a console, there is little or no scope to produce a distinctively different product that would fit into the B family of products. Today, B operate in more than 20 countries around the world. Their biggest single export market in terms of combined TV, video and hi-fi sales is the United Kingdom. As mentioned earlier, this equipment does not fit into an existing selling or price-point structure and would face an uphill struggle in the bazaar atmosphere of the typical electrical retailer. This led to the decision to carry out the entire marketing, distribution, and selling (retailing) operations in- house. The calm and luxurious atmosphere of a Bang and Olufsen showroom is highly conducive to the appreciation not only of the performance of the product but the elegant styling too. The arrangement leaves no place for opposition or competitors for, as B&0 will gladly tell you, there aren't any. At the same time, haggling over such mundane matters as discounts seems very much out of place in such surroundings. It’s a far cry from the rest of the industry where the sales staff can usually tell you very little but the price. The showroom decor is simple and subdued to highlight the discreet styling of the equipment. The staff are very much part of this presentation. Fast talking and pressure to buy have no place here. When people are spending the kind of money a B&O system costs (the 1owest priced sound system is listed at $8,000 and you can go over $30,000 with the greatest of ease) they want time to relax and consider their choice very carefully indeed. The staff are there as consultants and advisors. In fact, of course they are very effective sales people who really know their products and ow to present them. There are several six B&O showroom in Australia, all in major capital cities. Sales of audio and video products run 50/50 and in both categories the best sellers are the top models in the range. So who buys this expensive equipment? It is probably easier to say who does not. The true hi-fi buff who loves electronics and fiddling dials & buttons tends to treat B&O with the same disdain that a spor ts-car buff has for an automatic Mercedes family car. Your typical B&O owner is more interested in music and entertainment than electronics. While he r she appreciates the unique styling, sheer quality and performance of the equipment, it is the ability to deliver at the touch of a button or even a glass plate which probably counts for more. B&0 have recognised that the hi-fi industry has made its products so complex and intimidating to the average person that he only become frustrated and confused by all the conflicting advice he receives. Visiting the hi-fi specialist can be an unnerving experience which ends up giving the prospective buyer an inferiority complex. B&0's approach is to put all the complexity to one side. Technology is used to simplify. So, lthough B equipment has possibly the most sophisticated control systems of anyone in the industry, it is, paradoxically, probably the simplest of all to operate. Once you have a B unit in your home you become a prospect for upgra des and extensions. B were the first to bring round-the-house sound and later video which can be controlled from anywhere in the house. Called the Beolink, it first came out in l982 and it is only 10 years later that any other such systems are beginning to appear. Any B model can be extended to give quality hi-fi or video to any room in the house. It is not B po1icy to bring out new models each year. Rather they introduce them to meet market requirements and then upgrade them when and as required. Very often existing equipment can be brought up to the latest specifications. It is also policy that all parts are fully available for 8 years after a model goes out of production. B still regularly gets calls to service equipment over 20 years old. All parts are airfreighted from Denmark. B are too small to develop original products like the CD or even the VCR. Their role is to take such products and enhance them, make them easier to use, and package them very uniquely and attractively. A considerable proportion of B systems are sold with an older model taken as a trade-in. The quality of the products is such that they have a ready second-hand market and owner loyalty is the highest in the industry. An organisation pf just 3000 people in a very high cost country taking on the established giants of the electronics world sounds like an extreme case of wishful thinking. Band and Olufsen will tell that they think differently. They do. And it works. Do you know of any other business which has no direct competitors? Q: Identify, Understand Analyse competition and suggest appropriate competitive positioning strategies.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Osama Bin Laden Research Paper

Osama Bal Laden; the mastermind of 9/11 Christian Hanker December 21 , 2012 World History Period 1 Osama Bin Laden changed the world on September 1 1, 2012, when he orchestrated the 911 1 bombings on the world Trade center in New York City. He has also formulated many other attacks including the October 2000 attack on the US Cole, and attacks on the US embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dark sees Salaam, Tanzania in 1998 (Encyclopedia of World 1).Osama Bin Laden had a negative Influence on societies, economies, and religion throughout the world because of his actions in masterminding many radical terrorist attacks, and because he created and ended al-Qaeda. Osama Bin Laden had a dramatic effect not only on the society of the United States but also worldwide. These radical attacks have resulted in changes to the way society conducts business, travel, Immigration, and most Importantly, how people view and trust each other. Simply put, it has in many ways resulted in a drastic change to m any people's behavior.The attacks of 9/1 1 resulted in increased security exponentially. After these attacks, airport security was amplified. Other security measures were Implemented such as every time someone flies they are required to undergo body scanning; they have to remove shoes and belts, and all liquids over three point four ounces must be packed in checked luggage Monsoon 13). All these measures are now enforced to ensure maximum safety and security in airports. Instead of being able to breeze through the airport and board their flight, people are required to be there two hours early. Which has become a necessary inconvenience and a time consuming practice. After the 9/11 attacks, people were very hesitant to fly because they were afraid. To help ease the anxiety of flying and perform the safety sys precautions, the Nun deed t States created the Transportation Security Administration. The TTS hired over 50,000 people to work in airports across the country and have found to date over fifty million prohibited items, 5,000 of them being firearms Monsoon 7-10). Since Osama Bin Alden's various attacks, some airlines like Canada 3000 and Swiss Air were on the verge of going bankrupt.To counteract this, the airlines crammed more seats in their airplanes, cut the complimentary food service, and reduced flights Monsoon 22). This inconveniences the passengers because there s less space and comfort on board and with less flights, not everyone may get a seat on their flight. Osama Bin Laden had a direct impact on the way we travel, has put anxiety in the minds of innocent people wanting or needing to travel on an airplane, and caused changes in the way commercial airlines conduct businesses.Osama Bin Laden has affected society worldwide through the lives lost in 9/1 1 and America's war on terrorism. Osama Bin Laden was responsible for the many deaths that occurred as a result of his terrorist attacks. In the wake of 9/1 1, approximately 3000 people died (Newspape rs 1). This not only affected the people that died, but also the people that love them, witnessed their death, their neighbors, the community around them, and also the world. An enormous amount of grief was felt throughout the world and many societies were humbled.Another way Osama Bin Laden has impacted society is the number of troops, particularly American, that have been sent to Afghanistan and Iraq to fight in the war on terrorism. Approximately 70,000 troops were sent to Iraq and Afghanistan (Encyclopedia of World 23). This affected both their own lives and also their loved ones, not knowing if they are alive, outing a great amount of fear in millions of people's lives worldwide. The cost of the war on terrorism has not only been human lives.Governments across the world have had to fund the increased deployments and make revisions in their budgets for the future. Finally, there has been a large death toll incurred by innocent Muslims living in both America and on the battlefiel d. In retaliation to the 9/11 bombings, many Americans discriminated against Muslim Americans and many cases resulted in violence. Muslim lives have been lost fighting for AY-Qaeda and innocent civilians eave died, being caught in the middle of this war. Osama Bin Laden is responsible for changing society and the lives of many Americans, troops and his own followers.Osama Bin Laden left his mark on society by his role in inflicting terror into the hearts and minds of people worldwide. What is so frightening about terrorism is that it could happen anywhere and anytime. Bin Laden used this advantage of mystery to plant the seed of fear into people's minds worldwide. In October 2001, according to a Gallup poll, forty six percent of Americans said terrorism was America's biggest problem (Grief 47). This shows that Osama Bin Laden has had an enormous and lasting influence on the way Americans think and why they may do certain things.Osama Bin Laden had such a great influence on Americans and their minds that the CIA released a bounty worth $25 million for Bin Laden. New York City authorities put posters up around New York City showing again how much the capture of Osama Bin Laden was worth to America and how much he had affected society. This is evidenced in figure one, showing that officials want Bin Laden dead or alive. Osama Bin Laden destroyed billions of people's peace of mind worldwide. The 9/1 1 attacks were carried out in conditions of everyday life, which was in essence using the element to surprise as a weapon.What is more terrifying is that he managed to install his people into our communities. These terrorists lived amongst us until Osama Bin Laden gave his orders. This effectively created a feeling of mistrust and paranoia after the 9/1 1 attacks. It certainly had a great impact on the state of mind of many Americans. Osama Bin Laden impacted society by influencing the modification of the security systems, being responsible for killing thousands of peo ple, and outing terror in millions of people's minds worldwide.While Osama Bin Laden had an extraordinary influence on how people around the world feel and behave he also had a negative impact on America's economy. One way Bin Laden left his mark on the United States economy is that his actions caused the United States to spend billions of dollars for the military, defense, and security sectors. In the years of 2006-2008, military spending increased by $540 million to supply weapons and transportation to fight the war on terror and to deploy troops into Pakistan and Afghanistan to find Bin Laden (Griffin 17).This huge expense would not have been incurred if Bin Laden had not executed the attack on the World Trade Centre. These funds could have been spent on other things, like paying off the national debt or providing better education and healthcare for American citizens. Not only did Bin Laden cause the United States spend unnecessary money on finding him, but he also affected socie ty by redistributing $540 million of potential funding which could have been used in improvements in society. This money was spent on defense and the security sectors.All three of these divisions boosted the United States debt to $14. Trillion (Burger 8). Osama Bin Laden cost the United States lots of resources, money, and time in the search for their peace of mind. Osama Bin Alden's actions have caused friction amongst Middle Eastern and western countries, raising the prices of odds from these nations, in particular oil. After the 9/1 1 attacks, the unhealthy relationship between Islamic countries and America made Muslims reluctant to trade, resulting in an increase in the oil price. Before 9/1 1, oil prices were $1. 3, per gallon but they have increased to a current price of $3. 65 per gallon (Mille 16). Obviously, with the price of gas skyrocketing by over $2 after 9/1 1, resources have become very expensive to obtain and has put many Americans in difficulties financially because it is a huge increase that has to be accounted for. Other resources such as gold have experienced price increases. At the time of the 9/1 1 bombings, gold was priced at $271. 5 per ounce however it is now very expensive, rising to $1821 per ounce (Mille 13-14).The price of gold after 9/11 has risen over 600%, while the American dollar has lost one third of its value. Since the 9/1 1 attacks, he increased price of many plentiful goods within the Middle East has made it more difficult for people to pay for them. Another way Bin Laden affected The United State's economy is due to his role in planning the destruction caused which resulted in the reparations the insurance companies owed, and the time and money spent cleaning the devastation.Firstly, in the attacks that killed over 3,000 people, it cost an estimated $1. 5 billion to clear the devastation where the World Trade Centre stood (Gaffing 13). This cost in clearing the remains, moving it and disposing of it was a large expense w hich otherwise would have been used on other necessary expenditure such as education or roads. These funds were spent on an event that could not have been predicted or budgeted for. The cost to America can also be accounted in for the time to thousands to workers and the tort to volunteers.Another way this incident affected the economy is in the insurance claims that were owed to millions of people. These insurance claims include life insurance, auto insurance, and property insurance. The combination of lives lost and damage of properties led to and estimated $40 billion price tag in insurance claims (Gaffing 7). This huge toll on insurance companies made many companies bankrupt, and if not bankrupt, premiums became very expensive for people wanting to purchase insurance.The cost of disposing and clearing the site where the World Trade Centre stood and the insurance claims incurred after the attack crippled the economy, especially that of New York City. After the attacks of 9/1 1, m any other struggles within the United States economy arose. One example of this is that the unemployment rate in the United States almost doubled. Prior to 9/1 1, the unemployment rate was four point nine percent but soon after, the unemployment rate rose to nine point one percent Mille 7-8).As a result of the terrorist attacks over 600,000 Jobs were lost, 226,000 of them in the travel industry (Mille 7-8). This huge cut of workers left many people struggling to survive, becoming homeless, and relying on welfare or other sorts of government aide to survive. With a large demand for supplies to aid homeless people, this increased the United States debt even further, setting the debt deeper by the millions. Thousands of small businesses were destroyed by the wreckage in New York City, from the collapse of the World Trade Centre and financially.Approximately 18,000 small businesses in lower Manhattan, particularly around the site of World Trade Centre, were either physically destroyed b y flying debris or financially crushed without income to offset the costs to repair their shops (Gaffing 8). These small businesses were particularly hurt because they did not have large cash reserves or other stores to make sure they were earning money. Instead, they were out of business for six weeks while repairs were being made in lower Manhattan.This lead to the large amount of unemployment that occurred and also left many people bankrupt. The attacks of 9/1 1 that Osama Bin Laden formulated had a demoralizing toll on America's economy by increasing unemployment, destroying small businesses, skyrocketing the prices of goods and forcing America to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to ensure safety and to find the man behind all the chaos and devastation. Osama Bin Laden was a very influential person and he used his power to change his religion for the worse.One way that he did this is that he encouraged a violent form of Islam called Salamis. With his extreme wealth, inheriti ng $300 million at age thirteen when his father died (Encyclopedia of World 4), ND power, he has influenced millions of Muslims to adopt his ideas and beliefs that encouraged violence. In Osama Bin Laden â€Å"Jihad against Jews and Crusaders†, Osama Bin Laden encourages Muslims worldwide that it is their duty religiously to kill all Americans and their allies whenever possible (bin laden, Osama).Bin Laden promoted a very extremist form of Islam and was able to spread it throughout the Muslim world. He proposed to kill other people because they were of a different religion and belief, even though they may be innocent of any religious hate crimes. He executed these attacks in many different ways, including bombings, assassinations, and cyber attacks (AY Qaeda 2). This added to his repertoire as being very dangerous and helped his followers strive for their mission of the Jihad.He was very intolerant to other religions and wanted others to tallow in his pate Laden changed views about religion and religious tolerance worldwide by increasing the stereotypes towards Middle Eastern or Islamic people being terrorists. Many forms of violence against Muslims or people with dark skin and dark hair occurred after 9/1 1 in retaliation for the attack. Osama Bin Laden therefore negatively affected religion, because innocent Muslims are being discriminated against because of Bin Laden attacks. Osama Bin Laden had a huge negative influence on religion, the economy, and society worldwide.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Green Mountain Coffee Roaster Essay

During the fourth quarter of 2010 Green Mountain Coffee Roasters had some accounting irregularities become known to the public. Green Mountain’s problems all started from how they recognized income, though intercompany inventory and third party vendor. After the SEC inquiry, Green Mountain’s accounting irregularities spanned three fiscal years and three fiscal quarters. Starting with fiscal year 2007 and running through the third fiscal quarter of 2010. In total Green Mountain had five areas of their financial statements in which they did not follow GAAP. The first issue overstated $7.6 million dollars of inventory during the time period, because of an incorrect standard of cost (Dulong, 2010). Next they had a $1.4 million overstated income, because of incorrect accrual amount of incentive programs expenses. Third issue overstated income by $1 million dollars, because of timing classification of historical revenue royalties from third party vendors. Fourth issue oversta ted $800,000 of income, because of incorrect standards for intercompany inventory cost. Fifth is an understated income of $700,000, because of a failure to reverse accrual customer incentive program. All amounts in this report are amount of pre-income tax earnings. Rule During this time period Green Mountain has violated three rules from the FASB accounting standards codification: inventory measurement, revenue recognition and multi element revenue recognition. Although the SEC had found more problems than just three, the issues at Green Mountain can be classified into these three areas. The SEC did conduct an 18 month inquiry only, into the financial statements of Green Mountain, costing the company about $4 million dollars (10-k form, 2011) . The first FASB code violated is 330-10-35 or Topic-inventory, Subtopic-overall, Section-subsequent measurement (FASB ASC 330-10-35). During the SEC inquiry, Green Mountain had overstated their inventory totaling $8.4 million during the fiscal years. Green Mountain had overstated its inventory two difference ways. With the net result is being an overstated net income, during the company’s record profit and double digit growth years, creating a high dividend for investors. Second FASB code violated is 605-15-25 or Topic-revenue recognition, Subtopic-products, Section-recognition (FASB ASC 605-15-25). With this violation Green Mountain had under accrual incentive programs by $1.4 million dollars and also over accrual incentive programs by $700,000 dollars. Green Mountain had a net overstated income by $700,000 dollars during the fiscal years. Since Green Mountain has taken the â€Å"Razor and Blade† sales method, this is an important violation for their investors (Mchugh, 2012). The Razor and Blade sales method is where Gillette brand razors are sold at cost but the company makes its money when the consumer buys the blade. For Green Mountain they are selling the coffee maker at cost, while they hold the patent rights to the K-cup that fits into the coffee maker. The last FASB rule violates is 605-25-25 or Topic-revenue recognition, Subtopic-multiple-element arrangements, Section-recognition (FASB ASC 605-25-25). This violation is from Green Mountain not having the correct cumulative revenue recognition of royalties from a third party vendor. Green Mountain had overstated their income by $1 million dollar form this error, once again overstating the net income of the company. Analysis Green Mountain was known for being a responsible company prior to the inquiry, where they managed the production from bean to brewer. Also Green Mountain has claimed that the support only responsible farming practices, proven by their coffees being â€Å"Fair Trade Certified†. The restating of their financial records has hurt their image but only for a little while since their stock has rebounded. â€Å"Channel Surfing† is what one blogger has accused Green Mountain of doing (Flitter, 2012). The inflation of sales and earnings is Channel Surfing; this is done to make a company seem more profitable than actual. The facts are that, yes they did go through an SEC inquiry for 18 months. There was no charges filed by the SEC and all Green Mountain did was restate their financial statement at an expense to the company’s bottom line. The company image does now have a blemish on it and they don’t have the same public support they once had. The stockholder did file a lawsuit against Green Mountain, but the judges throw the case out of court. Green Mountain had a net profit of $79 million in 2010 and $199 million in 2011, the years affected by the SEC investigation. Between the adjustment and cost of inquiry Green Mountain had a $14.1 million dollar expense. This is a big expense to the company but it is something they have recovered from and their stock is climbing and no one has gone to jail for criminal actions. Conclusion Green Mountain did not act like a responsible company in regards to its accounting practices, but they have straighten up there polices since the inquiry. I believe that they were trying to see how much they could get away with for revenue recognition and once caught they have followed the FASB code since then. The business model they are using for sales method is a risky game, because of patents expiring and this might be part of the motivation behind the revenue recognition policies.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Chapter 9 Review Questions

Fred Bear MAIR 1449. 02 3-24-11 R. Q. Unit 9 (E. B. ) 1. What is magnetism? When two pieces of iron are attracted to each other by physical means or electrical means. 2. Torque is A. Strength that a motor produces by turning. 3. A magnetic field is D. All the above. 4. True or False: A permanent magnet is a piece of material that has been magnetized and can hold its magnetic strength for a reasonable length of time. True. 5. How is an electromagnet produced? Through electricity. 6. Which of the following produces the best electromagnet? B. soft iron 7.Unlike poles of a magnet repel each other and like poles attract each other. 8. What part does polarity play in the operation of an electric motor? It allows the motor to run continuously. 9. What part of a motor produces an inductive magnetic field within itself to facilitate the rotating motion? Rotor and stator. 10. What part does the frequency of alternating current play in the operation of an electric motor? Helps change polarity 1 20 times a second. 11. What would be the speed of a two-pole motor operating on a 120 volts 60 Hertz power supply? 3450rpm 12. What are the five types of single-phase motors used in the industry? 3. Which of the following correctly lists the motor’s starting torque from lowest to highest? B. Shaded pole, three phase, permanent split capacitor, capacitor start. 14. Which of the following is a common use of a shaded pole motor? A. Furnace fan motor. 15. How does a shaded pole motor operate? The shaded poles produce a magnetic field that is out of phase with the magnetic field of the main winding. 16. How can a shaded pole motor be reversed? The stator must be reversed to change the positions of the shaded poles, and this usually means disassembling the motor. 17.What determines the rotation of a shaded pole motor? B. Location of shaded pole. 18. Draw a diagram of a three speed, shaded pole motor. 19. What enables a split phase motor to develop enough torque to begin rotation? T he method of splitting the phase of incoming power to produce a second phase of power, giving the motor enough displacement to start. 20. What removes the starting winding from the electrical circuit of an open type split phase motor once it reaches 75% of its operating speed? Centrifugal switch. 21. What are the three probable areas of trouble in a split phase motor?The bearings, windings, and the centrifugal switch. 22. What is the unit of measurement for the strength of a capacitor? C. microfarad. 23. What is the purpose of the capacitor? To boost the starting torque or running efficiency of a single phase motor. 24. What is the difference between a running and a starting capacitor? Starting capacitors are usually made of plastic and used to assist a single phase motor in starting. A running capacitor has an oil filled case and is mainly used to increase a motor’s running efficiency. 25. List the five capacitor replacement rules. 1.The voltage of any capacitor used for rep lacement must be equal or greater than that of the one being replaced. 2. The strength of the starting capacitor replacement must be at least equal to but not more than 20% greater than the one being replaced. 3. The strength of the running capacitor replacement may vary by plus or minus 10% of the strength of the one being replaced. 4. If capacitors are installed in parallel, the sum of the capacitors is the total capacitance. 5. The total capacitance of capacitors in series may be found in the following formula: 26. Explain the operation of a permanent split capacitor motor.It has two windings, running and starting. A running capacitor is put in series with the starting winding. The capacitor causes the electron to flow through the starting winding to shift it out of phase with the running winding. Therefore, a rotating magnetic field is set up, causing the rotor to turn. 27. How are a PSC motor and a capacitor start capacitor run motor similar? C. Both use starting relays. 28. Wh at are the advantages and disadvantages of using the following types of motors? A. Shaded pole motor- 29. What are the similarities between an open type split phase motor and a capacitor start motor?C. Both have a centrifugal switch. 30. Which of the following is an advantage in using a three phase motor? B. Stronger. 31. Draw a wiring diagram of a capacitor start capacitor run motor: 32. True or false: All starting apparatuses are mounted externally to the hermetic compressor shell. True. 33. What is the purpose in troubleshooting any electric motor? 34. Which of the following is the capacitance of an 88 uf and a 108 uf starting capacitor connected in series? A. 196uf. 35. Which of the following is the capacitance of two 20 uf running capacitors connected in parallel? B. 20uf. 36.If a capacitor produces 15 A on a 240 volt supply, which of the following is its microfarad rating? A. 166 uf. 37. Which of the following capacitors could be used to replace a 35 uf, 370 volt running capac itor? B. 35uf, 390 volt. 38. Which of the following capacitors could be used to replace a 188 uf, 250 volt starting capacitor? C. 200uf, 250 volts. 39. Which of the following capacitors or combination of capacitors could be used to replace a 45 uf 370 volt running capacitor? A. 40uf, 440 volt. 40. Which of the following capacitors or combination of capacitors could be used to replace an 88uf 250 volt starting capacitor?D. 150uf, 250V. 41. Find the common, start, and run terminals of the following hermetic compressor. 42. Briefly explain the procedure for troubleshooting hermetic compressor motors. Electrically taking resistance readings of the windings with a good ohmmeter. 43. What are the electrical failures categories for hermetic compressor motors? Open, shorted, or grounded. 44. What precautions should be taken when checking hermetic compressor motors? Infinity. 45. What would be the highest allowable resistance reading for a grounded compressor motor? Zero. 46.What are the adv antages of using an electronically commutated motor over a PSC motor? 47. Explain the construction of an ECM. The direct current converters convert the alternating current that the power company supplies to direct current, which can then be regulated to vary the speed of the motor. 48. An ECM is a B. Three-phase DC motor. 49. True or False: The resistance readings of the windings of a properly operating ECM should be equal. False. 50. True or False: The line voltage power supply of an ECM should never be disconnected or connected with the power on. True.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Employment law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Employment law - Essay Example t or set of circumstances that can arise. This is particularly so in labour industries where economies and policies are constantly changing to accommodate the realities of the times. With so many sources of law and with employment laws perpetually evolving, obtaining a balance can be a mammoth task. However, because the labour market is constantly in a state of change, the need to maintain a balance between legal certainty and fairness for the purpose of avoiding conflict requires that the law changes to meet those challenges. What is legally certain and fair today may not be certain and fair tomorrow. In this regard, the current law reflects the dynamics and demands of labour market changes and the constant demand for labour market reform. This research paper illustrates this best by critically assessing the current labour laws relative to employee status, contractual terms of employment, unfair dismissal and equality. These areas of employment law best illustrate the need for a var iety of sources of flexible laws and the attending challenges for maintaining a balance between legal certainty and fairness. I. Employee Status Historically, the contract of employment makes provision for the basic employee/employer relationship. However, the terms and conditions of that contract have always been interpreted by reference to statute, hence the significance of the term â€Å"status†.5 The fact is, although the employment status may be agreed to and reflected in an employment contract, the matter does not end there.6 This is entirely important because employee status will often correspond with the degree of employee protection and rights. The law therefore intervenes to ensure fairness in the construction of the employment contract with a view to providing a greater degree of legal certainty and fairness in the determination of the employee’s status. The implications are far reaching in terms of creating a balance between fairness and legal certainty. To begin with, the inequality of bargaining power in the employment relationship is well recognized and accepted. As Edwards explains, it was necessary to depart from the concept that employees and employers were at liberty to negotiate and finally reach an agreement as to what will form the essential terms/conditions of the employment contract resulting from the parties’ own different positions in relation to one another. Specifically, party autonomy is undermined because it necessarily levels the playing field between the relative power imbalances between the employee and the employer.7 In this regard, statute intervenes to define the term employee and even then, provides a degree of legal certainty by leaving the definition vague enough to ensure that adjudicators can flexibly determine whether or not employee status can be inferred. To this end Section 230(1) of the Employment Rights Act 1996 provides the term â€Å"employee† refers to a person who either has or â₠¬Å"works under† an employment con

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Organizational communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organizational communication - Essay Example All human resource managers rely on communication in their organizations to air their views and have plans implemented. Without communication from one official to the employees, management might crumble. Therefore, any successful human resource manager usually acknowledges the importance of organization communication as it has a positive outcome on the output provided of the given workforce. An excellent example of human resource and organization communication is the case of BMG international (Poole, 2012). Rudi Gassner emerged to be an effective leader who employed many ways of human resource management to form a winning team that led the company to achieve its objectives (Poole, 2012). Any human resource is often equipped with the responsibility of leading, planning and staffing. Rudi ensured that he employed the right leadership style to help in his management. In addition, he chose a 9 member executive team to help him in his management. In using transactional leadership style, he was able to establish a good reward punishment system in the organization that led to improvement of its output (Poole, 2012). A good communication between the human resource management and employees is key for an organization to succeed (Poole, 2012). Decision making process is an important tool in communication. For instance, Rudi Gassner left the decision making process to his executive team, but still ensured he took part in the overall decision making process (Poole, 2012). This ensured that the decisions made were in line with the companies’ objectives and vision. Gassner left the decision process on the directors and only came in to give the final say. His management style hence brought more success, but also resulted in conflicts within the committee (Hill, 1995). Gassner ensured that he was involved in every business activity of the company and ensured he observed what occurred in them. This brought a number of doubts in his management as those at the lower levels

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Little Albert and Classical Conditioning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Little Albert and Classical Conditioning - Essay Example Conditioned emotional responses as defined by Coon and Mitterer (2010) are learned emotional reactions to previously neutral stimuli (p. 232). An example of this are phobias, which psychologists believe began as conditioned emotional responses. During the time of Watson and Rayner (1920) who conducted the study entitled, Conditioned Emotional Reactions, different assumptions have been proposed in concerning the likelihood of conditioning diverse types of emotional response; however, exact experimental evidence in aid of such view is missing. It was recommended previously that in infancy the fundamental emotional reaction models are not many, comprising so far as perceived of fear, rage and love, then there must be several uncomplicated ways by means of which the range of stimuli which can bring forth these emotions and their compounds are highly amplified, or else, intricacy in adult response could not be accounted for (Watson & Rayner, 1920). Watson and Rayner (1920) though without adequate experimental evidence, enhanced the perspective that this variety was augmented by means of trained impulse aspects. It was recommended that the first home life of the child endows a laboratory setting for creating conditioned emotiona l responses. With this premise, Watson and Rayner (1920) put the whole matter into an experimental test. Watson and Rayner (1920) used the subject named Albert who was reared almost from birth in a hospital environment; his mother was a wet nurse in the Harriet Lane Home for Invalid Children. Alberts life was typical, he was fit from birth and one of the best developed youngsters ever brought to the hospital, weighing twenty-one pounds at nine months of age. He was impassive and inexpressive. His stability was one of the major reasons for utilizing him as a subject in their test as emphasized by Watson and Rayner (1920) for they felt that they could cause him reasonably little harm in performing such experiments. Watson

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Strategic Management of health care organizations Essay

Strategic Management of health care organizations - Essay Example To do this, different processes associated with service delivery like efficient patient flow, wait times and various administrative functions have been addressed. This has led to different implementation strategies like pre-service, point-of-service, and after-service has been devised. All the areas of service are meant to provide the customers with valued services. While pre-service is prior to the encounter, point-of-service (POS) is at the time of the encounter and post-service is after the encounter. Different healthcare organizations have benefited by aligning strategies based on different encounters. The pre-service is devised after determining the customers’ wants and needs. This requires first determining who the customers are, the price acceptable to them, the time and location convenient to them and then developing internal culture that focuses on customers (SDS, n.d.). Customer and competitor descriptions are essential to decide on this service area. The basic premise is – what does the customer want in terms of product, price, place and promotion. A thorough market research is essential for this. This is then followed by market segmentation based on clinical areas, demographics, psychographics and markets defined by growth opportunities. A customer analysis is then done to determine which should be the target market. It also determines what motivates the individual to use health care and what aspects of services offered are really important to the customer. Whether the customer is currently satisfied is determined which helps to improve upon the clinical serv ice. It also determines on what basis the customer chooses one organization over another. Hence the central issue in this service area is determining the right customer and devising the rest of the strategies based on that. For POS the central issues are quality, efficiency, innovation and flexibility. The internal assessment of

Monday, September 9, 2019

Review of a picture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Review of a picture - Essay Example Spending a few minutes at any average American school will no doubt testify to the fact that it is impossible to have a classroom in the current times that is occupied by pupils hailing from a single culture. Therefore it goes without saying that the classrooms of today are predominantly multicultural, very unlike the scenario presented in the picture and studying in classrooms given to cultural diversity does endow the students with multiple abilities and skills that go a long way in assuring success in the professional environments given to diversity and multiculturalism. One thing to be noted about the given picture is that all the students in the classroom are singularly attentive to the concept being taught, and hence it would not be wrong to conclude that education in a single culture setting is mostly text book driven, which hardly tries to arm the students with the essential social skills, which they will have to necessarily acquire in a classroom driven by diversity. The pil es of textbooks assorted on the desks placed before the students in the picture, in a way precisely symbolize such conclusions. Perhaps the students are so attentive to what is being taught, because there is nothing else in their surrounding ambiance that is different and hence stimulates their curiosity and attention. They are focusing on the lesson because the classroom environment dominated by a single culture does not require them to come across questions and views that are foreign and new to their culture. No wonder, one could predict that such a class as shown in the picture may give way to students who are academically sound, but may perhaps lack the people skills and cultural literacy that is of immense importance in today’s flat world. Hill-Jackson, Sewell and Waters testify to the limitations of single culture classrooms by pointing towards the fact that â€Å"students who bring strong biases and negative stereotypes about diverse groups will be less likely to deve lop†¦ beliefs and behaviors most consistent with multicultural sensitivity and responsiveness (Hill-Jackson, Sewell & Waters 176).† Once one agrees to the limitations of the single culture classrooms as presented in the picture under consideration, one may be poised to raise the question as to whether the students depicted in the picture are missing something, and if yes, than what is it? It would not be wrong to say that the loads of textbooks piled before the students in the picture and the content in them do certainly cater to the needs and aspirations of a single race or culture because the given classroom is essentially dominated by the students associated with a single culture. However, things are never so in case of the multicultural classrooms. In multicultural classrooms the educators are required to configure syllabi and text books which cater to the needs of many cultures and races, and hence education in multicultural classrooms is not merely about a two way d ialogue and communication between the students and the teacher, but is also about fostering cultural understanding amongst the diverse groups in the classrooms and building a consensus amongst diverse opinions and ways of seeing things (Powell & Caseau 174).

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Fortified Food Product Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fortified Food Product - Article Example The present research has identified that the Kroger milk product has other beneficial fortifications. The 6 percent of the product is Vitamin A. The product contains 30 percent Calcium. Next, 4 percent vitamin C is added to the milk. The fortifications were made to comply with the average individual’s daily requirement. However, each person has a different daily nutrient requirement. In terms of daily requirement, the 5 grams of saturated fat fills 25 percent of the average individual’s daily requirement. Similarly, 8 grams of total fat fills 12 percent of the average person’s daily requirement. The 35 mg Cholesterol 12 percent of the average individual’s daily requirement. The 120 gram of salt (sodium) fills the 5 percent daily need. The 12 grams of total carbohydrate supplies 4 percent of the person’s daily need. The 11 grams of sugar is used to add taste to the product. In terms of the vitamin fortifications, the milk product supplies a portion o f the body’s daily vitamin needs. The product supplies 6 percent of the average person’s Vitamin A need. The same product supplies 30 percent of the body’s calcium demands. The product also fills 4 percent of the individuals’ Vitamin C demands. In our current society, the milk fortification significantly meets the real public’s healthcare needs. The person’s drinking the Kroger milk assures the individual that he or she knows the quantity of vitamins and other nutrients. Likewise, the product description helps the customers to learn that he or she needs a minimum level of vitamins in order to maintain a healthy physical condition. Further, the milk fortifications were done to help the milk consumers retain a healthy lifestyle. First, vitamins and other nutrients are added to help the body absorb foods consumed by the body.